West Virgina Statewide ITS Architecture

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ITS Inventory

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Inventory Element Description
9-1-1 Call Centers This element represents the call-taking systems used by the PSAPs in the state. Some call centers within the state consist of multiple counties, while others are individual counties and individual municipalities.
Accident Reporting System A clearinghouse for commercial vehicle crashes used for reporting to Safetynet. Also used to rate commercial vehicle drivers and carrier safety reports (used to judge if there needs to be a commercial vehicle roadside inspection).
AMTRAK Train Stations AMTRAK train stations where the traveling public can purchase tickets or obtain information on train schedules.
Archive Data Users Systems or agencies that use archive data.
Army Corps of Engineers Field Office The field offices for the Army Corps of Engineers in the state of West Virginia where the Corps flood monitoring equipment sends data to.
Army Corps of Engineers Flood Monitoring System Flood monitoring equipment owned and operated by the Army Corps of Engineers. Used to determine water elevations of rivers, causeways, dams, etc. and reports it back to local agencies (traffic, transit, emergency management, maintenance, etc..).
Bluefield Demand Response (Dial-a-Ride) Transit Vehicles Demand response transit vehicles owned and operated by Bluefield Transit. Includes the non-emergency transport vehicles and service. Also includes the ITS equipment installed on all transit vehicles.
Bluefield Deviated Fixed Route Transit Vehicles Deviated fixed route vehicle owned and operated by Bluefield Express. Includes the ITS equipment installed on all transit vehicles.
Bluefield Transit Dispatch Deviated fixed route dispatch function for Bluefield Transit System.
Bluefield Transit Website The website for Bluefield Transit that contains transit schedule and fare information.
Buckwheat Express Deviated Route Transit Vehicles Deviated fixed route vehicle owned and operated by Buckwheat Express. Includes all ITS equipment installed on transit vehicles.
Buckwheat Express Transit Dispatch Deviated fixed route dispatch function for Buckwheat Express.
Buckwheat Express Website The website for Buckwheat Express that contains transit schedule and fare information.
Charleston Regional Airport The regional (national) airport located in Charleston.
Chemical Support Team (CST) A public response team that responds to HAZMAT incidents as a second responder for containment and clean-up of the HAZMAT.
City of Charleston EOC Emergency Operations Center for the City of Charleston.
City of Charleston Equipment Repair Facility The maintenance shop for all roadside equipment owned and operated by the City of Charleston. Used to communicate with vehicles for preventive maintenance.
City of Charleston Fire/EMS Vehicles Emergency vehicles (fire and EMS) operating in the City of Charleston.
City of Charleston ITS Field Equipment ITS field equipment (CCTV, field sensors, traffic signals, etc.) that are owned and operated by the City of Charleston. Also includes security monitoring field equipment for infrastructure protection.
City of Charleston Maintenance Operations Represents the City of Charleston's roadway maintenance operations.
City of Charleston Maintenance Vehicles Maintenance vehicles owned and operated by the City of Charleston.
City of Charleston Police Dispatch The main dispatch function for the City of Charleston police department.
City of Charleston Police Vehicles Represents the police vehicles for the City of Charleston. Also represents the ITS deployments on these vehicles (AVL, MDTs, video, etc.).
City of Charleston Public Safety Dispatch EMS and fire dispatch functions for the City of Charleston.
City of Charleston Traffic Operations Center Operation of traffic signal systems, CCTVs, and other ITS operations in the City of Charleston.
City of Charleston Website Website for the City of Charleston that has traffic information, maintenance and construction information and closures, and transit information (links).
City of Huntington EOC Emergency Operations Center for City of Huntington.
City of Huntington Equipment Repair Facility The maintenance shop for all roadside equipment owned and operated by the City of Huntington. Used to communicate with vehicles for preventive maintenance.
City of Huntington Fire/EMS Vehicles Emergency vehicles (fire and EMS) operating in the City of Huntington.
City of Huntington ITS Field Equipment ITS field equipment (CCTV, field sensors, traffic signals, etc.) that are owned and operated by the City of Huntington. Also includes security monitoring field equipment for infrastructure protection.
City of Huntington Maintenance Operations Represents the City of Huntington's roadway maintenance operations.
City of Huntington Maintenance Vehicles Maintenance vehicles owned and operated by the City of Huntington.
