ITS Inventory(PDF Version) |
Inventory |
Element Description |
Aggie Shuttle Dispatch |
The dispatch function for the Aggie Shuttle. May include a CAD system. |
Aggie Shuttle Vehicles |
Fixed route transit vehicles owned and operated by the Aggie Shuttle. ITS technologies on vehicles may include AVL, MDTs and security monitoring equipment (CCTV, silent alarms, etc..). |
Archive Data Users |
Any user of archive data products from any Regional archive management system. This may include individual users, computer applications, or modeling systems utilizing the archived data. |
City of Las Cruces Animal Control Vehicles |
Emergency vehicles dispatched for incidents involving live animals. |
City of Las Cruces Asset Management System |
The asset management system for the City of Las Cruces. |
City of Las Cruces CCTV |
Closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras owned and operated by the City of Las Cruces. |
City of Las Cruces Convention and Visitors Bureau |
The City of Las Cruces Department of Tourism responsible for attracting various travelers, conventions, etc. to the City of Las Cruces. |
City of Las Cruces DMS |
Dynamic message signs owned and operated by the City of Las Cruces. May be shared resources with the NMDOT and Homeland Security. |
City of Las Cruces Field Sensors |
Traffic and vehicle sensors owned and operated by the City of Las Cruces. |
City of Las Cruces Fire and EMS Vehicles |
Fire and EMS vehicles owned and operated by the City of Las Cruces ITS technologies on-board fire and EMS vehicles may include mobile data terminals (MDTs), AVL, signal preemption devices, etc. Also includes HAZMAT vehicles dispatched within the City limits. |
City of Las Cruces Fleet Management Facility |
The equipment repair facility for the City of Las Cruces. Handles maintenance and construction vehicles and equipment. |
City of Las Cruces ITS Field Equipment |
Field equipment owned and operated by the City of Las Cruces that is not expressly identified in this architecture (e.g. VIVDS, Flood Gates, security monitoring field equipment, etc.). |
City of Las Cruces Maintenance and Construction Vehicles |
Maintenance and construction vehicles owned and operated by the City of Las Cruces. Includes maintenance, construction, snow plows, etc. ITS technologies onboard vehicles may include AVL system, MDTs, etc. |
City of Las Cruces Police Vehicles |
Police vehicles owned and operated by the City of Las Cruces. ITS technologies on-board cruisers may include mobile data terminals (MDTs), AVL, etc. |
City of Las Cruces Public Information System |
The office that provides the official interface between the City of Las Cruces traffic and maintenance departments and interests outside the departments such as the media. |
City of Las Cruces Public Works Dispatch |
The maintenance and construction division for the City of Las Cruces. Operates as the dispatch function for the City of Las Cruces public works (maintenance, construction, snow plows, etc.) vehicles. |
City of Las Cruces RWIS |
Road Weather Information System (RWIS) operated and maintained by the City of Las Cruces. |
City of Las Cruces Storage Facility |
The storage facility for maintenance and construction operations (e.g. gravel, dirt, extra vehicles, etc,) for the City of Las Cruces. |
City of Las Cruces Traffic Archive |
The archive system for the City of Las Cruces that collects traffic and traveler information as well as accident data for planning purposes. |
City of Las Cruces Traffic Operations Center |
The traffic operations center located in the City of Las Cruces that controls the traffic signal systems and other field equipment owned by the City of Las Cruces. |
City of Las Cruces Traffic Signal Shop |
Traffic signal shop that repairs and replaces traffic signals and other ITS field equipment for the City of Las Cruces. |
City of Las Cruces Traffic Signals |
Traffic signal systems owned and operated by the City of Las Cruces. May include preemption capabilities, video detection, pedestrian signals, etc. |
City of Las Cruces Transportation Center |
The multimodal transportation center in downtown Las Cruces. Connections for the RoadRUNNER bus service, RPO transit services and other transit services are available. |
City of Las Cruces Website |
Transportation information website for the City of Las Cruces. In the future will include real-time construction, work zone, special event, incident, and traffic information. |
Dona Ana County Animal Control Vehicles |
Emergency vehicles dispatched for incidents involving live animals. |
Dona Ana County Asset Management System |
The asset management system for the County of Dona Ana. |
Dona Ana County CCTV |
Closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras owned and operated by Dona Ana County. |
Dona Ana County DMS |
Dynamic message signs owned and operated by Dona Ana County. Includes portable message signs for maintenance and construction activities or emergency conditions/warnings. |
Dona Ana County Field Sensors |
Traffic and vehicle sensors owned and operated by Dona Ana County. |
Dona Ana County Fire and EMS Vehicles |
Fire and EMS vehicles owned and operated by Dona Ana County. Onboard ITS systems may include mobile data terminals (MDTs), AVL, cameras, etc. |
Dona Ana County Fleet Management Facility |
The equipment repair facility for Dona Ana County. Handles maintenance and construction vehicles and equipment. |
Dona Ana County Flood Commission Water Level Monitoring Systems |
This element represents the current Water Resource Information System (WRIS) and future water level monitoring systems that might be used to identify flooding that would affect the transportation system. |
Dona Ana County ITS Field Equipment |
Field equipment owned and operated by Dona Ana County. Includes all other ITS field equipment that isn't specifically called out in the architecture (e.g. RWIS, Flood Gates, etc.). |
Dona Ana County Public Information System |
The office that provides the official interface between Dona Ana County traffic and public works departments and interests outside the departments such as the media. |
Dona Ana County Public Works Dispatch |
The maintenance and construction division for Dona Ana County. Operates as the dispatch function for Dona Ana County's maintenance and construction vehicles as well as snow plows. |
Dona Ana County Public Works Vehicles |
Maintenance and construction vehicles owned and operated by Dona Ana County (includes snow plows). May include AVL and MDTs onboard vehicles. |
Dona Ana County Sheriff Vehicles |
Sheriff vehicles owned and operated by the Dona Ana County Sheriff's Department. Onboard ITS systems may include mobile data terminals (MDTs), AVL, cameras, etc. |
Dona Ana County Storage Facility |
The storage facility for maintenance and construction operations (e.g. gravel, dirt, extra vehicles, etc,) for Dona Ana County. |
Dona Ana County Traffic Operations Center |
The traffic operations center located for Dona Ana County that controls the traffic signal systems and other field equipment owned by Dona Ana County. |
Dona Ana County Traffic Planning System |
The archive system for Dona Ana County that uses traffic and traveler information as well as accident data for planning purposes. |
Dona Ana County Traffic Signals |
Traffic signal systems owned and operated by Dona Ana County. May include preemption capabilities, video detection, pedestrian signals, etc. |
Dona Ana County Website |
Transportation information website for Dona Ana County. In the future will include real-time construction, work zone, special event, incident, and traffic information. |
Dona Ana County/City of Las Cruces Emergency Operations Center (EOC) |
The emergency operations center (EOC) for Dona Ana County including the City of Las Cruces. |
EBID Water Level Monitoring Systems |
This element represents the current Water Resource Information System (WRIS) and future water level monitoring systems that might be used to identify flooding that would affect the transportation system. |
Financial Institution |
Represents the financial institutions the regional transit agencies will use as part of electronic fare payment systems. |
Gadsden Ind/Hatch Valley Municipal School District Buses |
The buses owned and operated by the Gadsden Independent/Hatch Valley Municipal Public Schools. ITS equipment installed on district buses may include AVL, MDTs and security monitoring equipment (CCTV, silent alarms, etc..) |
Gadsden Ind/Hatch Valley Municipal School District Dispatch |
Dispatch function for Gadsden Independent/Hatch Valley Municipal School District Public Schools. Includes radio communication with school buses. In the future it will include an automated dispatch function, CAD, etc. |
Las Cruces MPO Data Warehouse |
The data warehouse for the Las Cruces MPO. Allows virtual access points into other archives through one portal. |
Las Cruces MPO Traffic Monitoring Program |
The traffic count archive for the Las Cruces MPO. Collects traffic count information from its constituent cities as well as its own traffic count equipment. |
Las Cruces Public School District Buses |
The buses owned and operated by the Las Cruces Public Schools. ITS equipment installed on district buses may include AVL, MDTs and security monitoring equipment (CCTV, silent alarms, etc..) |
Las Cruces Public School District Dispatch |
