KIPDA Regional ITS Architecture

ITS Inventory

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Many stakeholders develop, operate, or maintain ITS elements in the KIPDA region. The ITS Architecture inventory is an alphabetical listing of the stakeholder ITS elements. Each ITS element is hotlinked to a page with specific details for that ITS element.

Archived Data User Systems This terminator represents the systems that miscellaneous users employ to access archived data.
Coast Guard Station This element represents the local coast guard office which can be sent CCTV images from the bridges.
Connected Vehicle OBE This element represents connected vehicle on-board equipment.
Event Promoter Systems This element represents systems of Event Sponsors or Promoters that have knowledge of events that may impact travel on roadways or other modal means. Examples of special event sponsors include sporting events, conventions, motorcades/parades, and public/political events.
Financial Institution This terminator represents the organization that handles all electronic fund transfer requests to enable the transfer of funds from the user of the service to the provider of the service. The functions and activities of financial clearinghouses are subsumed by this entity.
Fleet Management Systems Dispatch function of Commercial Vehicle Fleets.
Human Services Transportation Systems Represents dispatch functions of regional human transportation services.
Human Services Transportation Website Represents an informational website about regional human transportation services.
Human Services Vehicles Represents transit vehicles that provide regional human transportation services.
Indiana Regional EOC County Emergency Operations Center(s) in Southern Indiana.
Indiana State EOC Represents the emergency operations center for the State of Indiana.
Indiana State Police Dispatch Indiana State Police Dispatch function.
Indiana State Police Vehicles Represents ITS equipment in Indiana State Police Vehicles.
INDOT Arterial Ramp Traffic Signals These signals are located at on and off ramps of the arterials. The signals are either pre-timed, or actuated/semi-actuated using induction loops.
INDOT Borman TMC This element is the sister TMC to the Indianapolis TMC, located in Gary, Indiana, handling the North-West portion of the state.
INDOT CCTVs INDOT owned and operated CCTVs within the Indiana metro region.
INDOT Data Archive INDOT archive of operational data.
INDOT District Offices-Maintenance and Construction The maintenance and construction management functions of all Indiana DOT district offices.
INDOT DMS and HAR This element represents portable and permanent dynamic message signs, and also highway advisory radio operated by the Indiana DOT district office.
INDOT Hoosier Helper Vehicles Freeway Service Patrol Vehicles dispatched by INDOT TMC.
INDOT Maintenance Vehicles Vehicles used for roadway maintenance and equipment maintenance. Includes snow plows and winter road treatment vehicles.
INDOT RWIS INDOT road weather information systems.
INDOT TMC The Traffic Management Center for the City of Indianapolis, handling the South-Central portion of the state.
INDOT Traffic Detectors INDOT owned and operated traffic detectors within the Indiana metro region.
INDOT Traffic Signals The traffic and ramp signals operated by the Indiana DOT district office.
INDOT TrafficWise TrafficWise is a program that uses Intelligent Transportation Systems to relieve traffic congestion and improve safety.
INDOT Variable Speed Limit Devices Arterial variable speed limit signs.
INDOT WIMs INDOT TMC operated, stationary weigh in motion (WIM) devices used to detect and measure the weight of commercial vehicles traveling at high speed.
INDOT Work Zone Safety Equipment Work zone equipment used to provide warnings to maintenance workers in a work zone.
Jefferson County Fire Vehicles This element represents the fire vehicles owned and operated by Jefferson County.
Kentucky State Police Communications Center Represents the dispatch function of Kentucky State Police.
Kentucky Statewide Emergency Operations Center Represents the emergency operations center for the State of Kentucky.
KIPDA Data Warehouse The Kentucky-Indiana Planning and Development Agency (KIPDA) data warehouse will house transportation data from a variety of sources.
KIPDA Traffic Detectors This element represents the detectors deployed by KIPDA to collect traffic data.
KTYC Central Maintenance Office This KYTC department is responsible for maintaining a safe, efficient, environmentally sound and fiscally responsible transportation system to ensure mobility & access.
KYTC CCTVs This element represents the cameras deployed by the TOC to collect traffic data.
