Stakeholder | Market Package |

APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - BRTA |
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - PVTA |
ATIS08 - Dynamic Ridesharing - MassDOT Travel Options Program |
Berkshire Visitors Bureau

AD1 - ITS Data Mart - Regional Tourism Archives (1 of 2) |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - MassDOT - Office of Transportation Planning |
BRPC - Berkshire Regional Planning Commission

AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - Berkshire Regional Planning Commissions Archives |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - MassDOT - Office of Transportation Planning |
BRTA - Berkshire Regional Transit Authority

AD1 - ITS Data Mart - Transit Archives (1 of 2) |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - Berkshire Regional Planning Commissions Archives |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - Local City/Town Planning Commission Archive |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - MassDOT - Office of Transportation Planning |
APTS01 - Transit Vehicle Tracking - BRTA |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - BRTA |
APTS03 - Demand Response Transit Operations - BRTA |
APTS04 - Transit Fare Collection Management - BRTA |
APTS05 - Transit Security - Demand Response (1 of 2) |
APTS05 - Transit Security - Fixed Route (1 of 3) |
APTS06 - Transit Fleet Management - BRTA |
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - BRTA |
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - MassDOT � Highway Division |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - BRTA (1 of 2) |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - BRTA (2 of 2) |
APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - BRTA (1 of 2) |
APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - BRTA (2 of 2) |
APTS10 - Transit Passenger Counting - BRTA |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - MassDOT - Highway Division |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Private Traveler Information Service Providers (2 of 2) |
ATIS08 - Dynamic Ridesharing - MassDOT Travel Options Program |
ATMS02 - Traffic Probe Surveillance - MassDOT � Highway Division |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - City of Pittsfield (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Local City/Town (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MassDOT - Highway Division (EM to Transit) |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - BRTA |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - Local City/Town |
EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery - City/Town/County (3 of 3) |
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - MEMA (2 of 2) (EM to EM, EM to TRMS) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (1 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - Local City/Town (2 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
City of Holyoke

APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - PVTA (1 of 2) |
City of Northampton

APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - PVTA (1 of 2) |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County / City of Northampton |
City of Pittsfield

APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - BRTA |
APTS03 - Demand Response Transit Operations - BRTA |
APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - BRTA (1 of 2) |
ATMS01 - Network Surveillance - City of Pittsfield |
ATMS03 - Surface Street Control - City of Pittsfield |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - City of Pittsfield (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - City of Pittsfield (2 of 2) |
ATMS07 - Regional Traffic Management - Local City/Town |
ATMS07 - Regional Traffic Management - MassDOT � Highway Division (2 of 2) |
ATMS07 - Regional Traffic Management - Private Traveler Information Service Providers |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - City of Pittsfield (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - City of Pittsfield (TM to MCM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MassDOT � Highway Division (MCM to Other MCM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Rail Operations Coordination |
ATMS15 - Railroad Operations Coordination - Rail Operations Centers |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County / City of Pittsfield |
EM07 - Early Warning System - MEMA |
EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery - City/Town/County (1 of 3) |
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - MEMA (1 of 2) (EM to TM, EM to MCM) |
MC02 - Maintenance and Construction Vehicle Maintenance - Pittsfield / Springfield / Greenfield |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (1 of 2) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (2 of 2) |
MC07 - Roadway Maintenance and Construction - City of Pittsfield |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - City of Pittsfield |
MC09 - Work Zone Safety Monitoring - City of Pittsfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - City of Pittsfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - City of Springfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Local City/Town |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Town of Greenfield |
City of Springfield

APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - PVTA |
APTS03 - Demand Response Transit Operations - PVTA |
APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - PVTA (1 of 2) |
ATMS01 - Network Surveillance - City of Springfield |
ATMS03 - Surface Street Control - City of Springfield |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - City of Springfield (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - City of Springfield (2 of 2) |
ATMS07 - Regional Traffic Management - Local City/Town |
ATMS07 - Regional Traffic Management - MassDOT � Highway Division (2 of 2) |
ATMS07 - Regional Traffic Management - Private Traveler Information Service Providers |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - City of Springfield (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - City of Springfield (TM to MCM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MassDOT � Highway Division (MCM to Other MCM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Rail Operations Coordination |
ATMS15 - Railroad Operations Coordination - Rail Operations Centers |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County / City of Springfield |
EM07 - Early Warning System - MEMA |
EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery - City/Town/County (1 of 3) |
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - MEMA (1 of 2) (EM to TM, EM to MCM) |
MC02 - Maintenance and Construction Vehicle Maintenance - Pittsfield / Springfield / Greenfield |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (1 of 2) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (2 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - City of Springfield (1 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - City of Springfield (2 of 2) |
MC07 - Roadway Maintenance and Construction - City of Springfield |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - City of Springfield |
MC09 - Work Zone Safety Monitoring - City of Springfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - City of Pittsfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - City of Springfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Local City/Town |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Town of Greenfield |
CVO Information Requestor

CVO04 - CV Administrative Processes - Massachusetts CVIEW |
Financial Institution

APTS04 - Transit Fare Collection Management - BRTA |
APTS04 - Transit Fare Collection Management - FRTA |
APTS04 - Transit Fare Collection Management - PVTA |
ATMS10 - Electronic Toll Collection - MassDOT � Highway Division (2 of 2) |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - BRTA |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - Local City/Town |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - PVTA |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - UMass |
Franklin County Chamber of Commerce

AD1 - ITS Data Mart - Regional Tourism Archives (2 of 2) |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - MassDOT - Office of Transportation Planning |
FRCOG - Franklin Regional Council of Governments

AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - Franklin Regional Council of Governments Archives |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - MassDOT - Office of Transportation Planning |
FRTA - Franklin Regional Transit Authority

AD1 - ITS Data Mart - Transit Archives (2 of 2) |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - Berkshire Regional Planning Commissions Archives |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - Franklin Regional Council of Governments Archives |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - Local City/Town Planning Commission Archive |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - MassDOT - Office of Transportation Planning |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - Pioneer Valley Regional Planning Commissions Archives |
APTS01 - Transit Vehicle Tracking - FRTA |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - FRTA |
APTS03 - Demand Response Transit Operations - FRTA |
APTS04 - Transit Fare Collection Management - FRTA |
APTS05 - Transit Security - Demand Response (1 of 2) |
APTS05 - Transit Security - Fixed Route (1 of 3) |
APTS06 - Transit Fleet Management - FRTA |
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - FRTA |
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - MassDOT � Highway Division |
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - Transit Coordination |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - FRTA (1 of 2) |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - FRTA (2 of 2) |
APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - FRTA (1 of 2) |
APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - FRTA (2 of 2) |
APTS10 - Transit Passenger Counting - FRTA |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - MassDOT - Highway Division |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Private Traveler Information Service Providers (2 of 2) |
ATIS08 - Dynamic Ridesharing - MassDOT Travel Options Program |
ATMS02 - Traffic Probe Surveillance - MassDOT � Highway Division |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Local City/Town (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Town of Greenfield (1 of 2) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MassDOT - Highway Division (EM to Transit) |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - Local City/Town |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - MassDOT - Highway Division |
EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery - City/Town/County (3 of 3) |
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - MEMA (2 of 2) (EM to EM, EM to TRMS) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (1 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - Local City/Town (2 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
Greater Springfield Convention and Visitors Bureau

AD1 - ITS Data Mart - Regional Tourism Archives (1 of 2) |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - MassDOT - Office of Transportation Planning |

EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County / City of Northampton |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County / City of Pittsfield |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County / City of Springfield |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County / MassDOT - Highway Division |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County / Town of Amherst |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County / Town of Great Barrington |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County / Town of Greenfield |
Local City/Town

AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - Local City/Town Planning Commission Archive |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - MassDOT - Office of Transportation Planning |
APTS01 - Transit Vehicle Tracking - Other Transit Providers |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - BRTA |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - FRTA |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - Local Transit |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - Private Surface Transportation Provider |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - PVTA |
APTS03 - Demand Response Transit Operations - BRTA |
APTS03 - Demand Response Transit Operations - FRTA |
APTS03 - Demand Response Transit Operations - Local Transit |
APTS03 - Demand Response Transit Operations - PVTA |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - Local Transit |
APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - BRTA (1 of 2) |
APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - FRTA (1 of 2) |
APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - Local City/Town (1 of 2) |
APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - PVTA (1 of 2) |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Local City/Town |
ATMS01 - Network Surveillance - City of Pittsfield |
ATMS01 - Network Surveillance - City of Springfield |
ATMS01 - Network Surveillance - Local City/Town |
ATMS01 - Network Surveillance - Town of Greenfield |
ATMS02 - Traffic Probe Surveillance - MassDOT � Highway Division |
ATMS03 - Surface Street Control - Local City/Town |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - City of Pittsfield (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - City of Pittsfield (2 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - City of Springfield (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - City of Springfield (2 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Local City/Town (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Local City/Town (2 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Town of Greenfield (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Town of Greenfield (2 of 2) |
ATMS07 - Regional Traffic Management - Local City/Town |
ATMS07 - Regional Traffic Management - MassDOT � Highway Division (2 of 2) |
ATMS07 - Regional Traffic Management - Private Traveler Information Service Providers |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Local City/Town (EM to MCM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Local City/Town (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Local City/Town (TM to MCM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MassDOT � Highway Division (MCM to Other MCM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MassDOT � Highway Division (TM to MCM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MSP (EM to MCM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Rail Operations Coordination |
ATMS13 - Standard Railroad Grade Crossing - Local City/Town |
ATMS15 - Railroad Operations Coordination - Rail Operations Centers |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - Local City/Town |
EM01 - Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch - Local City/Town/County |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - MSP |
EM07 - Early Warning System - City/Town/County |
EM07 - Early Warning System - MEMA |
EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery - City/Town/County (1 of 3) |
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - MEMA (1 of 2) (EM to TM, EM to MCM) |
MC01 - Maintenance and Construction Vehicle and Equipment Tracking - MassDOT � Highway Division / Local City/Town |
MC02 - Maintenance and Construction Vehicle Maintenance - Local City/Town |
MC03 - Road Weather Data Collection - Local City/Town |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Local City/Town |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (1 of 2) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (2 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - City of Springfield (1 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - Local City/Town (1 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - Local City/Town (2 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
MC07 - Roadway Maintenance and Construction - City of Pittsfield |
MC07 - Roadway Maintenance and Construction - City of Springfield |
MC07 - Roadway Maintenance and Construction - Local City/Town |
MC07 - Roadway Maintenance and Construction - Town of Greenfield |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - City of Pittsfield |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - City of Springfield |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - Local City/Town |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - Town of Greenfield |
MC09 - Work Zone Safety Monitoring - Local City/Town |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - City of Pittsfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - City of Springfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Local City/Town |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Town of Greenfield |
MC12 - Infrastructure Monitoring - Local City/Town |
Local City/Town/County Public Safety

AD1 - ITS Data Mart - MassDOT � RMV Crash Report Database |
APTS05 - Transit Security - Fixed Route (2 of 3) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - City of Pittsfield (2 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - City of Springfield (2 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Local City/Town (2 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Town of Greenfield (2 of 2) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - City of Pittsfield (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - City of Springfield (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - City/Town/County (EM to EV) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Local City/Town (EM to MCM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Local City/Town (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MassDOT - Highway Division (EM to MCM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MassDOT � Highway Division (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Rail Operations Coordination |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Town of Greenfield (TM to EM) |
ATMS10 - Electronic Toll Collection - MassDOT � Highway Division (2 of 2) |
ATMS21 - Roadway Closure Management - MassDOT - Highway Division |
EM01 - Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch - City/Town/County |
EM01 - Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch - Local City/Town/County |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County / City of Northampton |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County / City of Pittsfield |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County / City of Springfield |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County / MassDOT - Highway Division |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County / Town of Amherst |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County / Town of Great Barrington |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County / Town of Greenfield |
EM07 - Early Warning System - City/Town/County |
EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery - City/Town/County (1 of 3) |
EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery - City/Town/County (2 of 3) |
EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery - City/Town/County (3 of 3) |
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - MEMA (1 of 2) (EM to TM, EM to MCM) |
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - MEMA (2 of 2) (EM to EM, EM to TRMS) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Local City/Town |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (2 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - City of Springfield (2 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - Local City/Town (2 of 2) |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - City of Pittsfield |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - City of Springfield |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - Local City/Town |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - Town of Greenfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - City of Pittsfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - City of Springfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Local City/Town |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Town of Greenfield |
Local Media

ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Local City/Town |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - MassDOT - Highway Division |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - City of Pittsfield (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - City of Springfield (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Local City/Town (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Town of Greenfield (1 of 2) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Local City/Town |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - City of Pittsfield |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - City of Springfield |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - Local City/Town |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - Town of Greenfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - City of Pittsfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - City of Springfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Local City/Town |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Town of Greenfield |
Local Transit Agencies

AD1 - ITS Data Mart - Transit Archives (2 of 2) |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - MassDOT - Office of Transportation Planning |
APTS01 - Transit Vehicle Tracking - Other Transit Providers |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - Local Transit |
APTS03 - Demand Response Transit Operations - Local Transit |
APTS04 - Transit Fare Collection Management - Other Transit Providers |
APTS05 - Transit Security - Demand Response (2 of 2) |
APTS05 - Transit Security - Fixed Route (3 of 3) |
APTS06 - Transit Fleet Management - Local Transit |
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - MassDOT � Highway Division |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - Local Transit |
APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - Local City/Town (1 of 2) |
APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - Local City/Town (2 of 2) |
APTS10 - Transit Passenger Counting - Local Transit |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Private Traveler Information Service Providers (2 of 2) |
ATIS08 - Dynamic Ridesharing - MassDOT Travel Options Program |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - City of Pittsfield (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - City of Springfield (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Local City/Town (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Town of Greenfield (1 of 2) |
EM07 - Early Warning System - City/Town/County |
EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery - City/Town/County (3 of 3) |
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - MEMA (2 of 2) (EM to EM, EM to TRMS) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (1 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - City of Springfield (2 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - Local City/Town (2 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
Local/Regional School Districts

APTS01 - Transit Vehicle Tracking - Independent School Districts |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - City of Pittsfield (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - City of Springfield (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Local City/Town (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Town of Greenfield (1 of 2) |
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - MEMA (2 of 2) (EM to EM, EM to TRMS) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - City of Springfield (2 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
MassDOT - Highway Division