City of Huntington Police Dispatch The main dispatch function for the City of Huntington police department (generally non-emergencies).
City of Huntington Police Vehicles Represents the police vehicles for the City of Huntington. Also represents the ITS deployments on these vehicles (AVL, MDTs, video, etc.).
City of Huntington Public Safety Dispatch EMS and fire dispatch functions for the City of Huntington.
City of Huntington Traffic Operations Center Operation of traffic signal systems, CCTVs, and other ITS operations in the City of Huntington.
City of Huntington Website Website for the City of Huntington that has traffic information, maintenance and construction information and closures, and transit information (links).
College or University Event Office The element represents the college or university event offices that are throughout the state that coordinate with local traffic, transit and emergency providers prior to and during a special event (e.g. football game).
Commercial Drivers License Information System (CDLIS) The nationwide driver's license system that the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has developed and issued standards for testing and licensing CMV drivers.
Commercial Vehicle Data Archive Archive of commercial vehicle safety inspection data.
Commercial Vehicles This represents ITS equipment in privately owned commercial vehicles. This classification applies to all such vehicles ranging from small panel vans used in local pick-up and delivery services to large, multi-axle tractor trailer rigs operating on long haul routes.
Concierge Service Provider A private venture that provides vehicle safety and warning information for commercial vehicles as a subscription service.
County EMS/Fire Vehicles County emergency vehicles that provide public safety services (EMS and fire) on county owned roads and highways.
County EOCs Emergency Operations Centers throughout the 55 counties within West Virginia.
County Public Safety Dispatch Dispatch function for EMS and fire department services in the counties throughout West Virginia.
County Sheriff Dispatch Dispatches Sheriff's departments throughout the state of West Virginia. May also dispatch rural volunteer fire departments.
County Sheriff Vehicles County Sheriff vehicles that provide public safety services on county owned roads and highways.
Courtesy Patrol Communications Center Statewide courtesy patrol dispatch function for all safety patrol vehicles throughout the state (located in McDowell County).
E Citation Process Electronic Citation program.
EasyRider Deviated Fixed Route Transit Vehicles Fixed route transit vehicles owned and operated by EasyRider for the City of Parkersburg and Vienna.
EasyRider Intermodal Transit Facility Connects to Lakefront Lines. Includes Parking Management. The downtown terminal is located on First Street.
EasyRider Paratransit Vehicles Paratransit vehicles owned and operated by EasyRider for the City of Parkersburg and Vienna that provide services for non-emergency medical conditions.
EasyRider Transit Dispatch Transit dispatch function for EasyRider (both deviated fixed route and demand response). Located in the intermodal facility.
EasyRider Transit Website The website for EasyRider that contains transit schedule and fare information.
Federal Homeland Security Office Federal Homeland Security Office that would be notified regarding incidents or emergencies considered to be terrorist threats.
Financial Institutions Financial companies that handle electronic transactions for transit or for the turnpike authority.
Fleet Management Systems Dispatch function of Commercial Vehicle Fleets
Hazardous Material Permitting Database PSC based Access database used to store hazardous waste permitting information. This system does not currently use USDOT identifiers but could add in the future.
Here and There Demand Response Transit Vehicles Demand response transit vehicles owned and operated by Here and There Transit. This includes the fixed route services to Clarksburg, Elkins or Buckhannon.
Here and There Transit Dispatch The dispatch function for Here and There Transit.
Here and There Transit Website The website for Here and There Transit that contains transit fare information, as well as times for departures to Clarksburg, Elkins or Buckhannon.
IFTA Clearinghouse This is a national clearinghouse designed to allocate fuel taxes between multiple states for motor carrier activities across jurisdictional lines, in accordance with the International Fuel Tax Agreement.
Independent School District Buses School Buses operated by area school districts.
Independent School District Dispatch Dispatching systems for school districts buses.
Independent School District Websites Websites operated by Independent School Districts.
IRP Clearinghouse This is a registration reciprocity agreement among jurisdictions in the United States and Canada which provides for payment of license fees on the basis of fleet miles operated in various jurisdictions
KTC Regional TOC Traffic operations centers in Kentucky that might exchange traffic and emergency information with WVDOT.