KYTC County Maintenance Garage A maintenance garage is located in each county within Kentucky and contain fleet dispatch and management systems, road maintenance systems, incident management systems, work plan scheduling systems, and work zone management systems.
KYTC Crash Record System Data base of crash records for Kentucky.
KYTC Data Mart Represents archive capability within KYTC to collect and share traffic and incident data.
KYTC District Data User Systems This terminator represents the systems that users employ (at the KYTC District 5 Office) to access archived data. The interface allows a broad range of users (e.g. planners, researchers, analysts, operators) and their systems (e.g. databases, models, analytical tools, user interface devices) to acquire data and analyses results from the archive.
KYTC District DMS and HAR Dynamic message signs and highway advisory radio operated by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet's District 5 Office.
KYTC District Offices KYTC District Offices represents the region level offices of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, responsible for the planning, designing, building, and maintaining the transportation infrastructure in Kentucky.
KYTC Equipment Repair Facility Equipment Repair Facility represents the facilities that configure, service, and repair vehicles and other support equipment used in roadway infrastructure construction and maintenance. The equipment repair facility receives preventative and corrective maintenance schedules and vehicle configuration requirements, performs the necessary configuration and maintenance work on the vehicles and equipment, and provides vehicle and equipment status back to the architecture.
KYTC Freeway SAFE Patrol The Safety Assistance for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE) Patrol is designed to aid motorists and assist with incident management.
KYTC Jefferson County Traffic Signals This element represents the traffic signals owned by KYTC in Jefferson County, but operated by Louisville Metro.
KYTC Maintenance Vehicles Vehicles used for roadway maintenance and equipment maintenance. Includes snow plows and winter road treatment vehicles.
KYTC State TOC KYTC TOC is the center that monitors and controls traffic and the road network at a statewide level. It performs management of a broad range of transportation facilities including freeway systems, rural and suburban highway systems, and urban and suburban traffic control systems.
KYTC Traveler Information System - GoKY This element represents the KYTC statewide traveler information system.
KYTC Work Zone Safety Equipment Work zone equipment used to provide warnings to maintenance workers in a work zone.
Local Public Safety Dispatch This element represents the dispatch center for police, fire, or EMS for municipalities in the region.
Local Public Safety Vehicles This element represents police, fire, or EMS for municipalities in the region.
Louisville Metro Air Pollution Control District Monitoring System System monitoring air quality sensors owned by Louisville Metro.
Louisville Metro Connected Vehicle RSE Represents the roadside equipment owned and operated by Louisville Metro that is used to communicate with connected vehicles.
Louisville Metro Electric Charging Station Represented the fixed stations available for electric vehicle charging within the Louisville Metro area.
Louisville Metro Emergency Operations Center The Louisville and Jefferson County Emergency Management Agency (LJCEMA) is a joint agency of the City of Louisville and Jefferson County. The department is responsible for emergency management, planning, and coordination throughout the community. The agency also manages the 911 emergency telephone system, a countywide outdoor warning system, and an 800 megahertz radio system that serves local government.
Louisville Metro EMS Vehicles This element represents the emergency services (EMS) vehicles owned and operated by Louisville Metro.
Louisville Metro Equipment Repair Facility Equipment Repair Facility represents the facilities that configure, service, and repair vehicles and other support equipment used in roadway infrastructure construction and maintenance. The equipment repair facility receives preventative and corrective maintenance schedules and vehicle configuration requirements, performs the necessary configuration and maintenance work on the vehicles and equipment, and provides vehicle and equipment status back to the architecture.
Louisville Metro Fire Vehicles This element represents the fire vehicles owned and operated by Louisville Metro.
Louisville Metro Maintenance Vehicles This element represents maintenance vehicles of the City of Louisville, including salt trucks complete with AVL.
Louisville Metro Police Vehicles This element represents the police vehicles owned and operated by Louisville Metro.
Louisville Metro Public Works This element represents the Public Works Department of the Louisville Metro Government.
Louisville Metro Traffic CCTVs This element represents the video cameras operated by the Louisville Metro Division of Traffic to monitor the flow of traffic.
