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Traffic and Roadside Data Archival Equipment Package

Architecture Geographic Scope


This equipment package collects and archives traffic, roadway, and environmental information for use in off-line planning, research, and analysis. The equipment package controls and collects information directly from equipment at the roadside, reflecting the deployment of traffic detectors that are used primarily for traffic monitoring and planning purposes rather than for traffic management.


Included in:

City of Laredo Traffic Archived Data Management System
TAMIU Archive
TxDOT Courtesy Service Patrol Archive
TxDOT Crash Records Information System
TxDOT Laredo Archived Data Management System


8.9Manage Roadside Data Collection

User Service Requirements (fully or partially addressed):

7.1.0ITS shall provide an Archived Data Function to control the archiving and distribution of ITS data. The Archived Data User Service provides the Historical Data Archive Repositories and controls the archiving functionality for all ITS data with five major functions: 1) the Operational Data Control function to manage operations data integrity; 2) the Data Import and Verification function to acquire historical data from the Operational Data Control function; 3) the Automatic Data Historical Archive function for permanently archiving the data; 4) the Data Warehouse Distribution function, which integrates the planning, safety, operations, and research communities into ITS and processes data products for these communities; and 5) the ITS Community Interface which provides the ITS common interface to all ITS users for data products specification and retrieval. ADUS helps achieve the ITS information goal of unambiguous interchange and reuse of data and information throughout all functional areas.
7.1.2The Archived Data Function shall include an Operational Data Control (ODC) function to ensure integrity of operational data as received from field equipment or data collection devices. shall be capable of receiving and storing all ITS operational data, as received from the source. shall ensure ITS operational data are in proper format. shall maintain the meta data schema for all ITS data entering the system. shall be capable of assigning the following meta attributes, when available, to ITS operational data during the archive process. equipment used to collect the data. conditions under which the data were collected. status of the equipment at the time of collection.
7.1.3The Archived Data Function shall include a Data Import and Verification (DIV) function to acquire historical data from the Operational Data Control function. shall be capable of importing selected ITS Operational data from the ITS Operational Repositories. shall be capable of importing ITS Freeway Operations data to include: traffic flow surveillance data. meter operational data. shall be capable of importing ITS Arterial data to include: traffic flow surveillance data. shall be capable of importing ITS Environmental data to include: data.
The detailed process and user service requirement traceability information on this page was extracted from the National ITS Architecture. Consult the National ITS Architecture web site for more information.

Last updated on 06-14-2003 using Ronald C. Ice and Associates Web Spinner Technology.