Equipment Package: ISP Probe Information Collection
This equipment package collects and aggregates vehicle probe data and processes it to calculate route travel times. It also collects, aggregates, and processes environmental probe data from equipped vehicles. Calculated route travel times and environmental conditions information are distributed to other centers and other equipment packages that use the information to support traveler information services..
Included In:
Alamo RMA Website
TransGuide Website
Functional Requirements
1 -
The center shall collect vehicle probe data from various sources, including vehicles under infrastructure-based route guidance and electronic toll collection points. 2 -
The center shall aggregate collected vehicle probe data (route segment identity and the time), calculate route segment travel times, route segment speeds, and route usage, and disseminate to other centers. 3 -
The center shall collect environmental probe data (air temperature, wind speed, surface temperature, etc.) from appropriately equipped vehicles. 4 -
The center shall aggregate collected environmental probe data, and disseminate environmental conditions to other centers.