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Interface: Rail Cars To US Border Patrol Dispatch Center

Architecture Geographic Scope

Rail Cars to US Border Patrol Dispatch Center Interface Diagram


Architecture Flow Definitions

emergency acknowledge   (Future)   Applicable ITS Standards

Acknowledge request for emergency assistance and provide additional details regarding actions and verification requirements.


emergency data request   (Future)   Applicable ITS Standards

A request for additional information or a control command issued by the emergency response agency in response to an emergency request for assistance from a traveler.


emergency notification   (Future)   Applicable ITS Standards

An emergency request for assistance originated by a traveler using an in-vehicle, public access, or personal device.


hazmat spill notification   (Future)   No Applicable ITS Standards

This data flow is used by the on-board cargo monitoring equipment package to contact emergency response organizations when the cargo sensors detect a release of hazardous material. This information will include the vehicle location discussed above as well as identifying the carrier. The information may be provided as a response to a real-time query or proactively by the source. The query flow is not explicitly shown.


Last updated on 06-14-2003 using Ronald C. Ice and Associates Web Spinner Technology.