About this Web Site The purpose of the Texas Regional Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Architectures web site is to make the regional architectures easily accessible. During the architecture development process the website is used to present drafts of the architecture and gather feedback from stakeholders. At the completion of the development, the website continues to make the architecture readily available and encourages its use by regional stakeholders as they implement ITS projects. Regional ITS Architecure Development Process Beginning in 2002 in Amarillo, Texas, staff from ConSysTec and the prime contractor Kimley-Horn and Associates began to conduct a series of workshops to develop regional ITS architectures and deployment plans for regions around the state. At this time 23 regional ITS architectures have been developed in Texas. The most recently completed ITS architecture in Texas was Eagle Pass, which was completed in October, 2013 with prime contractor AECOM Technical Services. These regions, and the completion dates for their respective architectures, are identified as follows:
Prior to the stakeholder workshops, the consultant team collected available documentation on regional ITS architectures that may have already been developed in each region as well as available documentation and other information on existing and future ITS deployments. This information was used to begin the process of developing a regional ITS architecture with the stakeholders of the region. The focus of each regional ITS architecture was to identify communication information exchange requirements between specific ITS elements in that region. Having collected and assimilated information about each region into a draft Turbo Architecture database, the consultant team led a workshop in each region with stakeholders from traffic management, emergency management, transit, and other local agency representatives. The workshop allowed the consultants to customize market packages to document existing and planned systems as well as ITS solutions for regional needs in a group setting that facilitated coordination. The customization process identifies information exchanges and exchange requirements between ITS elements (and therefore ITS stakeholders) at the architecture flow level. The objective of each regional ITS architecture developed through this program is to meet the federal requirements to use federal transportation funding on ITS projects and provide a long range vision for ITS that stakeholders can use as a planning tool. The federal requirements were established in the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) and continued in the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) signed in 2005. According to the regulations, a project must be included in a regional ITS architecture in order for federal funding to be used on the project Last updated on 10-17-2013. |