KIPDA Regional ITS Architecture

Element: Media

Description: Media represents the information systems that provide traffic reports, travel conditions, and other transportation-related news services to the traveling public through radio, TV, and other media. Traffic and travel advisory information that are collected by ITS are provided to this terminator. It is also a source for traffic flow information, incident and special event information, and other events which may have implications for the transportation system.
Status: Existing
Stakeholder: Local Media
Functional Areas:
(Linked to Functional Requirements)

ITS elements that are mapped only to terminators do not have ITS functional requirements allocated to them.


INDOT TrafficWise
Louisville Metro Traffic Management Center
Louisville Metro Website
Municipal Traffic Signal Systems
TARC Website
TRIMARC Traffic Management Center
Service Packages: ATIS01 - Broadcast Traveler Information - INDOT
ATIS01 - Broadcast Traveler Information - Louisville Metro
ATIS01 - Broadcast Traveler Information - TRIMARC
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Louisville Metro/TARC
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Louisville Metro/TARC
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Municipalities
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - INDOT
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Louisville Metro
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - TRIMARC
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - INDOT
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Louisville Metro
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - TRIMARC/KYTC
Mapping: Media