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Architecture Flow: transit incident information

Information on transit incidents that impact transit services for public dissemination.

Communications Standards:
NTCIP C2C AASHTO-17 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Application Profile NTCIP 2303
NTCIP C2C AASHTO1-9 Application Profile for CORBA (AP-CORBA) NTCIP 2305
NTCIP C2C AASHTO-20 Application Profile for DATEX-ASN (AP-DATEX) NTCIP 2304
NTCIP C2C AASHTO-21 Octet Encoding Rules (OER) Base Protocol NTCIP 1102
NTCIP C2C AASHTO-28 Ethernet Subnetwork Profile NTCIP 2104
NTCIP C2C AASHTO-39 Center-to-Center Naming Convention Specification NTCIP 1104
NTCIP C2C AASHTO-40 CORBA Security Service Specification NTCIP 1105
NTCIP C2C AASHTO-41 CORBA Near-Real Time Data Service Specification NTCIP 1106
NTCIP C2C AASHTO-44 Information Profile for CORBA NTCIP 2502
NTCIP C2C AASHTO-46 Information Profile for DATEX NTCIP 2501
NTCIP C2C AASHTO-XML Application Profile for XML Message Encoding and Transport in ITS C2C Communications NTCIP 2306
NTCIP C2C S-88 Internet (TCP/IP and UDP/IP) Transport Profile NTCIP 2202
Message Standards:
tcip-cc tcip-cc TCIP Control Center (CC) Objects NTCIP 1407
tcip-im tcip-im TCIP Incident Management (IM) Objects NTCIP 1402
tcip-ob tcip-ob TCIP On-Board (OB) Objects NTCIP 1406
Data Standards:
No Data Standards

Last updated: 02-23-07