Hartford Area ITS Architecture Update

Inventory by Entity

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The Hartford ITS element inventory is made up of the transportation and communications centers, the field equipment, the vehicles, and the traveler systems in Hartford. Entities represent the library of ITS types from which specific stakeholder ITS elements can be assigned to inherit characteristics. The following table sorts the Hartford stakeholder ITS element inventory by generic National ITS Architecture entity. This sorts Hartford ITS elements that perform similar functions together, so that stakeholder ITS elements of a particular or similar type can be easily identified.

Archived Data Management
CRCOG Regional Traffic Count DatabaseMaintained by the CRCOG, regional traffic counts for the Greater Hartford area.
CRCOG Transit Data RepositoryCentralized transit information database for regional sharing
CTDOT CT Statewide Crash Records DatabaseStatewide crash records. Currently maintained on a ConnDOT mainframe.
CTDOT Public Transportation Management SystemCentral database to maintains databases for transit ridership, vehicle mileage, and transit vehicle maintenance records.
CTtransit Ridership DatabaseCT Transit ridership database. Data pulled down from fareboxes.
GHTD Ridership DatabaseGreater Hartford Transit District ridership database.
MTD Ridership DatabaseMilford Transit District transit ridership database.
Other Public Transportation Providers Ridership DatabasesRepresents ridership databases for other publuc transportation providers.
RiverCOG Traffic Count DatabaseMaintained by the CRCOG, regional traffic counts for the Midstate Regional Planning Agency.
Commercial Vehicle
Commercial VehiclesPrivately owned commercial vehicles. Included in the architecture to cover HAZMAT incident reporting.
Commercial Vehicle Administration
Municipal or Regional Permitting SystemCVO HAZMAT, OS/OW permitting process.
Emergency Management
Capitol Region TOCThe Capitol Regional Traffic Operations Center (RTOC) will be a regionally operated TOC where ConnDOT and municipalities can centralize signal system monitoring and control and share resources. The operations center may be a singular location where municipalities throughout the region can effectively monitor and operate their advanced signals systems while minimizing operational effort by spreading responsibilities across pooled operators
CAPTAIN SystemThe CAPTAIN system supports emergency vehicle to emergency vehicle communications.
City of Hartford Fire Alarms and Signals DivisionDispatch function for Hartford Fire Department.
City of Hartford Public Safety DispatchDispatch function for the Hartford Police Department.
CSP Office of Administrative ServicesConnecticut State Police function in the region that collects crash information for forwarding to statewide system.
CSP Troop H DispatchDispatches State Police Vehicles using two-way radio communication. Responsible for regional evacuation.
CT Department of Environmental ProtectionProvides permitting for HAZMAT and environmental monitoring.
CTDOT TMC NewingtonOperates and manages ConnDOT's ITS field devices, including traffic signals, vehicle detectors, CCTV, DMS, and environmental sensors.
CTtransit Operations CenterFixed route dispatch functions for CT Transit. Includes computer-aided dispatch and radio communication with buses. Also, operators whose function is to answer telephone calls regarding transit traveler traveler queries about routing, schedule and fares. CT Transit is the hub for gathering information (from other transit properties) to TRIPS123.
Hartford EOCEmergency Operations Center (EOC) for the Greater Hartford area.
Municipal EOCGeneric municipal emergency operations center (EOC). Represents the EOC in each municipality in the region.
Municipal Fire DispatchMunicipal public dispatch center for fire, and EMS for municipalities in the region.
Municipal or Regional Public Safety DispatchMunicipal public dispatch center for police and PSAPs for municipalities in the region.
North Central CMED DispatchRegional emergency medical service (ambulance) dispatch.
Private Ambulance DispatchDispatch functions for private ambulance companies in the region.
Private Tow/Wrecker DispatchDispatch function for privately owned tow or wrecker service. Based on a rotation list.
State Office of Emergency ManagementStatewide Emergency Operations Center
Tolland County Public Safety DispatchPublic safety dispatch center for Tolland county.
Emergency Vehicle
City of Hartford Fire VehiclesRepresents the ITS equipment on City of Hartford Fire Department vehicles.
City of Hartford Police VehiclesRepresents the ITS equipment (e.g. mobile data terminals) in City of Hartford police vehicles.
CSP Emergency VehiclesHighway Patrol vehicles that provide public safety services on state owned roads and highways.
CTDOT CHAMP VehicleThe CHAMP (Connecticut Highway Assistance Motorist Patrol) program is a roadway service patrol operated by Connecticut Department of Transportation in the Greater Hartford Area and along the I-95 Corridor from the New York State Line in Greenwich through Branford.
