The following equipment packages are associated with the "EZ Rider Transit Point of Sale / Customer Information Systems" element. Select the "Details" icon to see the detailed process specifications that support each equipment package, or consult the National ITS Architecture web site for more information.
Remote Interactive Information Reception
This Equipment package shall provide the capability for travelers to interface with the ISP Subsystem Infrastructure Equipment packages including the Interactive Infrastructure Information Equipment package, the Infrastructure Provided Route Selection, Yellow Pages and Reservation, and Dynamic Ridesharing Equipment packages. These capabilities shall be provided using the Remote Traveler Support Subsystem equipment such as interactive TV and kiosk using communication medium and equipment such as CATV and wireline and wireless data transceivers.
Remote Transit Fare Management
This Equipment package provides the capability for the traveler to use a common fare medium for all applicable surface transportation services, to pay without stopping, have payment media automatically identified as void and/or invalid and eligibility verified. This may be implemented as a payment instrument reader at a kiosk. In addition, capability to provide expansion into other uses for payment medium such as retail and telephone and for off-line billing for fares paid by agencies shall be supported.
Last updated on 01-25-2005 using
Web Spinner Technology.