emergency transit service request _ud
Request to modify transit service and fare schedules to address emergencies, including requests for transit services to evacuate people from and/or deploy response agency personnel to an emergency scene. The request may poll for resource availability or request pre-staging, staging, or immediate dispatch of transit resources.
emergency transit service response _ud
Response indicating changes to transit service, fares, and/or restrictions that will be made and status of transit resources to be deployed to support emergency response and/or evacuation.
evacuation information_ud
Evacuation instructions and information including evacuation zones, evacuation times, and reentry times.
transit emergency coordination data
Data exchanged between centers dealing with a transit-related incident.
transit emergency data
Initial notification of transit emergency at a transit stop or on transit vehicles and further coordination as additional details become available and the response is coordinated.
vehicle surveillance data_ud
Data collected from surveillance systems used to monitor transit vehicles. Includes video, audio, processed surveillance data, equipment operational status, and alarm indicators when a threat has been detected.