Municipal Fire VehiclesMunicipal fire vehicles.
Municipal Police VehiclesMunicipal emergency vehicles including police, fire, and EMS.
Municipal PWD VehiclesThe maintenance vehicles that are dispatch by municipal maintenance organizations.
Private Ambulance VehicleThe vehicles dispatched by private ambulance companies.
Private Tow/Wrecker VehiclesThe tow or wrecker vehicles in the region.
Regional Medical EMS VehiclesRepresents the ITS equipment (e.g. mobile data terminals) in the Regional Medical Center EMS vehicles.
Emissions Management
Capitol Region TOCThe Capitol Regional Traffic Operations Center (RTOC) will be a regionally operated TOC where ConnDOT and municipalities can centralize signal system monitoring and control and share resources. The operations center may be a singular location where municipalities throughout the region can effectively monitor and operate their advanced signals systems while minimizing operational effort by spreading responsibilities across pooled operators
CTDOT TMC NewingtonOperates and manages ConnDOT's ITS field devices, including traffic signals, vehicle detectors, CCTV, DMS, and environmental sensors.
Fleet and Freight Management
Private Fleet Management SystemsIncludes private commercial fleet management operations in the region.
Rail Operations CentersThe dispatch centers for major railroads in the region.
Information Service Provider
City of Hartford WebsiteContains information regarding the Greater Hartford area, including roadway construction. In the future, tied in to AVL to provide customers with real time information and potentially to allow online reservations of trips.
CTDOT 511 SystemPlanned statewide phone based traveler information system.
CTDOT Office of CommunicationsConnDOT office responsible for public relations and communications.
CTDOT Web PageTransportation information web page for ConnDOT. Includes real-time construction, work zone, special event, incident, and traffic information.
CTRIDES.COMWebsite providing public transit information for the state of Connecticut. In the future, will be interactive, including fixed route schedules, ride-share matching, and other public transit information.
CTtransit WebsiteInclude CT Transit schedules and bus routes. Will include bus vehicle locations (future).
GHTD Transit WebsiteTransit and Paratransit schedule and fare information. In the future, tied into AVL for real time schedules and possibly traveler information services. www.hartfordtransit.org.
MTD WebsiteTransit and Paratransit schedule and fare information. In the future, tied into AVL for real time schedules and possibly traveler information services.
Municipal Traveler Information WebsitesWeb sites providing traveler information, such as road network conditions, construction schedules, and transit information.
Other Public Transportation Providers WebsitesTransit and Paratransit schedule and fare information.
Private Sector Traveler Information ServicesPrivate traveler information providers serving the region. This element could, in the future, provide support to the National Traveler Information 511 number since it collects information from a broad array of operating centers. Could also include websites of local media.
Rideshare WebsiteRideshare information web site and traveler information.
Service AgenciesRepresents the various social service agencies operated by the State of Connecticut.
TRANSCOM OpenReach ServersThe TRANSCOM regional architecture (TRA) is a program. It coordinates the collection and redistribution of traffic flow, origin-destination, incident, construction, equipment status and special event information data between transportation management centers running the TRANSCOM regional architecture. Both highway and transit facility data is distributed via TRA.
Maintenance and Construction Management
Capitol Region TOCThe Capitol Regional Traffic Operations Center (RTOC) will be a regionally operated TOC where ConnDOT and municipalities can centralize signal system monitoring and control and share resources. The operations center may be a singular location where municipalities throughout the region can effectively monitor and operate their advanced signals systems while minimizing operational effort by spreading responsibilities across pooled operators
City of Hartford Fire Alarms and Signals DivisionDispatch function for Hartford Fire Department.
City of Hartford Public WorksRepresents the City of Hartford Public Works divisions that perform maintenance and construction.
City of Hartford Traffic Operations CenterTraffic Operations Center (TOC) operated by the City of Hartford to manage its ITS roadway devices, including traffic signals, vehicle detectors, dynamic message signs (future), CCTV (future), environmental sensors, and school pager systems. Currently at maintenance shop. In future will be managed out of engineering.
CTDOT Maintenance District 1ConnDOT maintenance sections for dispatching maintenance vehicles and equipment for maintaining road and ITS equipment owned by ConnDOT.
CTDOT Storm CenterConnDOT center that is operated during bad weather conditions.
CTDOT TMC NewingtonOperates and manages ConnDOT's ITS field devices, including traffic signals, vehicle detectors, CCTV, DMS, and environmental sensors.
Hartford Regional Traffic Signal Asset Management SystemThis regional asset management system will keep track of traffic signals, their components and the condition of each component. The asset management system will be available to municipalities and coordinated with CTDOT's asset management intuitive.