Louisville Metro Traffic Detectors This element represents the detectors operated by the Louisville Metro Division of Traffic to monitor the flow of traffic.
Louisville Metro Traffic DMS This element represents the changeable message signs operated by the Louisville Metro Division of Traffic.
Louisville Metro Traffic Management Center The Louisville Metro Traffic Management Center monitors and controls traffic for arterials in Louisville.
Louisville Metro Traffic Signals This element represents the traffic signals operated by the Louisville Metro Division of Traffic Operations.
Louisville Metro Website This element represents the Internet web site operated by the Louisville Metro Division of Traffic Operations, which provides traffic information regarding the Louisville metro area's road conditions.
Louisville Metro Work Zone Safety Equipment Work zone equipment used to provide warnings to maintenance workers in a work zone.
Louisville Smart City Data System This element represents the Smart Cities data system that shares collects and shares information from the transportation system.
Louisville Traveler Information Kiosks Remote Traveler Support Kiosks provides access to traveler information at transit stations, transit stops, other fixed sites along travel routes (e.g., rest stops, merchant locations), and major trip generation locations such as special event centers, hotels, office complexes, amusement parks, and theaters. Traveler information access points include kiosks and informational displays supporting varied levels of interaction and information access.
MAASTO CV Parking System Represents an inter-state commercial vehicle parking system operated by MAASTO.
Media Media represents the information systems that provide traffic reports, travel conditions, and other transportation-related news services to the traveling public through radio, TV, and other media. Traffic and travel advisory information that are collected by ITS are provided to this terminator. It is also a source for traffic flow information, incident and special event information, and other events which may have implications for the transportation system.
MetroSafe911 MetroSafe is an Emergency Management Agency located in Louisville KY, that provides emergency serviced and information to the community.
Municipal Field Equipment Represents ITS roadway devices that are owned and operated by municipalities. These devices include loop detectors, DMSs, pre-emption devices, flood detection devices, CCTV cameras, and RWIS.
Municipal Maintenance Garage Represents the maintenance activities within municipalities.
Municipal Maintenance Vehicles Maintenance Vehicles operated by municipalities in the region.
Municipal Traffic Signal Systems Represents traffic signals that are owned and operated by municipalities.
Municipal Traveler Information System This elements represents the information system used by municipalities to share traveler information within the region.
National Weather Service This terminator provides weather, hydrologic, and climate information and warnings of hazardous weather including thunderstorms, flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, winter weather, tsunamis, and climate events. It provides atmospheric weather observations and forecasts that are collected and derived by the National Weather Service, private sector providers, and various research organizations. The interface provides formatted weather data products suitable for on-line processing and integration with other ITS data products as well as Doppler radar images, satellite images, severe storm warnings, and other products that are formatted for presentation to various ITS users.
Other Municipal Maintenance Garage Represents the maintenance activities within municipalities.
PARC Field Equipment This element includes CCTV, electronic meters, and monitoring equipment in parking lots.
PARC Website This website, located at, allows drivers within the Louisville metro area to create a username account in order to pay for venue, event, and meter parking online in advance.
Parking Garages This element represents the garage infrastructure owned by the Parking Authority of River City.
Passengers Represents travelers on the TARC system.
Private Traffic Information Systems Represents private systems that provide link-based traffic information.
Railroad Operations Center Represents the source of information for train crossing times/durations for coordination to reroute vehicles (passenger, commercial, transit, emergency) around RR tracks.
Regional Bikeshare System Represents a regional bikeshare system for the Louisville metro area.
Regional Hospital Systems This element represents data systems of the hospital care facilities within the Louisville metro area.
Regional Utility Dispatch Dispatch function for regional utilities including electricity, water, gas, telephone, and cable.
RiverLink Toll Collection Equipment Represents the possible future toll collection field equipment and LPRs on bridges and other facilities in Kentucky and Indiana.
RiverLink Toll Enforcement Agency Represents a possible agency that will monitor all RiverLink toll violations between Kentucky and Indiana.
