The following equipment packages are associated with the "Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices" element. Select the "Details" icon to see the detailed process specifications that support each equipment package, or consult the National ITS Architecture web site for more information.
Personal Basic Information Reception
This Equipment package shall provide the capability for travelers to interface with the ISP Subsystem Basic Information Broadcast Equipment package and receive formatted traffic advisories including accurate traveling information concerning available travel options and their availability, and congestion information from their Personal Information Access Subsystem to include their homes, place of work, major trip generation sites, personal portable devices, and over multiple types of electronic media such as facsimile machines, portable AM/FM radios, and a pager processor.
Personal Interactive Information Reception
This Equipment package shall provide the capability for travelers to interface with the ISP Subsystem Infrastructure Equipment packages including the Interactive Infrastructure Information Equipment package, and the Infrastructure Provided Route Selection, Yellow Pages and Reservation, and Dynamic Ridesharing Equipment packages. These capabilities shall be provided using the Personal Information Access Subsystem equipment such as cellular telephone, interactive TV, Personal Computer, and pager with alpha display using communication medium and equipment such as two-way radio, CATV, and wireless data transceivers.
Personal Location Determination
This equipment package determines current location information and provides this information to other equipment packages that use the location information to provide various ITS services.
Personal Provider-Based Route Guidance
This Equipment package coordinates with an ISP-Based route planning service to select a suggested route plan that is tailored to the traveler's preferences. Coordination may continue during the trip so that the route plan can be modified to account for new information. Many equipment configurations are possible including systems that provide a basic route plan to the traveler as well as more sophisticated systems that can provide transition by transition guidance to the traveler along a multi-modal route plan.
Last updated on 02-11-2004 using
Web Spinner Technology.