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Interface: TxDOT Laredo TMC - STRATIS To TxDOT Laredo Traffic Signals

Architecture Geographic Scope

TxDOT Laredo TMC - STRATIS to TxDOT Laredo Traffic Signals Interface Diagram


Architecture Flow Definitions

hri control data   (Existing)   No Applicable ITS Standards

Data required for HRI information transmitted at railroad grade crossings and within railroad operations.


hri request   (Existing)   No Applicable ITS Standards

A request for highway-rail intersection status or a specific control request intended to modify HRI operation.


hri status   (Existing)   No Applicable ITS Standards

Status of the highway-rail intersection equipment including both the current state or mode of operation and the current equipment condition.


request for right-of-way   (Existing)   Applicable ITS Standards

Forwarded request from signal prioritization, signal preemption, pedestrian call, multi-modal crossing activation, or other source for right-of-way.


signal control data   (Existing)   Applicable ITS Standards

Information used to configure and control traffic signal systems.


signal control status   (Existing)   Applicable ITS Standards

Status of surface street signal controls.


Last updated on 06-14-2003 using Ronald C. Ice and Associates Web Spinner Technology.