KIPDA Regional ITS Architecture

Stakeholder: Travelers

Most KIPDA ITS stakeholders can be associated with one or more ITS elements and ITS Services that make up the KIPDA regional transportation system. The table below contains the stakeholder description followed by the ITS Elements and ITS Services associated with the stakeholder.

Description: Travelers are the motoring public operating private, commercial, or public conveyances.
Elements Connected Vehicle OBE
Transponder Tag
Traveler Information Device
Service Packages APTS03 - Demand Response Transit Operations - Human Services Transportation
APTS04 - Transit Fare Collection Management - TARC
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - TARC
ATIS01 - Broadcast Traveler Information - TRIMARC
ATIS01 - Broadcast Traveler Information - Louisville Metro
ATIS01 - Broadcast Traveler Information - INDOT
ATIS01 - Broadcast Traveler Information - TARC
ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information - Louisville Metro/TARC
ATIS08 - Dynamic Ridesharing - Louisville Metro Regional Bikeshare System
ATMS10 - Electronic Toll Collection - KYTC/INDOT RiverLink Tolling
ATMS11 - Emissions Monitoring and Management - Louisville Metro-Roadside Monitoring
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - PARC
ATMS17 - Regional Parking Management - PARC
ATMS17 - Regional Parking Management - MAASTO CV Parking
AVSS10 - Intersection Collision Avoidance - Connected Intersections - Louisville Metro
AVSS12 - Cooperative Vehicle Safety Systems - TRIMARC Reduced Speed Zone Warning
AVSS12 - Cooperative Vehicle Safety Systems - TRIMARC Queue Warning
AVSS12 - Cooperative Vehicle Safety Systems - TRIMARC Speed Harmonization
AVSS12 - Cooperative Vehicle Safety Systems - TRIMARC Vehicle Data for Traffic Operations
AVSS12 - Cooperative Vehicle Safety Systems - Louisville Metro Intelligent Traffic Signal System
AVSS12 - Cooperative Vehicle Safety Systems - Louisville Metro Pedestrian Mobility
AVSS12 - Cooperative Vehicle Safety Systems - INDOT Queue Warning
AVSS12 - Cooperative Vehicle Safety Systems - TARC Intermittent Bus Lanes
AVSS12 - Cooperative Vehicle Safety Systems - Louisville Metro Electrical Vehicle Charging System
EM06 - Wide-Area Alert - Amber and Golden Alerts - Kentucky
EM06 - Wide-Area Alert - Amber and Silver Alerts - INDOT
EM10 - Disaster Traveler Information - TRIMARC/KYTC
EM10 - Disaster Traveler Information - INDOT
EM10 - Disaster Traveler Information - Louisville Metro