New York Sub-Regional ITS Architecture

Operational Concepts: NYC Mayors Office of Emergency Management

The following are the roles and responsibilities, by functional area or by project, for NYC Mayors Office of Emergency Management.

Functional Area or Project Roles and Responsibilities Status

Emergency Management for New York City Sub-Regional ITS Architecture

Coordinate emergency plans and maintenance resources with local maintenance and construction agencies. Existing
Coordinate emergency plans, emergency transit schedules, and the status of emergency transit systems with local transit agencies. Existing
Coordinate incident and threat information as part of an early warning system with regional emergency management agencies; maintenance and construction agencies; transit agencies; and ISPs. Existing
Develop and coordinate regional emergency plans; evacuation and re-entry plans; and disaster management plans with regional emergency and transportation management agencies. Existing
Monitor and detect potential, looming, and actual disasters including natural disasters and man-made disasters. Existing
Provide evacuation and incident information to regional ISPs and the media for travelers in the region. Existing