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ITE TM 1.03: Standard for Functional Level Traffic Management Data Dictionary (TMDD)

Architecture Geographic Scope
Source Element Destination Element Flow
Amarillo City Transit System Dispatch Center City of Amarillo Maintenance current asset restrictions
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center road network conditions
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center traffic control priority status
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
TxDOT Amarillo TMC traffic control priority status
TxDOT Urban Maintenance Sections current asset restrictions
Amarillo/Potter/Randall EOC City of Amarillo Maintenance incident information
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center incident information
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center road network conditions
County Road and Bridge incident information
Private Maintenance Dispatchers incident information
TxDOT Amarillo District Office incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
TxDOT Area Engineering incident information
TxDOT Rural Maintenance Sections incident information
City of Amarillo Fire Dispatch City of Amarillo Maintenance current asset restrictions
City of Amarillo Maintenance incident information
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center emergency traffic control response
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center incident information
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center road network conditions
TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
TxDOT Urban Maintenance Sections incident information
City of Amarillo Maintenance City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center field equipment status
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center incident information
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center maint and constr resource request
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center road network conditions
TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC maint and constr resource request
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
City of Amarillo Police Dispatch City of Amarillo Maintenance incident information
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center incident information
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center road network conditions
TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
TxDOT Urban Maintenance Sections incident information
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center Amarillo City Transit System Dispatch Center request for road network conditions
Amarillo Convention and Visitors Bureau Scheduling event plans
City of Amarillo Fire Dispatch remote surveillance control
City of Amarillo Maintenance incident information
City of Amarillo Maintenance maint and constr resource response
County Road and Bridge incident information
County Road and Bridge maint and constr resource response
Independent School District Transit Dispatch request for road network conditions
Local Venue Event Scheduling System event plans
Panhandle Transit Dispatch request for road network conditions
Print and Broadcast Media media information request
TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
TxDOT Amarillo TMC traffic control coordination
TxDOT Amarillo TMC traffic information coordination
TxDOT TMC Amarillo District Webpage request for road network conditions
County Road and Bridge City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center incident information
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center maint and constr resource request
TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC maint and constr resource request
DPS Communications Service City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center incident information
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center road network conditions
County Road and Bridge incident information
Other TxDOT District TMCs road network conditions
TxDOT Amarillo District Office incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
TxDOT Area Engineering incident information
TxDOT Rural Maintenance Sections incident information
TxDOT Urban Maintenance Sections incident information
Independent School District Transit Dispatch City of Amarillo Maintenance current asset restrictions
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center road network conditions
County Road and Bridge current asset restrictions
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
TxDOT Urban Maintenance Sections current asset restrictions
Local City/County EOC County Road and Bridge incident information
Other TxDOT District TMCs road network conditions
TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
TxDOT Rural Maintenance Sections incident information
Local Law Enforcement Dispatch City of Amarillo Maintenance incident information
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center incident information
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center road network conditions
County Road and Bridge incident information
Other States Maintenance Sections incident information
Other States TMCs road network conditions
Other TxDOT District TMCs road network conditions
Private Maintenance Dispatchers incident information
TxDOT Amarillo District Office incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
TxDOT Area Engineering incident information
TxDOT Rural Maintenance Sections incident information
TxDOT Urban Maintenance Sections incident information
Other Public Safety Comm, Dispatch Centers and EOCs TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
Other States EMS TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
Other States Maintenance Sections TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
Other States TMCs TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC traffic information coordination
TxDOT TMC Amarillo District Webpage request for road network conditions
Other TxDOT District TMCs TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC traffic control coordination
TxDOT Amarillo TMC traffic information coordination
TxDOT TMC Amarillo District Webpage request for road network conditions