Dispatch function for Las Cruces Public Schools. Includes radio communication with school buses. In the future it will include an automated dispatch function, CAD, etc. |
Local Print and Broadcast Media |
Includes the local newspapers and the local TV and radio stations |
Local Transit Dispatch |
The dispatch function for local transit agencies are not specifically called out in the Architecture. May have an automated dispatch or CAD system in the future. |
Local Transit Vehicles |
Fixed route and demand response transit vehicles owned and operated by local transit agencies. The ITS applications on local transit vehicles may Include AVL, MDTs and security monitoring equipment (CCTV, silent alarms, etc..). |
Local Transit Website |
The transit website for the local transit agencies operating within the Region. Websites may include vanpooling forms, information in finding a vanpool, and information regarding the board of directors, demand response transit plans, etc. |
Military Installations Operations Office |
This element represents the operations offices for military installations throughout the state (e.g. Kirtland Air Force Base). |
Municipal Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) |
The emergency operations centers for the municipalities within the Region. Primary responsibility is to monitor local capabilities and request state support when needed. |
Municipal Fire and EMS Vehicles |
Fire and EMS vehicles owned and operated by local fire districts that are not explicitly called out in the architecture. |
Municipal Police Vehicles |
Police vehicles that are owned and operated by the municipal police departments that are not explicitly called out in the architecture. |
MVRDA Communications Center |
The joint emergency dispatch system for the City of Las Cruces, Town of Mesilla and Dona Ana County. Includes dispatch functions for police, fire, and EMS. Also includes the public safety answering point for the City of Las Cruces. |
MVRDA Reverse 911 System |
Automated callback system to disseminate public information to a specified geographic area. |
National Weather Service |
Service for national, regional, and local weather information. |
New Mexico National Guard Command System |
The National Guard Command and Deployment system for the State of New Mexico. They would assist in emergency management, particularly as it relates to disasters or evacuations. |
New Mexico State Radio Communications Bureau (RCB) |
State communications dispatch for DPS, Fire/ Rescue statewide, NMDOT, Forest Service, EMS, and hospitals. Also known as Santa Fe Control. Own communications infrastructure in state |
New Mexico Statewide Emergency Operations Center (EOC) |
The statewide emergency operations center located in Albuquerque. |
NM DPS Alert Coordinator |
The origination point for Amber Alerts and other wide area alerts throughout the State. |
NM DPS District 4 Dispatch Center |
The district dispatch center for the NM DPS (State Police). May have an integrated CAD system. There are 12 districts, all of which have their own dispatch center (except D12). |
NM DPS Vehicles |
Emergency vehicles that are owned and operated by the NM DPS (State Police). ITS applications installed on the police vehicles may include AVL, MDTs, maintenance scheduling equipment, etc. |
NM Motor Transport Division (MTD) District Offices |
The MTD district offices which dispatch commercial vehicle enforcement personnel |
NM Motor Transport Division (MTD) Response Vehicles |
The MTD response vehicles within the NM DPS that handle commercial vehicle incidents, enforcements, etc. |
NMDOT Advanced Traveler Information System |
The office that provides the official interface between the NMDOT traffic and maintenance departments and interests outside the departments such as the media. Currently this is performed by CARS- 511, but it may change in the future. |
NMDOT Automatic Traffic Recording Devices |
Traffic recording devices that are owned and operated by NMDOT. |
Closed Circuit Television Cameras (CCTV) owned and operated by NMDOT. |
NMDOT Consolidated Highway Database (CHDB) |
An automated database that is owned and operated by NMDOT that contains traffic information for state highways. To be replaced by the TIMS system in the future. |
NMDOT District 1 Equipment Repair Facility |
The maintenance shop for all roadside equipment owned and operated by NMDOT. Also provides maintenance to NMDOT vehicles. |
NMDOT District 1 HELP Courtesy Patrol Dispatch |
The dispatch function for the NMDOT HELP vehicles that provide courtesy patrols on the NMDOT owned and operated roadways. |
NMDOT District 1 HELP Courtesy Patrol Vehicles |
