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City of El Paso Parking Meter Reader System Equipment Packages

Architecture Geographic Scope


The following equipment packages are associated with the "City of El Paso Parking Meter Reader System" element.   Select the "Details" icon to see the detailed process specifications that support each equipment package, or consult the National ITS Architecture web site for more information.


Parking Electronic Payment

This Equipment package supports electronic payment of parking fees.


Parking Management

This Equipment package provides the capability to detect and classify properly equipped vehicles entering and exiting the parking facility, and to maintain database information with parking availability and pricing structure information. This capability shall be provided through the utilization of active/passive tag readers and database software containing parking pricing structure and current availability. Wireline communications with clearinghouse operators (the Financial Institution terminator) and the back office (the parking service provider terminator) enable processing of financial transactions and external coordination.


Parking Surveillance

This Equipment package provides the capability to detect and classify vehicles entering and exiting the parking facility and measures parking facility occupancy to support parking operations and traveler information services.


Last updated on 09-27-2003 using Ronald C. Ice and Associates Web Spinner Technology.