AD1 - ITS Data Mart - MassDOT � Highway Division |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - MassDOT - Office of Transportation Planning |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - BRTA |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - FRTA |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - Local Transit |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - Private Surface Transportation Provider |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - PVTA |
APTS03 - Demand Response Transit Operations - BRTA |
APTS03 - Demand Response Transit Operations - FRTA |
APTS03 - Demand Response Transit Operations - Local Transit |
APTS03 - Demand Response Transit Operations - PVTA |
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - MassDOT � Highway Division |
APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - BRTA (2 of 2) |
APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - FRTA (2 of 2) |
APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - Local City/Town (2 of 2) |
APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - PVTA (2 of 2) |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Local City/Town |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - MassDOT - Highway Division |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Private Traveler Information Service Providers (1 of 2) |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Regional Traveler Information Service Providers |
ATIS05 - ISP Based Trip Planning and Route Guidance - Private Traveler Information Service Providers |
ATIS08 - Dynamic Ridesharing - MassDOT Travel Options Program |
ATMS01 - Network Surveillance - MassDOT � Highway Division |
ATMS02 - Traffic Probe Surveillance - MassDOT � Highway Division |
ATMS02 - Traffic Probe Surveillance - Regional Traveler Information Service Providers |
ATMS03 - Surface Street Control - MassDOT - Highway Division |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
ATMS07 - Regional Traffic Management - Local City/Town |
ATMS07 - Regional Traffic Management - MassDOT � Highway Division (1 of 2) |
ATMS07 - Regional Traffic Management - MassDOT � Highway Division (2 of 2) |
ATMS07 - Regional Traffic Management - Private Traveler Information Service Providers |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - City of Pittsfield (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - City of Springfield (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Local City/Town (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MassDOT - Highway Division (EM to MCM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MassDOT - Highway Division (EM to Transit) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MassDOT � Highway Division (MCM to Other MCM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MassDOT � Highway Division (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MassDOT � Highway Division (TM to MCM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MSP (EM to MCM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Rail Operations Coordination |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Town of Greenfield (TM to EM) |
ATMS10 - Electronic Toll Collection - MassDOT � Highway Division (1 of 2) |
ATMS10 - Electronic Toll Collection - MassDOT � Highway Division (2 of 2) |
ATMS13 - Standard Railroad Grade Crossing - Local City/Town |
ATMS13 - Standard Railroad Grade Crossing - MassDOT � Highway Division |
ATMS15 - Railroad Operations Coordination - Rail Operations Centers |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - BRTA |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - Local City/Town |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - MassDOT - Highway Division |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - PVTA |
ATMS21 - Roadway Closure Management - MassDOT - Highway Division |
EM01 - Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch - MEMA |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County / MassDOT - Highway Division |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - MSP |
EM03 - Mayday and Alarms Support - MSP |
EM04 - Roadway Service Patrols - MassDOT - Highway Division |
EM05 - Transportation Infrastructure Protection - MassDOT � Highway Division |
EM07 - Early Warning System - MEMA |
EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery - City/Town/County (1 of 3) |
EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery - City/Town/County (2 of 3) |
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - MEMA (1 of 2) (EM to TM, EM to MCM) |
MC01 - Maintenance and Construction Vehicle and Equipment Tracking - MassDOT � Highway Division / Local City/Town |
MC02 - Maintenance and Construction Vehicle Maintenance - MassDOT � Highway Division |
MC03 - Road Weather Data Collection - MassDOT � Highway Division |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (1 of 2) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (2 of 2) |
MC05 - Roadway Automated Treatment - MassDOT � Highway Division |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
MC07 - Roadway Maintenance and Construction - MassDOT � Highway Division |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - City of Pittsfield |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - City of Springfield |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - Local City/Town |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - Town of Greenfield |
MC09 - Work Zone Safety Monitoring - MassDOT - Highway Division |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - City of Pittsfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - City of Springfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Local City/Town |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Town of Greenfield |
MC12 - Infrastructure Monitoring - MassDOT - Highway Division |
MassDOT - Office of Transportation Planning

AD1 - ITS Data Mart - MassDOT � RMV Crash Report Database |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - Berkshire Regional Planning Commissions Archives |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - Franklin Regional Council of Governments Archives |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - Local City/Town Planning Commission Archive |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - MassDOT - Office of Transportation Planning |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - Pioneer Valley Regional Planning Commissions Archives |
ATIS08 - Dynamic Ridesharing - MassDOT Travel Options Program |
MassDOT - Registry of Motor Vehicles Division

AD1 - ITS Data Mart - MassDOT � RMV Crash Report Database |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - MassDOT - Office of Transportation Planning |
ATMS10 - Electronic Toll Collection - MassDOT � Highway Division (2 of 2) |
CVO04 - CV Administrative Processes - Massachusetts CVIEW |
MEMA - Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency

ATMS01 - Network Surveillance - MSP |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - City of Pittsfield (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - City of Springfield (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Local City/Town (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MassDOT � Highway Division (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Town of Greenfield (TM to EM) |
EM01 - Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch - Local City/Town/County |
EM01 - Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch - MEMA |
EM07 - Early Warning System - City/Town/County |
EM07 - Early Warning System - MEMA |
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - MEMA (1 of 2) (EM to TM, EM to MCM) |
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - MEMA (2 of 2) (EM to EM, EM to TRMS) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (2 of 2) |
Mohawk Trail Association

AD1 - ITS Data Mart - Regional Tourism Archives (2 of 2) |
MSP - Massachusetts State Police