KTC Statewide TMC The statewide traffic management center for KDOT that coordinates with the West Virginia Statewide TMC.
KVRTA Demand Response Transit (KAT) Dispatch This element represents the demand response and paratransit dispatch function for KVRTA's KAT (Kanawha Alternative Transportation). Includes dispatch function for Medicaid and for non-emergency transport services.
KVRTA Demand Response Transit (KAT) Vehicles This element represents the ITS equipment on future KVRTA owned KAT (Kanawha Alternative Transportation) demand response vehicles. Includes the complimentary paratransit vehicles for Medicaid and for non-emergency transport services.
KVRTA Fixed Route Transit (KRT) Dispatch Dispatch center for KVRCTA fixed route vehicles. In the future this could include computer aided dispatch.
KVRTA Fixed Route Transit (KRT) Vehicles This element represents ITS equipment on KVRTA fixed route transit vehicles. May be equipped with AVL for schedule adherence.
KVRTA Transit Kiosks Represents KVRTA bus stop annunciation systems providing information such as next bus time. Also represents transit traveler information kiosks at transit centers.
KVRTA Transit Security Monitoring Field Equipment This element represents security monitoring equipment that is installed at KVRTA transit bus stops.
KVRTA Transit Website Website for KVRTA information, schedules, fares, closures, and demand response or paratransit requests (including non-emergency transport services).
Local Print and Broadcast Media Local TV, radio, and newspapers. Some media may be sources of monitoring for public TMC/TOCs
Local River Authority Flood Monitoring System Flood Warning systems. Low water crossings and stream levels throughout West Virginia. System includes monitoring and alerting functions.
Local River Authority Headquarters The central office for the local river authorities in West Virginia.
Local Transit Dispatch Dispatch function for all transit agencies in West Virginia not specifically called out in the architecture (WTC. MTA, SVRTA, etc.).
Local Transit Kiosks Represents bus stop annunciation systems providing information such as next bus time. Could also represent other information kiosks at transit stops.
Local Transit Vehicles Transit vehicles for all transit agencies in West Virginia not specifically called out in the architecture (WTC, MTA, SVRTA, etc.).
Local Transit Websites Local transit websites containing transit schedules, fare information, and other agency transit information. May also include scheduling information for regional demand response or paratransit vehicles (including non-emergency transport services).
Mountain Line Deviated Fixed Route Transit Vehicles Deviated fixed route transit vehicles owned and operated by Mountain Lion Transit. Includes transit vehicles that go to Pittsburgh, Clarksburg, and Fairmont.
Mountain Line Transit Dispatch Represents the dispatch function for Mountain Line deviated fixed route vehicles and Medicaid services. In the future this could include computer aided dispatch.
Mountain Line Transit Website Website for Mountain Line information, schedules, fares, closures and electronic request for deviated transit service.
MSHA CHART Statewide TMC The statewide traffic management center for MSHA that coordinates with the West Virginia Statewide TMC.
MSHA Regional TOC Traffic operations centers in Maryland that might exchange traffic and emergency information with WVDOT.
Municipal EOCs Emergency operations centers in the cities throughout the state of West Virginia. Currently includes Bridgeport, but could expand as the WVA population continues to grow.
Municipal Equipment Repair Facility The maintenance shop for all roadside equipment owned and operated by the municipalities within the State. Used to communicate with vehicles for preventive maintenance.
Municipal ITS Field Equipment This may include the signal controllers, cameras, signal preemption, signal priority equipment, DMS, etc. for each municipality within West Virginia (not specifically called out in the architecture).
Municipal Maintenance Dispatch This element represents the dispatch function for roadway and equipment maintenance at the municipal level for those area not explicitly broken out with separate elements.
Municipal Maintenance Vehicles Represents the snow plows and other maintenance vehicles that are owned and operated by municipalities in West Virginia.
Municipal Public Safety Dispatch This element represents the police, fire, and EMS emergency dispatch functions at the municipal level. This general element also represents each of the community public safety answering points in West Virginia.
Municipal Public Safety Vehicles Public safety vehicles (police, fire, and EMS) operated by municipalities within the state of West Virginia.
Municipal TOC Traffic signal systems for municipalities in West Virginia that are not specifically called out in the architecture.
Municipal Websites Websites of municipalities in the State. In the future may have the ability to request and issue CV permits along with payments.
