Equipment Package: Remote Transit Fare Management |
Description: |
This Equipment package provides the capability for the traveler to use a common fare medium for all applicable surface transportation services, to pay without stopping, have payment media automatically identified as void and/or invalid and eligibility verified. This may be implemented as a payment instrument reader at a kiosk. In addition, capability to provide expansion into other uses for payment medium such as retail and telephone and for off-line billing for fares paid by agencies shall be supported. |
Included In: |
MTA LIRR Fare Point of Sale
MTA Long Island Bus Fare Point of Sale
MTA Metro North Fare Point of Sale
MTA NYCT Fare Point of Sale
MTA Regional Transit Fare Card Point of Sale
PANYNJ PATH Fare Point of Sale
Processes: | - Detect Transit User at Roadside - Determine Transit User Needs at Roadside - Determine Transit Fare at Roadside - Manage Transit Fare Billing at Roadside - Provide Transit User Roadside Fare Interface - Update Roadside Transit Fare Data - Provide Transit Roadside Passenger Data
7.3.4 - Provide Remote Terminal Traveler Card Interface
7.5.2 - Provide Transit User Roadside Traveler Card Interface
User Service Requirements: |
3.0 -
3.1 -
3.1.0 -
ITS shall include an Electronic Payment capability. Electronic Payment Services allows travelers to pay for transportation services by electronic means. Four functions are provided, which are, (1) Electronic Toll Collection, (2) Electronic Fare Collection, (3) Electronic Parking Payment, and (4) Electronic Payment Services Integration.
3.1.1 -
Electronic Payment shall provide an Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) capability.
3.1.2 -
Electronic Payment shall include an Electronic Fare Collection (EFC) capability. -
EFC shall be implemented in a manner that the traveler is able to use a compatible fare medium for all applicable surface transportation services. -
EFC shall provide the capability to implement variable and flexible fare structures. -
EFC shall be capable of identifying voided and/or invalid payment media. -
EFC shall provide the capability for third party payment of transportation services. -
For those systems requiring special eligibility, EFC shall provide the capability to verify the eligibility of riders. -
EFC shall be implemented in a manner that permits expansion into other uses for the payment medium such as payment of retail, telephone, etc. -
EFC shall include the capability to collect the data required to determine accurate ridership levels. -
EFC shall provide the capability for passengers to pay fares without stopping.
3.1.3 -
Electronic Payment shall include an Electronic Parking Payment (EPP) capability. -
EPP shall provide the capability to pay for parking without the use of cash.
3.1.4 -
ITS shall include an Electronic Payment Services Integration (EPSI) feature. -
EPSI shall collect and provide usage data to develop pricing strategies that favor certain transportation modes or routes.
Last updated: 11-02-04 |