AD1 - ITS Data Mart - MassDOT � RMV Crash Report Database |
ATMS01 - Network Surveillance - MSP |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - City of Pittsfield (2 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - City of Springfield (2 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Local City/Town (2 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Town of Greenfield (2 of 2) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - City of Pittsfield (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - City of Springfield (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Local City/Town (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MassDOT - Highway Division (EM to MCM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MassDOT � Highway Division (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MSP (EM to EV) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MSP (EM to MCM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Rail Operations Coordination |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Town of Greenfield (TM to EM) |
ATMS10 - Electronic Toll Collection - MassDOT � Highway Division (2 of 2) |
ATMS21 - Roadway Closure Management - MassDOT - Highway Division |
CVO07 - Roadside CVO Safety - MSP |
EM01 - Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch - City/Town/County |
EM01 - Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch - Local City/Town/County |
EM01 - Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch - MEMA |
EM01 - Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch - MSP |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - MSP |
EM03 - Mayday and Alarms Support - MSP |
EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery - City/Town/County (3 of 3) |
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - MEMA (2 of 2) (EM to EM, EM to TRMS) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Local City/Town |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (2 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - City of Pittsfield |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - City of Springfield |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - Local City/Town |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - Town of Greenfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - City of Pittsfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - City of Springfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Local City/Town |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Town of Greenfield |
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

EM07 - Early Warning System - MEMA |
MC03 - Road Weather Data Collection - Local City/Town |
MC03 - Road Weather Data Collection - MassDOT � Highway Division |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (1 of 2) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (2 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - City of Springfield (1 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - Local City/Town (1 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
Other Commercial Vehicle Administration Services

CVO04 - CV Administrative Processes - Massachusetts CVIEW |
Other Toll Agencies

ATMS10 - Electronic Toll Collection - MassDOT � Highway Division (2 of 2) |
Private Motor Carriers

CVO04 - CV Administrative Processes - Massachusetts CVIEW |
CVO07 - Roadside CVO Safety - MSP |
Private Surface Transportation Providers

APTS01 - Transit Vehicle Tracking - Other Transit Providers |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - Private Surface Transportation Provider |
APTS04 - Transit Fare Collection Management - Other Transit Providers |
APTS05 - Transit Security - Fixed Route (3 of 3) |
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - BRTA |
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - FRTA |
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - PVTA |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - Private Surface Transportation Provider |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Private Traveler Information Service Providers (2 of 2) |
ATIS08 - Dynamic Ridesharing - MassDOT Travel Options Program |
ATMS02 - Traffic Probe Surveillance - MassDOT � Highway Division |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - City of Pittsfield (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - City of Springfield (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Local City/Town (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Town of Greenfield (1 of 2) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MassDOT - Highway Division (EM to Transit) |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - Local City/Town |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - MassDOT - Highway Division |
EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery - City/Town/County (3 of 3) |
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - MEMA (2 of 2) (EM to EM, EM to TRMS) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (1 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - City of Springfield (2 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - Local City/Town (2 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
Private Traveler Information Service Providers

AD1 - ITS Data Mart - MassDOT � Highway Division |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - BRTA |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - FRTA |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - Local Transit |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - Private Surface Transportation Provider |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - PVTA |
APTS03 - Demand Response Transit Operations - BRTA |
APTS03 - Demand Response Transit Operations - FRTA |
APTS03 - Demand Response Transit Operations - Local Transit |
APTS03 - Demand Response Transit Operations - PVTA |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Private Traveler Information Service Providers (1 of 2) |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Private Traveler Information Service Providers (2 of 2) |
ATIS05 - ISP Based Trip Planning and Route Guidance - Private Traveler Information Service Providers |
ATMS01 - Network Surveillance - City of Pittsfield |
ATMS01 - Network Surveillance - City of Springfield |
ATMS01 - Network Surveillance - Local City/Town |
ATMS01 - Network Surveillance - MassDOT � Highway Division |
ATMS01 - Network Surveillance - Private Traveler Information Service Providers |
ATMS01 - Network Surveillance - Town of Greenfield |
ATMS02 - Traffic Probe Surveillance - Private Traveler Information Service Providers |
ATMS07 - Regional Traffic Management - Private Traveler Information Service Providers |
EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery - City/Town/County (1 of 3) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Local City/Town |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (2 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - City of Springfield (1 of 2) |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
Private Weather Service Provider