National Park Service Operations Represents the national parks in West Virginia, including New River Gorge and Harper's Ferry. This element is intended to represent the center that coordinates park activities, emergency responses, and traffic.
National Weather Service The national general weather information service provider that supplies regional and state TOCs with weather forecast and real time weather information..
ODOT Regional TOC Traffic operations centers in Ohio that might exchange traffic and emergency information with WVDOT.
ODOT Statewide TMC The statewide traffic management center for ODOT that coordinates with the West Virginia Statewide TMC.
Other County EOCs Emergency operations centers for counties in bordering states (Kentucky, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Virginia).
Other County Maintenance Sections This element represents the roadway and equipment maintenance function at the county level for areas just outside of West Virginia (other states) that WVDOT or counties and municipalities might need to coordinate with for construction and maintenance or for snow removal.
Other Public Safety Departments This element represents municipal public safety dispatch functions that are outside of West Virginia (in other states) but with whom county or municipal public safety departments or WVSP may need to coordinate with for an incident.
Other State EOCs Statewide emergency operations centers in bordering states (Kentucky, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Virginia).
Other State Maintenance Operations This element represents the roadway and equipment maintenance function at the state level for states that are adjacent to West Virginia that WVDOT might need to coordinate with for construction and maintenance or for snow removal.
Other Traveler Smart Cards Alternate smart cards used by travelers that could also be used for transit fare payment.
Other WV DOH District County Maintenance Dispatch This element represents any of the WVDOT Maintenance Dispatch centers and is used to represent the interface from one dispatch center to another.
OVRTA Deviated Fixed Route Transit Vehicles Deviated fixed route transit vehicles owned and operated by OVRTA
OVRTA Paratransit Vehicles Paratransit vehicles that are owned and operated by OVRTA utilized for non-emergency medical transports.
OVRTA Transit Dispatch Represents the dispatch function for both deviated fixed route vehicles and paratransit vehicles.
OVRTA Transit Website Website for OVRTA information, schedules, fares, closures or to request a paratransit non-emergency medical transfer.
PanTran Demand Response Transit Dispatch The demand response dispatch function for Eastern Panhandle Transit Authority (EPTA). Services Inwood, Shepherdstown and Hedgesville.
PanTran Demand Response Transit Vehicles Represents the ITS equipment on PanTran demand response transit vehicles.
PanTran Deviated Fixed Route Transit Dispatch The deviated fixed route dispatch function for Eastern Panhandle Transit Authority (EPTA).
PanTran Deviated Fixed Route Transit Vehicles Represents the ITS equipment on PanTran deviated fixed route transit vehicles including fare collection, MDTs, AVL, etc.
PanTran Transit Kiosks Kiosks at transit stations providing PanTran Transit information.
PanTran Transit Maintenance Garage This element represents the PanTran vehicle maintenance garage and the communications links to the maintenance monitoring functions.
PanTran Transit Website PanTran Transit website for transit information, schedules, and other information including requesting a route deviation pickup or a demand response transit service.
PENNDOT Central Office STMC The statewide traffic management center for the State of Pennsylvania.
PENNDOT Regional/District TMCs Traffic operations centers in Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh Regional TMC and District 9 TMC - Altoona) that might exchange traffic and emergency information with WVDOT.
PRISM Central Site The USDOT Performance and Registration Information Systems Management program's central site where they collect data from all participating states and allow access to credential and safety information from other participating states. PRISM involves two processes: the Commercial Vehicle Registration Process, and the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Process (MCSIP), which work in parallel to identify motor carriers and hold them responsible for the safety of their operation.
Private Secure Area Monitoring System Secure area monitoring system for nuclear power facilities throughout the state.
Private Tow/Wrecker and HAZMAT Dispatch Dispatch function for privately owned tow or wrecker service that include 2nd responder HAZMAT cleanup vehicles and crews.
Private Tow/Wrecker Vehicles Tow and wrecker vehicles operated by private companies.
Private Transit Systems Represents the dispatch function and buses of private transit systems, including trolleys, ferries, taxis, etc.
Private Traveler Information Systems Represents traveler information systems operated by private companies at a statewide level.
Private Travelers Personal Computing Device User Personal Computing Devices refers to equipment an individual owns and can personalize with their choices for information about transportation networks. An Internet-connected PC is an example.
