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Fleet Credentials and Taxes Management and Reporting Equipment Package

Architecture Geographic Scope


This Equipment package provides the Fleet and Freight Management Subsystem the capabilities to purchase credentials and file trip reports electronically by the fleet managers, to perform automated enrollment at the roadside facilities, and electronically manage the credentials checking by the roadside commercial vehicle inspectors. The electronic purchase shall be performed in accordance with developing standards such that a single integrated system for electronic payments might develop ensuring that deployment across multiple agency political boundaries is performed without degradation. Inherent to credential management shall be the management of the vehicles, with a prerequisite of the vehicle tracking software from the Fleet Administration Equipment package.


Included in:

Private Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management


2.1.1Manage Commercial Fleet Electronic Credentials and Tax Filing
2.1.3Provide Flt Mgr Electronic Credentials and Tax Filing Interface
2.2.1Manage CV Electronic Credential and Tax Filing Interface

User Service Requirements (fully or partially addressed):

4.4.1CVAP shall include an Electronic Purchase Of Credentials (EPC) function with capabilities that include but are not limited to the following:
4.4.1(e)Specific Situation Permits.
4.4.1(f)Electronic Payment.
4.4.1(g)Automated Processing of Applications.
4.6.1CFM shall include the capability for users to provide commercial drivers and dispatchers with real-time routing information in response to congestion or incidents.
4.6.2CFM shall provide the capability for real-time communication between the following:
The detailed process and user service requirement traceability information on this page was extracted from the National ITS Architecture. Consult the National ITS Architecture web site for more information.

Last updated on 01-22-2003 using Ronald C. Ice and Associates Web Spinner Technology.