MDC DispatchMaintenance and construction dispatch center for the Metropolitan District Commission.
Municipal Fire DispatchMunicipal public dispatch center for fire, and EMS for municipalities in the region.
Municipal PWDMunicipal maintenance and construction agency.
Other States Maintenance SectionsMaintenance sections in neighboring regions or states.
Private Maintenance ContractorPrivate maintenance contractor for maintaining the roadways and ITS equipment.
Maintenance and Construction Vehicle
City of Hartford Fire Alarms and Signals Division Maintenance VehiclesMaintenance vehicles for fire alarms and traffic signals division of City of Hartford Fire Department.
City of Hartford Public Works VehiclesThe maintenance vehicles that are dispatch by the City of Hartford's Public Works Department.
CTDOT Maintenance VehiclesThe maintenance vehicles that are dispatch by ConnDOT maintenance.
Municipal PWD VehiclesThe maintenance vehicles that are dispatch by municipal maintenance organizations.
Parking Management
CTDOT Park-And-Ride LotsConnDOT operated parking facilities.
Municipal and Regional Parking FacilitiesMunicipal and regional parking facilities.
Personal Information Access
Private Travelers Personal Computing DevicesIncludes personal and office computers, pagers, and handheld devices used by travelers to receive ITS information.
Remote Traveler Support
CTtransit KiosksFuture kiosks to provide real-time transit information.
CTtransit StationsCT Transit bus stations.
City of Hartford CCTVClosed Circuit Television devices that are operated and maintained by the City of Hartford.
City of Hartford DMSRepresents the City of Hartford's roadway dynamic message signs (DMS). This includes fixed, portable and speed DMSs.
City of Hartford Lane Control SignalsLane control signals for reversible lanes, on the surface streets in the City of Hartford.
City of Hartford RWISCity of Hartford road weather information system.
City of Hartford Traffic SignalsRepresents the roadway traffic signal devices that are owned and operated by the City of Hartford.
City of Hartford Vehicle DetectorsRepresents vehicle detectors owned by the City of Hartford. Includes loop detectors, etc.
City of Hartford Work Zone EquipmentPortable dynamic message signs, highway advisory radio, and devices used around work zones or construction areas operated by the City of Hartford.
CTDOT Anti-Icing EquipmentAnti-icing field equipment which monitors the roadway for freezing conditions and may provide automated treatment of roadway.
CTDOT CCTVClosed Circuit Television devices that are operated and maintained by ConnDOT.
CTDOT DMS / HARDynamic Message Signs operated and maintained by ConnDOT. Includes: portable DMS, permanent DMS, and speed warning signs.
CTDOT ESS SensorsEnvironmental sensors deployed in heavily congested areas to measure baseline emissions and future emissions reductions.
CTDOT HOV Control SystemITS field equipment to manage High Occupancy Vehicle lanes.
CTDOT Ramp MetersFreeway lane control signals operated by ConnDOT
CTDOT RWIS SensorsRoadway sensors. System includes monitoring and alerting functions, and may be interconnected with other roadway equipment such as DMS to alert motorists.
CTDOT Traffic SignalsTraffic signals in the district owned and operated by ConnDOT.
CTDOT TRANSMIT Field SensorsTransponder readers.
CTDOT Variable Speed Limit SignsVariable Speed Limit Signs deployed and controlled by ConnDOT
CTDOT Vehicle DetectorsTraffic vehicle sensors, including loops, VIVDS, and microwave detectors owned by ConnDOT.
CTDOT Work Zone EquipmentWork zone monitoring and alerting equipment owned by ConnDOT. Also portable CMS. Possibly portable CCTV and HAR.
Municipal CCTV CamerasRepresents ITS roadway devices that are owned and operated by the smaller municipalities in the Greater Hartford area.
Municipal DMSMunicipally owned and/or operated dynamic message signs.
Municipal RWISMunicipal owned and/or operated road weather information system.
Municipal Speed Monitoring EquipmentSpeed monitoring equipment, such as driver feedback speed signs, owned and/or operated by municipalities.
Municipal Traffic SignalsMunicipal owned and/or operated traffic signal control field equipment.
Municipal Vehicle DetectorsMunicipal vehicle sensors.
Municipal Work Zone EquipmentWork zone monitoring and alerting equipment owned by the municipalities. Also portable CMS. Possibly portable CCTV and HAR.
Private Field EquipmentRepresents field equipment deployed by private 3rd party data providers, such as Bluetooth readers to provide travel times.