Private Vehicles Vehicles owned by travelers within the Region.
PSC CV Enforcement Vehicles Represents the ITS systems in Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Vehicles owned and operated by the PSC .
Public and Private Utilities Dispatch Dispatch functions for public and private utility companies serving the State.
Public/Private Ambulance Dispatch Dispatch function for public/private ambulance services throughout the State. On a rotation from WVSP.
Public/Private Ambulances Public/private ambulance vehicles operating in the State. For ITS purposes, they coordinate patient status with regional medical centers.
PVTA Deviated Fixed Route Transit Vehicles Deviated fixed route transit vehicles owned and operated by PVTA. This may include ITS functions on the buses including AVL, MDTs, CCTV, etc.
PVTA Medical Transport Shuttles The non-emergency medical transport vehicles owned and operated by PVTA. PVTA provides this service free of charge to it's clients and bills Medicaid for all services.
PVTA Transit Dispatch The dispatch function for all PVTA transit vehicles. Includes dispatch for deviated fixed route transit vehicles as well as non-emergency medical transport vehicles.
PVTA Transit Website Transit website for PVTA. Includes transit fare information, schedule information, and the ability to request an non-emergency medical transport service.
Query Central A PSC system that is able to access Past Inspection Queries (PIQ), ISS, CDLIS, SAFER, etc.. through the web using a sign in name.
Rail Operators Rail Cars Rail-based commercial vehicles.
Railroad Operations Centers Source of information for train crossing times/durations for coordination to reroute vehicles (passenger, commercial, transit, emergency) around RR tracks.
Railroad Wayside Equipment Active highway/rail interfaces (flashing gates when train is detected)
Regional Airports This element represents the regional airports across the state (e.g. Mid Ohio Valley Regional Airport)
Regional Event Promoters Information systems for the cities and towns in West Virginia that coordinate event information with regional traffic, transit, and emergency providers within their region.
Regional Hospitals Hospitals and trauma centers throughout the State.
Regional MPO/PDC Archive Database Planning archive/database for MPOs and PDCs throughout the state.
Regional MPO/PDC ITS Field Equipment Future ITS field equipment (e.g. traffic counters) that are owned and operated by the MPO or PDC.
Regional MPO/PDC Office The offices of the MPOs or PDCs throughout the state where emissions monitoring information and trip counts are sent from the field equipment. The information is processed at the office and forwarded to traffic and transit authorities as well as published on the MPO/PDC website.
Regional MPO/PDC Websites Websites of MPOs and PDCs throughout the state that provide specific MPO/PDC information (traffic information, transit information, TIP, STIP, etc.).
Regional Traveler Information Systems Traveler information via radio, television, and Internet that are operated at a regional level.
Rest Area / Truck Stop / Welcome Center Kiosks WVDOT operated traveler information centers at state rest areas, truck stops, or welcome centers.
Roadside Safety Inspection System (Aspen) A laptop based system to conduct roadside safety inspections.
RTI Data Warehouse This element is a data warehouse for transportation data. This element is identified as an RTI project in the Strategic Plan.
RTI Field Equipment Field equipment owned and operated by RTI. Includes equipment for the collection of roadway information (e.g. traffic counts, volume, etc.) and CCTVs.
RTI Transportation Information Server This element represents a centralized traffic data monitoring system operated by RTI. It may include aspects of the planned Transportation and Economic Development Information System (TEDIS)
RTI Website RTI Website will include real time transportation information.
Safety and Fitness Electronic Record (SAFER) SAFER provides carrier, vehicle, and driver safety and credential information to fixed and mobile roadside inspection stations. This information will allow the roadside inspector to select vehicles and/or drivers for inspection based on the number of prior carrier inspections, as well as carrier, vehicle, and driver safety and credential historical information.
Safetynet Distributed system for managing safety data on both interstate and intrastate motor carriers for federal and state offices to electronically exchange data on interstate carriers with MCMIS (Motor Carrier Management Information System).
Senior Citizens Demand Response Transit Dispatch The demand response transit dispatch function for the Senior Citizens of WVA.
Senior Citizens Demand Response Transit Vehicles Demand response transit vehicles owned and operated by the Senior Citizens of WVA. Includes ITS equipment installed on transit vehicles (e.g. AVL, MDTs, etc.).