Roadway service patrol vehicles operated by NMDOT. May include mobile data terminals, AVL, etc. The trucks exist currently, and some are equipped with GPS. |
NMDOT District 1 ITS Field Equipment |
This element represents any or all ITS field equipment (roadside) that is not specifically called out in the architecture. |
NMDOT District 1 Maintenance and Construction Vehicles |
Maintenance and construction vehicles for the NMDOT Las Cruces District. |
NMDOT District 1 Maintenance Office |
Office in charge of maintenance and construction operations for the NMDOT Las Cruces District. |
NMDOT District 1 Maintenance Units Dispatch |
NMDOT maintenance sections for the Las Cruces Region. Dispatches maintenance vehicles and equipment for maintaining road and ITS equipment owned by NMDOT. |
NMDOT District 1 Pavement Management System |
District Pavement Management System to assist in storing, retrieving, analyzing and reporting information to help with pavement-related decision-making processes. |
NMDOT District 1 Public Information System |
The office that provides the official interface between NMDOT District 1 traffic and maintenance departments and interests outside the departments such as the media. |
NMDOT District 1 Public Transportation Management System (PTMS) |
The public transportation management archive for NMDOT District 1. |
NMDOT District 1 Security Monitoring Field Equipment |
Security equipment owned and operated by NMDOT. Generally used for monitoring bridges, roads, etc. for homeland security measures. |
NMDOT District 1 TOC |
The traffic operations center for the NMDOT Las Cruces District 1. In the future they will controls all NMDOT ITS field equipment and coordinates with all other agencies. |
NMDOT District 1 Website |
Transportation information website for the NMDOT. Currently has real-time construction, work zone, special event, incident, and traffic information. |
Dynamic message signs owned and operated by NMDOT. |
NMDOT Field Sensors |
Traffic and vehicle sensors owned and operated by NMDOT. Includes vehicle detection systems (video, microwave, acoustic, etc) and traffic counting systems. |
NMDOT Highway Advisory Radio System (HAR) |
Highway Advisory Radio owned and operated by NMDOT. Provides traffic and incident information to the traveling public. |
NMDOT Highway Maintenance Management System (HMMS) |
The maintenance archive management system for NMDOT. Specifically, this system aids NMDOT in determining appropriate maintenance activities as well as archiving various maintenance activities (for date, location, type of activity, labor, equipment used, materials used, etc.). |
NMDOT Historical Traffic Database |
The archive data management system for traffic operations and traffic information for the NMDOT Districts. |
NMDOT Lane Controls |
Lane control devices owned and operated by NMDOT. These include lane control signals on bridges. |
NMDOT Other District TOCs |
Traffic Management Centers in other NMDOT Districts. |
NMDOT Park and Ride Dispatch |
The dispatch function for the NMDOT Park and Ride shuttles. May have a CAD system in the future. |
NMDOT Park and Ride Facilities |
Park and ride facilities that are owned and operated by NMDOT. Systems at the park and ride facility may include gates, barriers, parking fare equipment, etc. Also includes security equipment to monitor the parking facilities and the shelters or kiosks at park and ride locations. |
NMDOT Park and Ride Shuttle Buses |
The shuttles that are owned and operated by the NMDOT Park and Ride services. In the future these shuttles may have CAD systems, MDTs and security monitoring equipment (CCTV, silent alarms, etc..) |
NMDOT Patrol Yard |
Storage facility/yard owned, operated, and used by the New Mexico Department of Transportation. |
NMDOT Rest Area/Visitor Center/Truck Stop/Service Plaza Kiosks |
This represents the rest areas and visitor centers with varied amenities that are existing or planned by NMDOT. Tourist information, emergency evacuation information, and general traffic information could be provided in the future. |
NMDOT Road Closure Gates |
This element represents automated road closure gates owned and operated by NMDOT used for the remote closure of roads. Intended to be for areas where ice or snow or other adverse weather conditions exist on a frequent basis and that cause hazardous conditions for motorists (e.g. canyon roads, etc.). |
NMDOT Roadway Treatment Devices |
Roadway treatment devices (anti-icing equipment, sensors, etc.) owned and operated by NMDOT to treat roads (usually ice, snow, etc.). |
Road weather information systems that are owned and operated by NMDOT. |
NMDOT Signal Lab |
The NMDOT Signal Lab manages traffic signal systems statewide that are owned and operated by NMDOT. |