EM07 - Early Warning System - MEMA |
MC03 - Road Weather Data Collection - Local City/Town |
MC03 - Road Weather Data Collection - MassDOT � Highway Division |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (1 of 2) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (2 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - City of Springfield (1 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - Local City/Town (1 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
PVPC - Pioneer Valley Planning Commission

AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - MassDOT - Office of Transportation Planning |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - Pioneer Valley Regional Planning Commissions Archives |
PVTA - Pioneer Valley Transit Authority

AD1 - ITS Data Mart - Transit Archives (1 of 2) |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - Berkshire Regional Planning Commissions Archives |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - Franklin Regional Council of Governments Archives |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - Local City/Town Planning Commission Archive |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - MassDOT - Office of Transportation Planning |
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse - Pioneer Valley Regional Planning Commissions Archives |
APTS01 - Transit Vehicle Tracking - PVTA |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - PVTA |
APTS03 - Demand Response Transit Operations - PVTA |
APTS04 - Transit Fare Collection Management - PVTA |
APTS05 - Transit Security - Demand Response (2 of 2) |
APTS05 - Transit Security - Fixed Route (2 of 3) |
APTS06 - Transit Fleet Management - PVTA |
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - MassDOT � Highway Division |
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - PVTA |
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - Transit Coordination |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - PVTA (1 of 2) |
APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - PVTA (1 of 2) |
APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - PVTA (2 of 2) |
APTS10 - Transit Passenger Counting - PVTA |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - MassDOT - Highway Division |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Private Traveler Information Service Providers (2 of 2) |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Regional Traveler Information Service Providers |
ATIS08 - Dynamic Ridesharing - MassDOT Travel Options Program |
ATMS02 - Traffic Probe Surveillance - MassDOT � Highway Division |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - City of Springfield (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Local City/Town (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MassDOT - Highway Division (EM to Transit) |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - Local City/Town |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - MassDOT - Highway Division |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - PVTA |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - UMass |
EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery - City/Town/County (3 of 3) |
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - MEMA (2 of 2) (EM to EM, EM to TRMS) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (1 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - City of Springfield (2 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - Local City/Town (2 of 2) |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
Rail Operators

APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - BRTA |
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - FRTA |
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - PVTA |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Rail Operations Coordination |
ATMS13 - Standard Railroad Grade Crossing - Local City/Town |
ATMS13 - Standard Railroad Grade Crossing - MassDOT � Highway Division |
ATMS15 - Railroad Operations Coordination - Rail Operations Centers |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Local City/Town |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - City of Pittsfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - City of Springfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Local City/Town |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Town of Greenfield |
Regional Event Promoters

APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - BRTA |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - FRTA |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - City of Pittsfield (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - City of Springfield (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Local City/Town (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MassDOT � Highway Division (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Town of Greenfield (TM to EM) |
Regional Fare Card Agencies

APTS04 - Transit Fare Collection Management - BRTA |
APTS04 - Transit Fare Collection Management - FRTA |
APTS04 - Transit Fare Collection Management - Other Transit Providers |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - BRTA (1 of 2) |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - BRTA (2 of 2) |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - FRTA (1 of 2) |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - FRTA (2 of 2) |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - Local Transit |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - Private Surface Transportation Provider |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - PVTA (1 of 2) |
ATMS10 - Electronic Toll Collection - MassDOT � Highway Division (1 of 2) |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - BRTA |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - Local City/Town |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - PVTA |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - UMass |
Regional Traveler Information Service Providers

