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Interface: Corpus Christi Police Department Metrocomm Dispatch To RTA ADART Server

Architecture Geographic Scope

Corpus Christi Police Department Metrocomm Dispatch to RTA ADART Server Interface Diagram


Architecture Flow Definitions

evacuation trip request   (Planned)   No Applicable ITS Standards

Request for transit to provide evacuation of an individual or group of individuals.


evacuation trip status   (Planned)   No Applicable ITS Standards

Status of requested evacuation trip


transit emergency coordination data   (Future)   Applicable ITS Standards

Data exchanged between centers dealing with a transit-related incident.


transit emergency data   (Future)   Applicable ITS Standards

Initial notification of transit emergency at a transit stop or on transit vehicles and further coordination as additional details become available and the response is coordinated.


Last updated on 02-06-2003 using Ronald C. Ice and Associates Web Spinner Technology.