Panhandle Emergency Medical Services System (PEMSS) City of Amarillo Maintenance current asset restrictions
City of Amarillo Maintenance incident information
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center incident information
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center road network conditions
County Road and Bridge incident information
Other States Maintenance Sections incident information
Other TxDOT District TMCs road network conditions
Private Maintenance Dispatchers incident information
TxDOT Amarillo District Office incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
TxDOT Area Engineering incident information
TxDOT Urban Maintenance Sections current asset restrictions
TxDOT Urban Maintenance Sections incident information
Panhandle Transit Dispatch City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center road network conditions
County Road and Bridge current asset restrictions
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
TxDOT Rural Maintenance Sections current asset restrictions
TxDOT Urban Maintenance Sections current asset restrictions
Pantex EOC City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center incident information
County Road and Bridge incident information
TxDOT Amarillo District Office incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
TxDOT Area Engineering incident information
Print and Broadcast Media City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center road network conditions
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
Prison Operations Centers City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center incident information
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center road network conditions
TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
Private Maintenance Dispatchers TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC maint and constr resource request
Private Sector Traveler Information Services City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center road network conditions
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
Private Tow/Wrecker Dispatch City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center incident information
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center road network conditions
TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
Private Vehicle Emergency Systems City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center road network conditions
TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
State EOC TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
TxDOT Amarillo District Office TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC Amarillo City Transit System Dispatch Center request for road network conditions
Amarillo Convention and Visitors Bureau Scheduling event plans
City of Amarillo Maintenance current asset restrictions
City of Amarillo Maintenance incident information
City of Amarillo Maintenance maint and constr resource response
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center incident information
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center traffic control coordination
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center traffic information coordination
County Road and Bridge current asset restrictions
County Road and Bridge incident information
County Road and Bridge maint and constr resource response
DPS Communications Service remote surveillance control
Independent School District Transit Dispatch request for road network conditions
Local Venue Event Scheduling System event plans
Other States Maintenance Sections incident information
Other States TMCs incident information
Other States TMCs road network conditions
Other States TMCs traffic information coordination
Other TxDOT District TMCs incident information
Other TxDOT District TMCs road network conditions
Other TxDOT District TMCs traffic control coordination
Other TxDOT District TMCs traffic information coordination
Panhandle Transit Dispatch request for road network conditions
Print and Broadcast Media media information request
Private Maintenance Dispatchers incident information
Private Maintenance Dispatchers maint and constr resource response
TxDOT Amarillo District Office incident information
TxDOT Area Engineering incident information
TxDOT Courtesy Service Patrol Dispatch remote surveillance control
TxDOT Motor Carrier Routing Information request for road network conditions
TxDOT Rural Maintenance Sections current asset restrictions
TxDOT Rural Maintenance Sections incident information
TxDOT Rural Maintenance Sections maint and constr resource response
TxDOT TMC Amarillo District Webpage request for road network conditions
TxDOT Urban Maintenance Sections current asset restrictions
TxDOT Urban Maintenance Sections incident information
TxDOT Urban Maintenance Sections maint and constr resource response
TxDOT Area Engineering TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Courtesy Service Patrol Dispatch City of Amarillo Maintenance incident information
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center incident information
City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center road network conditions
TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
TxDOT Area Engineering incident information
TxDOT Urban Maintenance Sections incident information
TxDOT Highway Condition Reporting System TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
TxDOT Motor Carrier Routing Information TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
TxDOT Rural Maintenance Sections TxDOT Amarillo TMC field equipment status
TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC maint and constr resource request
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
TxDOT TMC Amarillo District Webpage City of Amarillo Traffic Operations Center road network conditions
Other States TMCs road network conditions
Other TxDOT District TMCs road network conditions
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions
TxDOT Traffic Count Archive TxDOT Amarillo TMC traffic archive data
TxDOT Urban Maintenance Sections TxDOT Amarillo TMC field equipment status
TxDOT Amarillo TMC incident information
TxDOT Amarillo TMC maint and constr resource request
TxDOT Amarillo TMC road network conditions

Last updated on 01-22-2003 using Ronald C. Ice and Associates Web Spinner Technology.