Senior Citizens Transit Website Transit website for the Senior Citizens of WVA. Includes transit fare information, electronic request for service, and additional information.
Service Agencies Agencies that help subsidize the funding for paratransit operations for special case citizens to ensure that these citizens have transportation to and from where they need to go (generally the hospital).
Special Police Dispatch Dispatch functions for special police forces such as some Federal officers, Universities/Colleges, Airports, Railroads and park and forest rangers.
Special Police Vehicles Emergency vehicles operated by special police forces. May have MDTs, AVL, or other ITS applications installed on them.
Statewide Courtesy Patrol Vehicles Courtesy patrol vehicles contracted to WVDOT, but that are owned and operated by the CCC.
Statewide Mutual Aid and Incident Management Network Statewide public safety data communications network.
Transit Transfer Centers Represents transit stations or centers for transfer from one transit system to another. Includes transit center displays to provide transit traveler information. May also include security monitoring field equipment (cctv, etc.) at transfer centers.
Travel Service Provider Systems This represents electronic systems operated by travel service providers. The systems would be used to provide updated travel service information or to make reservations for services.
TRTA Demand Response (NETS) Transit Dispatch Represents the dispatch function for all TRTA demand response (NETS) transit vehicles. (NETS - Non-Emergency Transportation Service). Includes Medicaid transport vehicle dispatch.
TRTA Demand Response (NETS) Transit Vehicles Represents ITS equipment on TRTA demand response transit vehicles (NETS - Non-Emergency Transportation Service). Includes Medicaid transport vehicles.
TRTA Deviated Fixed Route Transit Dispatch Represents the dispatch function for TRTA deviated fixed route transit vehicles.
TRTA Deviated Fixed Route Transit Vehicles Represents the ITS equipment on the deviated fixed route transit vehicles owned and operated by TRTA. Includes the ITS equipment installed on the vehicles, including AVL, MDTs, etc.
TRTA Transit Website Website for Tri-River Transit Authority the contains route schedule and fare information, traveler information, and a request for demand response transport service.
TTA Demand Response (Dial-a-Ride) Transit Dispatch Demand response and fixed route transit dispatch for The Transit Authority (TTA). Operates into and out of the City of Huntington, and services Marshall University. Part of Tri-State Transit Authority. Includes the complimentary paratransit service dispatch function.
TTA Demand Response (Dial-a-Ride) Transit Vehicles The demand response transit vehicles owned and operated by TTA. Also represents the ITS equipment aboard TTA demand response transit vehicles. Includes complimentary paratransit service vehicles.
TTA Fixed Route Transit Dispatch Fixed route transit dispatch for The Transit Authority (TTA). Operates in Fixed route transit dispatch for The Transit Authority (TTA). Operates in Cabell County and travels into and out of the City of Huntington, and services Marshall University. Part of Tri-State Transit Authority.
TTA Fixed Route Transit Vehicles The fixed route transit vehicles owned and operated by TTA. Also represents the ITS equipment aboard TTA fixed route transit vehicles.
TTA Transit Security Monitoring Field Equipment This element represents security monitoring equipment that is installed at TTA transit bus stops.
TTA Transit Website Website for The Transit Agency (TTA) information, schedules, fares, requests for demand response transit service, etc.
USDA Forest Service Operations This element represents the USDA Forest Service operations (security, emergency management and traffic) at the regional Forest Service offices throughout the state of West Virginia.
USGS Field Office U.S. Geological Surveys field offices operating in West Virginia.
USGS Flood Monitoring System Flood monitoring equipment owned and operated by the U.S. Geological Surveys. Used to determine water elevations of rivers, causeways, etc.. and reports it back to the local field office.
USGS Website U.S. Geological Surveys website with updated weather information, flood information, or information about disasters and evacuations.
VDOT Regional STC Traffic operations centers (STC - Smart Traffic Center) in Virginia that might exchange traffic and emergency information with WVDOT.
VDOT Statewide TMC The statewide traffic management center for VDOT that coordinates with the West Virginia Statewide TMC.
West Virginia 511 System Traveler information by dialing 511 number; provided by WVDOT.
West Virginia Department of Emergency Management Agency responsible for hazardous materials and statewide response to disasters. They act in a coordination and information dissemination effort.