AD1 - ITS Data Mart - Regional Traveler Information Service Providers |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - BRTA |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - FRTA |
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - PVTA |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - MassDOT - Highway Division |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Regional Traveler Information Service Providers |
ATMS01 - Network Surveillance - MassDOT � Highway Division |
ATMS01 - Network Surveillance - Regional Traveler Information Service Providers |
ATMS02 - Traffic Probe Surveillance - Regional Traveler Information Service Providers |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
ATMS07 - Regional Traffic Management - MassDOT � Highway Division (2 of 2) |
EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery - City/Town/County (1 of 3) |
Regional/Municipal Airports

APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - BRTA |
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - FRTA |
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - PVTA |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Private Traveler Information Service Providers (1 of 2) |
EM07 - Early Warning System - MEMA |
EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery - City/Town/County (3 of 3) |
Town of Amherst

APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - PVTA (1 of 2) |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County / Town of Amherst |
Town of Great Barrington

EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County / Town of Great Barrington |
Town of Greenfield

APTS03 - Demand Response Transit Operations - FRTA |
APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - FRTA (1 of 2) |
ATMS01 - Network Surveillance - Town of Greenfield |
ATMS03 - Surface Street Control - Town of Greenfield |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Town of Greenfield (1 of 2) |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Town of Greenfield (2 of 2) |
ATMS07 - Regional Traffic Management - Local City/Town |
ATMS07 - Regional Traffic Management - MassDOT � Highway Division (2 of 2) |
ATMS07 - Regional Traffic Management - Private Traveler Information Service Providers |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MassDOT � Highway Division (MCM to Other MCM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Rail Operations Coordination |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Town of Greenfield (TM to EM) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - Town of Greenfield (TM to MCM) |
ATMS15 - Railroad Operations Coordination - Rail Operations Centers |
EM02 - Emergency Routing - City/Town/County / Town of Greenfield |
EM07 - Early Warning System - MEMA |
EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery - City/Town/County (1 of 3) |
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - MEMA (1 of 2) (EM to TM, EM to MCM) |
MC02 - Maintenance and Construction Vehicle Maintenance - Pittsfield / Springfield / Greenfield |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (1 of 2) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (2 of 2) |
MC07 - Roadway Maintenance and Construction - Town of Greenfield |
MC08 - Work Zone Management - Town of Greenfield |
MC09 - Work Zone Safety Monitoring - Town of Greenfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - City of Pittsfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - City of Springfield |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Local City/Town |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - MassDOT - Highway Division (1 of 2) |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Town of Greenfield |
Town of Hadley

APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - PVTA (1 of 2) |
Town of West Springfield

APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - PVTA (1 of 2) |

APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - BRTA (1 of 2) |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - BRTA (2 of 2) |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - FRTA (1 of 2) |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - FRTA (2 of 2) |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - Local Transit |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - Private Surface Transportation Provider |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - PVTA (1 of 2) |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - UMass Transit |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Local City/Town |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - MassDOT - Highway Division |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Private Traveler Information Service Providers (1 of 2) |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Regional Traveler Information Service Providers |
ATIS05 - ISP Based Trip Planning and Route Guidance - Private Traveler Information Service Providers |
ATIS08 - Dynamic Ridesharing - MassDOT Travel Options Program |
ATMS02 - Traffic Probe Surveillance - MassDOT � Highway Division |
EM03 - Mayday and Alarms Support - MSP |
UMass Transit

APTS01 - Transit Vehicle Tracking - Other Transit Providers |
APTS06 - Transit Fleet Management - UMass Transit |
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - UMass Transit |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - MassDOT - Highway Division |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Private Traveler Information Service Providers (2 of 2) |
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Regional Traveler Information Service Providers |
ATIS08 - Dynamic Ridesharing - MassDOT Travel Options Program |
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MassDOT - Highway Division (EM to Transit) |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - UMass |
EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery - City/Town/County (3 of 3) |
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - MEMA (2 of 2) (EM to EM, EM to TRMS) |
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Weather Services (1 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - Local City/Town (2 of 2) |
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - MassDOT - Highway Division (2 of 2) |

ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - MassDOT � Highway Division (TM to EM) |
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - UMass |
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - MEMA (2 of 2) (EM to EM, EM to TRMS) |