The following equipment packages are associated with the "Victoria Transit Dispatch" element. Select the "Details" icon to see the detailed requirements associated with each equipment package, or consult the National ITS Architecture web site for more information.
Center Secure Area Alarm Support
Collection and response to silent and audible alarms received from travelers in secure areas (such as transit stops, rest areas, park-and-ride lots) and from on-board transit vehicles.
Center Secure Area Sensor Management
Management of security sensors, analysis of sensor data, correlation with surveillance data and alerts from other agencies to detect potential threats, and dissemination of threat information to other agencies. Sensors may be placed in areas such as transit stops, transit stations, rest areas, park and ride lots, modal interchange facilities, on-board a transit vehicle, etc.
Center Secure Area Surveillance
Management of security surveillance devices and analysis of that data to detect potential threats. Areas under surveillance may include transit stops, transit stations, rest areas, park and ride lots, modal interchange facilities, on-board a transit vehicle, etc.
Provides interface to the emergency call-taking systems such as the Emergency Telecommunications System (e.g., 911) that correlate call information with emergencies reported by transit agencies, commercial vehicle operators, or other public safety agencies. Allows the operator to verify the incident and forward the information to the responding agencies.
Collection and storage of information related to Emergency Management. For use by operations personnel or data archives in the region.
Dispatch emergency vehicles to incidents, tracking their location and status. Pertinent incident information is gathered and relayed to the responding units; includes requests for signal preemption.
Emergency Environmental Monitoring
Current and forecast road and weather information assimilated from weather service providers and emergency vehicles equipped with environmental sensors; used by the operator to more effectively manage incidents.
Evacuation planning and coordination to manage evacuation and reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency that poses a risk to public safety.
Strategic emergency planning and response capabilities and broad inter-agency interfaces to support large-scale incidents and disasters, commonly associated with Emergency Operations Centers.
Tactical decision support, resource coordination, and communications integration among emergency management agencies for Incident Commands that are established by first responders to support local management of an incident.
Transit Center Fare and Load Management
Management of fare collection at the center - includes setting and distributing fare information, central processing of fares for transit as well as other ITS services, links to financial institutions and enforcement agencies.
Transit Center Fixed-Route Operations
Planning and scheduling associated with fixed and flexible route transit services, automatically updates customer service operator systems, and provides current vehicle schedule adherence and optimum scenarios for schedule adjustment.
Transit Center Information Services
Provide interactive traveler information to travelers (on-board transit vehicles, at stops/stations, using personal devices), traveler information service providers, media, and other transit organizations. Includes routes, schedules, transfer options, fares, real-time schedule adherence, current incidents, weather conditions, yellow pages, and special events.
Transit Center Multi-Modal Coordination
Generate requests for transit priority on routes and at certain intersections. Coordinate schedules with other agencies and modes, including transit transfer cluster and transfer point information.
Transit Center Paratransit Operations
Planning and scheduling of demand responsive transit (i.e. paratransit) services, includes automatic operator assignment and monitoring.
Monitor transit vehicle operator or traveler activated alarms; authenticate transit vehicle operators; remotely disable a transit vehicle; alert operators, travelers, and police to potential incidents identified by these security features.
Transit Center Tracking and Dispatch
Monitoring transit vehicle locations via interactions with on-board systems and determining vehicle schedule adherence. Furnish users with real-time transit related information and maintain interface with digital map providers.
Collection and storage of transit management data. For use by operations personnel or data archives in the region.
Transit Environmental Monitoring
Current and forecast road and weather information assimilated from weather service providers and vehicle probes. The information is monitored and forwarded to other agencies to more effectively manage transit operations.
Support evacuation and subsequent reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency. Coordinate regional evacuation plans and resources including transit and school bus fleets.
Collect operational and maintenance data from transit vehicles, manage vehicle service histories, automatically generate preventative maintenance schedules, and provide information to service personnel.
Assignment of transit vehicles and operators to routes or service areas in a fair manner while minimizing labor and overtime services, considering operator preferences, qualifications, accumulated work hours, and other information about each operator.
Last updated on 05-27-2005 using
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