West Virginia Division of Air Quality Emissions Monitoring Equipment Emissions monitoring equipment owned and operated by the West Virginia Division of Air Quality.
West Virginia Division of Air Quality Offices West Virginia Division of Air Quality Offices collect and distribute emissions data.
West Virginia Smartcard This element represents future plans for a smartcard for use in one or more of the transit agencies throughout the state. The card could also be used for applications beyond transit.
West Virginia Smartcard Kiosks Kiosks used to provide electronic fare payment functions and to issue smartcards that can be used in all transit systems throughout the state (in a reciprocity network).
West Virginia State EOC The statewide emergency operations center is located in Charleston.
West Virginia Travel Planner System West Virginia travel planner server and website. Provides interactive travel planning. In future may provide reservations capabilities.
West Virginia Vacation Web Site Part of the West Virginia Statewide Tourism website. Provides tourism and vacation information and reservation opportunities.
Wheeling Multimodal Terminal Intended to be the transit terminal planned for downtown Wheeling, West Virginia.
WV DOH CCTV CCTV equipment owned and operated by WVDOH.
WV DOH Central Crash Records Database Statewide database of crash records for WVDOH.
WV DOH Data Warehouse Represents a state warehouse of transportation data from several different areas of transportation.
WV DOH District County Garages Regional facilities for repair and maintenance of WV DOH maintenance and construction vehicles.
WV DOH District County Maintenance Dispatch Dispatch function for WVDOH maintenance, construction and snow/ice removal vehicles.
WV DOH District County Maintenance Vehicles Represents the snow plows and other maintenance and construction vehicles that are owned and operated by WVDOH.
WV DOH District Maintenance Office Represents the back office administrative systems for WV DOH maintenance that coordinate and master plan maintenance activities throughout the state.
WV DOH District Roadway Treatment Equipment Field equipment used to provide anti-icing treatments to WVDOH bridges or roadways.
WV DOH DMS Dynamic Message Signs owned and operated by WVDOH. This includes mobile signs as well as stationary signs.
WV DOH ITS Field Equipment WVDOH ITS field equipment that is not specifically called out in the architecture. Includes sensors, etc.
WV DOH Maintenance Activity Tracking System (MATS) Database system to track roadway maintenance activity throughout the state as well as assets available throughout the state.
WV DOH Public Information Office WVDOH office responsible for providing traffic/traveler information to the public (including media outlets).
WV DOH Regional TMCs Traffic management centers located throughout the state, generally at WVDOH district administrators offices.
WV DOH RWIS Road weather information systems (RWIS) owned and operated by WVDOH. Sensors provide temp, barometric pressure, dew point, etc.
WV DOH RWIS Server WVDOH server that collects RWIS sensor data and disseminates the information statewide.
WV DOH Security Monitoring Field Equipment WVDOH ITS equipment used for infrastructure security surveillance. Includes CCTV and other devices used to monitor portions of the roadway or key infrastructure assets (such as bridges).
WV DOH Signal and Lighting Shop Regional facilities for repair and maintenance of all WV DOH ITS field equipment.
WV DOH Statewide TMC - Charleston The represents the capability of providing monitoring and control of WVDOT traffic signal systems from Headquarters, growing into the more advanced capabilities of incident and traffic management. Ideally, this would be co-located with the Statewide EOC.
WV DOH Storage Facilities WVDOH facilities that store materials and equipment (e.g. sand or salt).
WV DOH Traffic Count Database A database that keeps archive traffic count information for the WV DOH. Used as a planning tool for road construction and maintenance.
WV DOH Traffic Signals Traffic signal controllers at the roadside operated by WVDOH.
WV DOH Website DOH website - provides local traffic, weather, maintenance and construction information, and emergency information to users.
WV DOH Weigh In Motion Sites Weigh-in-Motion stations that are permanent traffic data collection sites. The WIM Bypass System is a high speed weigh in motion technology used throughout the state. Size, weight, axel size, etc..
WV DOH Work Zone Equipment WVDOH ITS equipment used in work zones. Includes portable DMS, CCTV, or temporary traffic signals.
WV Parkway Authority Equipment Repair Facility The equipment repair facility for the WV Parkway Authority. Does general maintenance on maintenance and construction vehicles owned by the WV Parkway, as well as equipment repair.