Security Monitoring
CTDOT Infrastructure Monitoring Equipment
Traffic Management
Capitol Region TOCThe Capitol Regional Traffic Operations Center (RTOC) will be a regionally operated TOC where ConnDOT and municipalities can centralize signal system monitoring and control and share resources. The operations center may be a singular location where municipalities throughout the region can effectively monitor and operate their advanced signals systems while minimizing operational effort by spreading responsibilities across pooled operators
City of Hartford Traffic Operations CenterTraffic Operations Center (TOC) operated by the City of Hartford to manage its ITS roadway devices, including traffic signals, vehicle detectors, dynamic message signs (future), CCTV (future), environmental sensors, and school pager systems. Currently at maintenance shop. In future will be managed out of engineering.
CSP Message CenterThis element provides/initiates Amber Alert in Connecticut from the Connecticut State Police
CTDOT TMC BridgeportConnDOT traffic management center located in Bridgeport.
CTDOT TMC NewingtonOperates and manages ConnDOT's ITS field devices, including traffic signals, vehicle detectors, CCTV, DMS, and environmental sensors.
Municipal Traffic Operations CenterTraffic management center responsible for monitoring and operating a municipality's ITS field equipment, such as traffic signals. Represents cities such as Bristol and New Britain.
Other States TMCsTraffic Management Centers in other States.
TRANSCOM OpenReach ServersThe TRANSCOM regional architecture (TRA) is a program. It coordinates the collection and redistribution of traffic flow, origin-destination, incident, construction, equipment status and special event information data between transportation management centers running the TRANSCOM regional architecture. Both highway and transit facility data is distributed via TRA.
Transit Management
Amtrak Operations CenterTrain control center for Amtrak service.
CTtransit Operations CenterFixed route dispatch functions for CT Transit. Includes computer-aided dispatch and radio communication with buses. Also, operators whose function is to answer telephone calls regarding transit traveler traveler queries about routing, schedule and fares. CT Transit is the hub for gathering information (from other transit properties) to TRIPS123.
GHTD Transit DispatchParatransit dispatch functions for the Greater Hartford Transit District. Includes computer-aided dispatch, AVL, IVR and radio communication with buses. AVL and IVR are also used to inform customers of expected bus arrival time.
Hartford Fare Management SystemCentral fare management system to process interagency transfers and transit passes
Independent School District DispatchDispatch function for each of the Independent School Districts throughout the region. Includes radio communication with school buses.
MTD Transit DispatchFixed route and paratransit dispatch functions for the Milford Transit District. Includes computer-aided dispatch and radio communication with buses.
Other Public Transportation Providers Transit DispatchFixed route and paratransit dispatch functions for other public transportation providers.
Other Transit SystemsRepresents other transit systems operating outside the region.
Private Taxi Provider DispatchDispatch function for private taxi providers.
Private Transit SystemsCharters, airport shuttle services, Greyhound
Rideshare Call CenterCall center for transit information, including rideshare services. Provides dispatch functions for the vanpools.
Transit Vehicle
CTfastrak VehiclesCTfastrak is a Bus Rapid Transit system that will serve travelers in central Connecticut. It includes a 9.4-mile guideway dedicated to buses that will serve as the spine of the CTfastrak system. The system includes modern bus rapid transit vehicles with the latest environmentally-friendly technologies, including WiFi. These vehicles are differentiated from other CT Transit vehicles because of improved ITS capability.
CTtransit VehiclesFixed route transit vehicles operated by the CT Transit.
GHTD Paratransit VehiclesParatransit vehicles operated by the Greater Hartford Transit District.
Independent School District BusesThe buses owned and operated by the various independent school districts in the region.
MTD Transit VehiclesFixed route transit and paratransit vehicles operated by the Milford Transit District.
Other Public Transportation Providers Transit VehiclesDemand response vehicles operated by the other regional public transportation providers.
Private Transit VehiclesPrivate operated transit providers transit vehicles.
Rideshare VansVans operated by Rideshare. Drivers are volunteers.
Commercial VehiclesPrivately owned commercial vehicles. Included in the architecture to cover HAZMAT incident reporting.
Private VehiclesVehicles owned by private individuals in the area.
Alerting and Advisory Systems
CT Division of Homeland SecurityConnecticut State agency responsible for statewide response to security and emergency threats.
Archived Data User Systems
Archived Data UsersMPO Archive Data User.
CTDOT CT Crash Records Database UsersConnecticut statewide crash records database.
Rail Operations CentersThe dispatch centers for major railroads in the region.
Transit Database UsersUsers of the archived transit databases.
Care Facility
Regional Medical CenterIncludes regional hospitals.
Enforcement Agency
City of Hartford Public Safety DispatchDispatch function for the Hartford Police Department.