RiverLink Toll Information Website This website provides fare and travel information regarding the new toll system between downtown Louisville and Indiana.
RiverLink Toll System There will be a new tolling mechanism introduced onto the new bridge that will connect Kentucky and Indiana, operated together by KYTC and INDOT.
Roadside Emissions Monitoring Equipment This subsystem includes the equipment distributed along the roadway to monitor vehicular emissions.
TARC BRT Station Equipment Fare equipment used at BRT stations.
TARC Call Center This center takes calls for fixed route and paratransit service.
TARC CCTV This element represents TARC cameras which record activity on the transit system.
TARC Fixed Route Dispatch Center Represents the dispatch center for the Transit Authority of River City (Louisville).
TARC Fixed Route Vehicle Represents the fixed route transit vehicles, equipped with cameras, operated by TARC.
TARC On Street Charging Station Represents the on street charging stations TARC has deployed.
TARC Station and Stop Equipment Represents station and stop traveler information equipment.
TARC Website Located at, this website contains schedules, news and events, a trip planner, and a real time map with schedule adherence.
TARC3 Paratransit System This on-call service is owned by TARC, and the vehicles are operated by the contractor First Transit.
TARC3 Paratransit Vehicle Represents the demand service transit vehicles owned by TARC.
Transponder Tag Includes E-Z Pass and local transponders, capable of wireless payment transactions, located within personal vehicles.
Traveler Card Regional Smart Card - Regional electronic payment card represents the entity that enables the actual transfer of electronic information from the user of a service (I.e. a traveler) to the provider of the service. This may include the transfer of funds through means of an electronic payment instrument. The device, like a smart card, may also hold and update the traveler's information such as personal profiles or trip histories.
Traveler Information Device The capability for travelers to receive formatted traffic advisories from their homes, place of work, major trip generation sites, personal portable devices, over multiple types of electronic media.
TRIMARC CCTVs This element represents the video cameras operated by TRIMARC, to monitor the flow of traffic.
TRIMARC Connected Vehicle RSE This element represents future connected vehicle roadside equipment operated by TRIMARC.
TRIMARC Data Archive Represents TRIMARCs archive of operations data.
TRIMARC DMS and HAR This element represents dynamic message signs and highway advisory radio operated by TRIMARC for traffic information dissemination.
TRIMARC Freeway Service Patrol Vehicles This element represents the freeway service patrol vehicles operated by TRIMARC.
TRIMARC Infrastructure Monitoring Equipment Security Monitoring Equipment for bridges and tunnel.
TRIMARC Lane Control Equipment This element represents lane control equipment that TRIMARC may implement for use on regional highways.
TRIMARC NET System The TRIMARC Notify Every Truck (NET) system sends alert messages to truckers regarding major interstate closures.
TRIMARC Traffic Detectors This element represents the detectors operated by TRIMARC, to monitor the flow of traffic.
TRIMARC Traffic Management Center TRIMARC Traffic Management Center monitors and controls traffic and the road network. It represents centers that manage a broad range of transportation facilities including freeway systems, rural and suburban highway systems, and urban and suburban traffic control systems. This subsystem communicates with the Roadway Subsystem to monitor and manage traffic flow and monitor the condition of the roadway, surrounding environmental conditions, and field equipment status.
TRIMARC Tunnel Monitoring Equipment This element represents field equipment located in and around the tunnel monitored by TRIMARC.
TRIMARC Website This element refers to the Internet web site operated by TRIMARC to provide interactive traveler information.
Vehicle Vehicle provides the sensory, processing, storage, and communications functions necessary to support efficient, safe, and convenient travel. These functions reside in general vehicles including personal automobiles, commercial vehicles, emergency vehicles, transit vehicles, or other vehicle types.
Wayside Equipment Wayside Equipment represents train interface equipment (usually) maintained and operated by the railroad and (usually) physically located at or near a grade crossing.
WebEOC Provides emergency and disaster information occurring within the Louisville metro area, to authorized users only.
Wide Area Emissions Monitoring Devices This subsystem includes the equipment distributed over a large area of roadway to monitor vehicular emissions.