WV Parkway Authority ITS Field Equipment ITS field equipment (including lane controls, DMS, CCTV, etc.) owned and operated by the West Virginia Parkway Authority.
WV Parkway Authority RWIS Road weather information systems (RWIS) owned and operated by the WV Parkway Authority. Sensors provide temp, barometric pressure, dew point, etc.
WV Parkway Authority Toll Administration The back end systems that support toll collection for the West Virginia Parkway Authority.
WV Parkway Authority Toll Plazas Toll plazas on the West Virginia Turnpike that are owned and operated by the West Virginia Parkway Authority.
WV Parkway Authority Turnpike Control Center The traffic operations center, the toll collection control center, and the maintenance control center for the West Virginia Parkway Authority. Has the responsibility for dispatching WV Parkway maintenance and construction vehicles.
WV Parkway Maintenance and Construction Vehicles Maintenance and construction vehicles owned and operated by the WV Parkway Authority. Includes ITS components installed on maintenance and construction vehicles.
WV PSC Single State Credential System The West Virginia single state credential system, for commercial carriers that operate within the state of West Virginia, or who do not participate with the reciprocity of multiple state credentialing systems.
WV PSC Weigh Stations The weigh stations on the freeways that include pre-pass sites, weigh-in-motion, and commercial motor vehicle inspection. The systems prior to these sites enable registered heavy vehicles to legally bypass open weigh stations after electronic verification of their size, weight, registration, safety inspection and other credentials. These stations reduce delay in the weight enforcement process and increase ability to provide highway truck statistics data.
WVA CVIEW System Commercial Vehicle Information Exchange Window. Collects snapshots for interstate and intrastate carriers, vehicles, and drivers. Interfaces with SAFER for interstate snapshot exchange. Also distributed snapshots to other states. WVA PRISM also included in this system.
WVA CVO Electronic Permitting System The automated Electronic Permitting System that contains OS/OW permitting for the state of West Virginia.
WVA DMV Crash Records Archive Archive of Crash Records data for the West Virginia DMV.
WVA DMV CVO Credentials Interface The electronic interface (usually a web based client) that provides electronic purchasing and credentials processing, electronic purchasing and permit processing (including permit renewal) and automated mileage and fuel reporting, and auditing functions. This is a single state permit for IRP and HAZMAT.
WVA DMV Driver Database A database owned by DMV that houses all driver information and driving records for all personal and commercial vehicle drivers in West Virginia.
WVA DMV Vehicles Database A database owned by DMV that houses information on all vehicles and vehicle safety inspections on vehicles registered in West Virginia, or that have passed through an inspection station within the state.
WVA PSC Enforcement and Safety Office WVA DMV office responsible for commercial vehicle safety enforcement.
WVSP Headquarters West Virginia State Police communications center which houses the dispatch function for other WVSP, and coordinates amber alerts for the State.
WVSP Police Vehicles West Virginia State Police vehicles dispatched from WVSP troop communication centers.
WVSP Troop 1 - 6 Dispatch West Virginia State Police communications centers (located in Shinnston, Kearneysville, Elkins, South Charleston, Logan, and Beckley) which houses the dispatch function for Troops 1 through 6 respectively.
WVSP Troop 7 Dispatch (Turnpike) West Virginia State Police communications center (for the Turnpike) which houses the dispatch function for Troop 7 (Interstate 77 through four counties in the southeast section of the state - Kanawha, Fayette, Raleigh, and Mercer).
WVU Fixed Route Transit Vehicles Fixed route transit vehicles owned and operated by WVU. ITS applications may include AVL, emergency alarms, MDTs, etc.
WVU Rapid Transit Vehicles Rapid transit vehicles owned and operated by WVU. Used by students and residents of Morgantown.
WVU Student Card A student magnetic stripe card is issued by WVU and used for a variety of purposes on and off campus, including use on WVU buses and rapid transit.
WVU Transit Dispatch Dispatch function for all WVU transit buses, including the rapid transit and demand response vehicles. Serves the main campus in Morgantown, and also serves Morgantown itself.
WVU Website The website for West Virginia University (in Morgantown) that manages transit data and other public transportation information.

Last updated: 11-22-06