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NTCIP 1407: TCIP - Control Center (CC) Business Area Standard

Architecture Geographic Scope
Source Element Destination Element Flow
ATCOG-RTD Transit Dispatch ATCOG-RTD Transit Vehicles emergency notification
ATCOG-RTD Transit Vehicles fare and payment status
ATCOG-RTD Transit Vehicles transit vehicle conditions
ATCOG-RTD Transit Vehicles transit vehicle location data
ATCOG-RTD Transit Vehicles transit vehicle passenger and use data
ATCOG-RTD Transit Vehicles transit vehicle schedule performance
Private Taxi Provider Dispatch transit service coordination
Private Taxi Provider Dispatch transit service coordination
T Line Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
T Line Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
TAPS Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
TAPS Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
The Connection Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
The Connection Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
ATCOG-RTD Transit Vehicles ATCOG-RTD Transit Dispatch request for vehicle measures
ATCOG-RTD Transit Dispatch transit vehicle operator instructions
ATCOG-RTD Website ATCOG-RTD Transit Dispatch transit and fare schedules
City of Sherman EOC Independent School District Dispatch emergency transit service response
Private Taxi Provider Dispatch emergency transit service response
TAPS Transit Dispatch emergency transit service response
County EOC ATCOG-RTD Transit Dispatch emergency transit service response
ATCOG-RTD Transit Dispatch transit system status assessment
Independent School District Dispatch emergency transit service response
Independent School District Dispatch transit system status assessment
Private Taxi Provider Dispatch emergency transit service response
Private Taxi Provider Dispatch transit system status assessment
TAPS Transit Dispatch emergency transit service response
TAPS Transit Dispatch transit system status assessment
The Connection Transit Dispatch emergency transit service response
The Connection Transit Dispatch transit system status assessment
DART Dispatch TAPS Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
TAPS Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
Independent School District Buses Independent School District Dispatch request for vehicle measures
Independent School District Dispatch transit vehicle operator instructions
Independent School District Dispatch Independent School District Buses transit vehicle conditions
Independent School District Buses transit vehicle location data
Independent School District Buses transit vehicle schedule performance
Private Sector Traveler Information Services ATCOG-RTD Transit Dispatch transit and fare schedules
TAPS Transit Dispatch transit and fare schedules
The Connection Transit Dispatch transit and fare schedules
Private Taxi Provider Dispatch ATCOG-RTD Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
ATCOG-RTD Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
TAPS Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
TAPS Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
The Connection Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
The Connection Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
Sherman-Denison MPO Archive DART Dispatch transit archive data
TAPS Transit Dispatch transit archive data
T Line Transit Dispatch ATCOG-RTD Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
ATCOG-RTD Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
TAPS Demand Response Vehicles TAPS Transit Dispatch request for vehicle measures
TAPS Transit Dispatch transit vehicle operator instructions
TAPS Transit Dispatch ATCOG-RTD Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
ATCOG-RTD Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
DART Dispatch transit service coordination
DART Dispatch transit service coordination
Private Taxi Provider Dispatch transit service coordination
Private Taxi Provider Dispatch transit service coordination
TAPS Demand Response Vehicles emergency notification
TAPS Demand Response Vehicles fare and payment status
TAPS Demand Response Vehicles transit vehicle conditions
TAPS Demand Response Vehicles transit vehicle location data
TAPS Demand Response Vehicles transit vehicle passenger and use data
TAPS Demand Response Vehicles transit vehicle schedule performance
The Connection Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
The Connection Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
TAPS Website TAPS Transit Dispatch transit and fare schedules
The Connection Transit Dispatch ATCOG-RTD Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
ATCOG-RTD Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
Private Taxi Provider Dispatch transit service coordination
Private Taxi Provider Dispatch transit service coordination
TAPS Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
TAPS Transit Dispatch transit service coordination
The Connection Vehicles emergency notification
The Connection Vehicles fare and payment status
The Connection Vehicles transit vehicle conditions
The Connection Vehicles transit vehicle location data
The Connection Vehicles transit vehicle passenger and use data
The Connection Vehicles transit vehicle schedule performance
The Connection Vehicles The Connection Transit Dispatch request for vehicle measures
The Connection Transit Dispatch transit vehicle operator instructions
The Connection Website The Connection Transit Dispatch transit and fare schedules
TxDOT 511 System ATCOG-RTD Transit Dispatch transit and fare schedules
TAPS Transit Dispatch transit and fare schedules
The Connection Transit Dispatch transit and fare schedules
TxDOT Paris District Public Transportation Management System (PTMS) ATCOG-RTD Transit Dispatch transit archive data
TAPS Transit Dispatch transit archive data
The Connection Transit Dispatch transit archive data

Last updated on 05-12-2005 using Ronald C. Ice and Associates Web Spinner Technology.