CSP Troop H DispatchDispatches State Police Vehicles using two-way radio communication. Responsible for regional evacuation.
Equipment Repair Facility
City of Hartford Equipment RepairRepresents the facilities owned by the City of Hartford that configure, service, and repair vehicles and other support equipment used in roadway infrastructure construction and maintenance.
CTDOT ShopThis facility provides repair and maintenance services for ConnDOT maintenance vehicles and equipment (e.g. portable DMS).
Municipal GaragesMunicipal vehicle maintenance facilities.
Event Promoters
City of Hartford Event CommitteePlanned event information provider.
State Traffic CommissionMunicipal Convention and Visitors Bureau has information on upcoming events in the region.
Financial Institution
Financial InstitutionRepresents the financial institutions the regional transit agencies will use as part of electronic fare payment systems.
Local Print and Broadcast MediaLocal TV (including cable TV), radio (e.g. 560KLVI), and newspapers.
Multimodal Transportation Service Provider
Amtrak TerminalAmtrak passenger terminal.
Other Emergency Management
CAPTAIN SystemThe CAPTAIN system supports emergency vehicle to emergency vehicle communications.
City of Hartford Fire Alarms and Signals DivisionDispatch function for Hartford Fire Department.
City of Hartford Public Safety DispatchDispatch function for the Hartford Police Department.
CSP Message CenterThis element provides/initiates Amber Alert in Connecticut from the Connecticut State Police
CSP Office of Administrative ServicesConnecticut State Police function in the region that collects crash information for forwarding to statewide system.
CSP Troop H DispatchDispatches State Police Vehicles using two-way radio communication. Responsible for regional evacuation.
CT Department of Environmental ProtectionProvides permitting for HAZMAT and environmental monitoring.
Greater Hartford Region Incident and Mutual Aid NetworkRegional public safety communications network.
Hartford EOCEmergency Operations Center (EOC) for the Greater Hartford area.
Municipal EOCGeneric municipal emergency operations center (EOC). Represents the EOC in each municipality in the region.
Municipal Fire DispatchMunicipal public dispatch center for fire, and EMS for municipalities in the region.
Municipal or Regional Public Safety DispatchMunicipal public dispatch center for police and PSAPs for municipalities in the region.
North Central CMED DispatchRegional emergency medical service (ambulance) dispatch.
Private Ambulance DispatchDispatch functions for private ambulance companies in the region.
Private Tow/Wrecker DispatchDispatch function for privately owned tow or wrecker service. Based on a rotation list.
State Office of Emergency ManagementStatewide Emergency Operations Center
Tolland County Public Safety DispatchPublic safety dispatch center for Tolland county.
Other MCM
City of Hartford Fire Alarms and Signals DivisionDispatch function for Hartford Fire Department.
City of Hartford Public WorksRepresents the City of Hartford Public Works divisions that perform maintenance and construction.
CTDOT Maintenance District 1ConnDOT maintenance sections for dispatching maintenance vehicles and equipment for maintaining road and ITS equipment owned by ConnDOT.
MDC DispatchMaintenance and construction dispatch center for the Metropolitan District Commission.
Municipal Fire DispatchMunicipal public dispatch center for fire, and EMS for municipalities in the region.
Municipal PWDMunicipal maintenance and construction agency.
Other States Maintenance SectionsMaintenance sections in neighboring regions or states.
Private Maintenance ContractorPrivate maintenance contractor for maintaining the roadways and ITS equipment.
Other Traffic Management
CSP Message CenterThis element provides/initiates Amber Alert in Connecticut from the Connecticut State Police
CTDOT TMC NewingtonOperates and manages ConnDOT's ITS field devices, including traffic signals, vehicle detectors, CCTV, DMS, and environmental sensors.
Municipal Traffic Operations CenterTraffic management center responsible for monitoring and operating a municipality's ITS field equipment, such as traffic signals. Represents cities such as Bristol and New Britain.
Other Municipal Traffic Operations CenterRepresents other traffic management centers responsible for monitoring and operating a municipality's ITS field equipment, such as traffic signals. Represents cities such as Bristol and New Britain.
Other States TMCsTraffic Management Centers in other States.
Rail Operations
Rail Operations CentersThe dispatch centers for major railroads in the region.
Traveler Card
City of Hartford Regional Smart CardSmart Card used for Transit and other electronic systems.
Regional Transit CardFuture electronic payment card
Wayside Equipment
Rail Operators Wayside EquipmentThe rail operated equipment at highway rail intersections. Interconnect with traffic control.
Weather Service
DTN Weather ServicePrivate weather service provider.
Weather ServicesNational service for national, regional, and local weather information.