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City of Del Rio EOC

Architecture Geographic Scope




Emergency Operations Center for City of Del Rio. Includes Val Verde County. Located at "New Central Station".



City of Del Rio Emergency Management

Functionality: Functional Details

Emergency Management


Interfaces to:Context Diagram

City of Del Rio Centralized Dispatch Center  
City of Del Rio Fire Department  
City of Del Rio Paratransit Dispatch  
City of Del Rio Police Dispatch  
City of Del Rio Traffic Operations Center  
CIty of Del Rio Transit Dispatch  
Del Rio Regional Incident and Mutual Aid Network  
DPS Communications Service  
Early Warning Broadcast System  
IBWC Operations Center  
Independent School District Dispatch  
Laughlin AFB Operations Center  
State EOC  
US BCBP Border Patrol Communications Center  
Val Verde County EOC  
Val Verde County Sheriff Communications Center  
Val Verde EMS Dispatch  

Last updated on 02-11-2004 using Ronald C. Ice and Associates Web Spinner Technology.