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Interface: City of El Paso Traffic Management Center To City of El Paso Traffic Signal Maintenance Dispatch

Architecture Geographic Scope

City of El Paso Traffic Management Center to City of El Paso Traffic Signal Maintenance Dispatch Interface Diagram


Architecture Flow Definitions

equipment maintenance status   (Future)   Applicable ITS Standards

Current status of field equipment maintenance actions.


field equipment status   (Future)   Applicable ITS Standards

Identification of field equipment requiring repair and known information about the associated faults.


maint and constr resource request   (Future)   Applicable ITS Standards

Request for road maintenance and construction resources that can be used in the diversion of traffic (cones, portable signs), clearance of a road hazard, repair of ancillary damage, or any other incident response.


maint and constr resource response   (Future)   Applicable ITS Standards

Current status of maintenance and construction resources including availability and deployment status.


road network conditions   (Future)   Applicable ITS Standards

Current and forecasted traffic information, road and weather conditions, incident information, and other road network status. Either raw data, processed data, or some combination of both may be provided by this architecture flow.


Last updated on 09-27-2003 using Ronald C. Ice and Associates Web Spinner Technology.