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Roadway Probe Beacons Equipment Package

Architecture Geographic Scope


This Equipment package monitors traffic and road conditions by collecting information from passing vehicles that are equipped with a transponder or other short range communications device. The probe data collected by this equipment package may include link travel times, average speeds, road conditions, and any other data that can be measured and communicated by passing vehicles. This equipment package consists of roadside equipment that communicates with passing vehicles using dedicated short range communications, collects the information provided by the vehicles, and forwards this information back to the Traffic Management Subsystem.


Included in:

City of Laredo Bridge System Field Equipment
TxDOT Laredo Toll Tag Readers


1.1.6Collect Vehicle Probe Data

User Service Requirements (fully or partially addressed):

1.6.2TC shall include a Traffic Surveillance function. Surveillance shall include a data collect function to provide the capability to collect data for determining traffic flow and prediction. shall provide the capability to acquire detailed traffic measurements at specific locations. Surveillance shall include a data process function to process the traffic data which are acquired. data process function shall combine and process traffic data from multiple sources and times in order to improve the accuracy of the view of the current traffic condition.
The detailed process and user service requirement traceability information on this page was extracted from the National ITS Architecture. Consult the National ITS Architecture web site for more information.

Last updated on 06-14-2003 using Ronald C. Ice and Associates Web Spinner Technology.