New York Sub-Regional ITS Architecture

Service Packages For: MTA NYC Transit - APTS06-03

Scroll down to view list of elements, responsible agencies (stakeholders), candidate functional areas and requirements, and flows on this diagram.

List of Elements on this Diagram
Click on Element Name to go to Element Detail Page.
Element Name Stakeholder
MTA NYCT Staten Island Railway Maintenance Facility MTA NYC Transit
MTA NYCT Staten Island Railway Vehicles MTA NYC Transit

List of Stakeholder Elements and Roles on this Diagram
Click on Element Name to go to Page with Element Details.
Click on Functional Area/Role to go to Page with Candidate Functional Requirements.
Stakeholder Element Name Functional Area/Role Functional Area Description
MTA NYC Transit MTA NYCT Staten Island Railway Maintenance Facility Transit Vehicle Assignment This equipment package assigns individual transit vehicles to vehicle blocks and downloads this information to the transit vehicle. It also provides an exception handling process for the vehicle assignment function to generate new, supplemental vehicle assignments when required by changes during the operating day. It provides an inventory management function for the transit facility which stores functional attributes about each of the vehicles owned by the transit operator. These attributes permit the planning and assignment functions to match vehicles with routes based on suitability for the types of service required by the particular routes.
MTA NYC Transit MTA NYCT Staten Island Railway Maintenance Facility Transit Garage Maintenance This equipment package provides advanced maintenance functions for the transit property. It collects operational and maintenance data from transit vehicles, manages vehicle service histories, and monitors operators and vehicles. It collects vehicle mileage data and uses it to automatically generate preventative maintenance schedules for each vehicle by utilizing vehicle tracking data from a prerequisite vehicle tracking equipment package. In addition, it provides information to proper service personnel to support maintenance activities and records and verifies that maintenance work was performed.
MTA NYC Transit MTA NYCT Staten Island Railway Vehicles On-board Schedule Management This on-board equipment package monitors schedule performance and identifies corrective actions when a deviation is detected. It provides two-way communication between the transit vehicle and center, enabling the center to communicate with the vehicle operator and monitor on-board systems.
MTA NYC Transit MTA NYCT Staten Island Railway Vehicles On-board Maintenance This on-board equipment package collects and processes transit vehicle maintenance data including mileage and vehicle operating conditions. This maintenance information is provided to the management center and used to schedule future vehicle maintenance and repair.

List of Flows on this Diagram
Click on Architecture Flow to go to Page with Applicable ITS Standards.
Source Element Architecture Flow Destination Element
MTA NYCT Staten Island Railway Maintenance Facility request for vehicle measures MTA NYCT Staten Island Railway Vehicles
MTA NYCT Staten Island Railway Vehicles transit vehicle conditions MTA NYCT Staten Island Railway Maintenance Facility