NMDOT Statewide Crash Information System |
Statewide database of vehicle crash records. Input to system provided by elements within the architecture. |
NMDOT Statewide Pavement Management System |
Statewide database for pavement management. Input into system provided by elements in the Region. Aids in planning for the life of pavement an funding requirements for resurfacing (based on historical evidence). |
NMDOT Statewide TMC |
NMDOT Transportation Management Center located in Albuquerque. Currently controls the ITS field equipment for District 3. In the future may have the ability to control other District field equipment (but primarily serves as a backup system or operates when the District TOCs are offline - after hours). |
NMDOT Traffic Data Collection System |
The traffic data collection system (sensors, etc.) that are owned and operated by NMDOT. |
NMDOT Traffic Safety Division Data System |
Regional database that collects traffic safety and incident information. |
NMDOT Traffic Signals |
Traffic signal systems owned and operated by NMDOT. |
NMDOT Work Zone Equipment |
Work zone monitoring and alerting equipment owned by NMDOT. |
NMSU Emergency Dispatch Center |
911 dispatch for the New Mexico State University Police Department, fire EMS, and public utilities. |
NMSU Emergency Operations Center (EOC) |
The emergency operations center (EOC) for the New Mexico State University. |
NMSU Equipment Repair Facility |
The equipment repair facility for New Mexico State University. Handles maintenance and construction vehicles and equipment. |
NMSU Events Office |
The event office at the New Mexico State University that coordinates with regional traffic systems for large events (football games, etc.). |
NMSU Fire Vehicles |
Fire vehicles owned and operated by New Mexico State University. Onboard ITS systems may include mobile data terminals (MDTs), AVL, cameras, etc. |
NMSU ITS Field Equipment |
This element represents the ITS field equipment (roadside) owned and operated by New Mexico State University. |
NMSU Maintenance and Construction Vehicles |
Maintenance and construction vehicles owned and operated by New Mexico State University. May include AVL and MDTs onboard vehicles. |
NMSU Office of Facilities Operation and Utilities |
Responsible for maintaining the buildings and infrastructure for New Mexico State University. |
NMSU Parking System |
Parking system owned and operated by New Mexico State University. In the future, systems may include gates, barriers, parking fare equipment, security equipment, etc. |
NMSU Police Vehicles |
Police vehicles owned and operated by the New Mexico State University. Includes the ITS equipment installed on the cruisers (AVL, MDTs, etc.). |
NMSU Traffic Operations Center |
Traffic operations center for New Mexico State University. Controls all ITS field equipment owned and operated by NMSU, including CCTV cameras, traffic detection devices, and dynamic message signs. |
NMSU Website |
The website for the New Mexico State University. The website may include traveler information such as transit schedules (Aggie Shuttle), parking information, special events, and traffic information on campus. |
Other County TOC |
Traffic operations centers in other counties that may coordinate with county traffic operations centers called out in the architecture. |
Other Municipal/County Public Safety Communications Centers |
This element represents the connection to other Municipal or County emergency systems, including County (Sheriff and Fire), and Local (municipal police and fire departments) law enforcement, fire, and EMS call taker and dispatch centers. |
Other NMDOT District Maintenance Dispatch |
NMDOT Maintenance dispatch function in neighboring districts. |
Private Ambulance Provider Dispatch |
This covers the private ambulance dispatch systems that serve the Region. |
Private Ambulance Provider Vehicles |
The private vehicles owned and operated by private ambulance providers within the Region. |
Private HAZMAT Response Providers |
Second responders to incidents, as determined by the first responder to an incident. Responsible for regional HAZMAT mitigation and clean-up activities. |
Private HAZMAT Vehicles |
Private HAZMAT vehicles that operate as second responders to incidents. |
Private Sector Traveler Information Services |
Private traveler information providers serving the region. This element could, in the future, provide support to the National Traveler Information 511 number since it collects information from a broad array of operating centers. Could also include a website. |
Private Tow/Wrecker Dispatch |
Dispatch function for privately owned tow or wrecker service. Based on a rotation list. |
