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Interface: TxDOT Courtesy Service Patrol Archive To TxDOT Courtesy Service Patrol Dispatch

Architecture Geographic Scope

TxDOT Courtesy Service Patrol Archive to TxDOT Courtesy Service Patrol Dispatch Interface Diagram


Architecture Flow Definitions

archive requests   (Future)   Applicable ITS Standards

A request to a data source for information on available data (i.e. "catalog") or a request that defines the data to be archived. The request can be a general subscription intended to initiate a continuous or regular data stream or a specific request intended to initiate a one-time response from the recipient.


archive status   (Future)   Applicable ITS Standards

Notification that data provided to an archive contains erroneous, missing, or suspicious data or verification that the data provided appears valid. If an error has been detected, the offending data and the nature of the potential problem are identified.


courtesy service patrol archive data   (Future)   No Applicable ITS Standards

Archive data about courtesy service patrol help provided including: time and date of service, type of service, patrol vehicle number and driver.


Last updated on 06-14-2003 using Ronald C. Ice and Associates Web Spinner Technology.