Private Tow/Wrecker Vehicles |
This element represents possible ITS equipment inside tow or wrecker vehicles. |
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices |
Includes personal and office computers, pagers, and handheld devices used by travelers to receive ITS information. |
Private Vehicles |
Vehicles owned by travelers. |
Private Weather Information Provider |
Private weather services that provide regional and local weather information. |
Public/Private Utilities |
Public or private utility companies that operate within the Region. |
Rail Operations Centers |
The dispatch centers for major railroads in the region (e.g. BNSF, Amtrak, etc.). |
Rail Operators Wayside Equipment |
The rail operated equipment at highway rail intersections. Interconnect with the region's traffic control departments. |
Regional Airports |
Regional Airports that are owned and operated by the local municipalities where they reside. |
Regional Emergency Communications Network |
Regional public safety communications network. |
Regional Medical Centers |
Medical centers that are located within the region (hospitals). |
Regional Smart Card |
Smart Card used for transit, parking, and other electronic systems. |
Regional Transit Kiosks |
Kiosks located throughout the state (at visitor centers, local PIOs, etc) that dispense regional fare cards and provide transit fare and schedule information to transit users. |
RoadRUNNER Fixed Route Dispatch System |
Computerized dispatch and system for RoadRUNNER's fixed route transit service, which services the Las Cruces Region. |
RoadRUNNER Fixed Route Transit Vehicles |
Fixed route transit vehicles owned and operated by RoadRUNNER. ITS technologies on vehicles may include AVL, MDTs and security monitoring equipment (CCTV, silent alarms, etc..). |
RoadRUNNER Paratransit Dispatch Center |
The dispatch function for all RoadRUNNER paratransit or demand response transit vehicles. May include a CAD system. |
RoadRUNNER Paratransit Vehicles |
Paratransit or demand response vehicles owned and operated by RoadRUNNER. ITS systems onboard the vehicles may include AVL, MDTs (for real-time dispatching) and security monitoring equipment (CCTV, silent alarms, etc..) |
RoadRUNNER Transit Information Center |
This element represents transit information centers or kiosks located around the City of Las Cruces, but provided by RoadRUNNER. |
RoadRUNNER Transit Kiosks |
Transit kiosks owned and operated by RoadRUNNER. May include an opportunity to purchase a transit card, request trip information, or display notices on LED displays. |
RoadRUNNER Transit Payment Card |
The payment card used specifically for RoadRUNNER transit rides. May be obtained at the RoadRUNNER transit kiosks or transit centers. |
RoadRUNNER Transit Website |
The transit website for RoadRUNNER. Website has schedule and fare information, bus pass purchase locations, trip planning, etc. |
South Central RTD Operations Center |
This represents transit operations for those systems that will be a part of the South Central RTD. |
South Central RTD Transit Vehicles |
Demand response transit vehicles owned and operated by the South Central RTD. They serve the rural areas in South Central New Mexico. |
South Central RTD Transit Website |
The transit website for the South Central Regional Transit District. Information may include vanpooling forms, information in finding a vanpool, and information regarding the board of directors, demand response transit plans, etc. |
Southwest MedEvac |
Represents the private air evacuation/rescue service that provides transport from remote locations to area hospitals. |
Southwest RTD Operations Center |
This represents transit operations for those systems that will be a part of the Southwest RTD. |
Special Event Coordinators |
Promoters and sponsors of special events. They coordinate with traffic and emergency providers. |
Texas DPS Communications Service |
This element represents the Texas Highway Patrol dispatch functions. They dispatch vehicles using two-way radio communication. They are also responsible for regional evacuation. |
TransVista |
Traffic Management Center for the El Paso Region in El Paso, Texas. Systems include DMS, CCTV, Lane Controls, and Courtesy Patrol dispatch). Manages freeways and in the future will control arterials on state routes. |
US Border Patrol Stations |
Border patrol stations at border crossings. Border patrol stations may have ITS capabilities such as computer aided dispatch and video monitoring. |
White Sands Missile Range Facility |
This element represents the operations (both traffic and emergency management) function at the White Sands Missile Range Facility. |