Functional Requirements: On-board Paratransit Operations |
Description: |
This on-board equipment package forwards paratransit and flexible-route dispatch requests to the operator and forwards acknowledgements to the center. It coordinates with, and assists the operator in managing multi-stop runs associated with demand responsive transit services including paratransit. The equipment package collects transit vehicle passenger data and makes it available to the center. |
Functional Requirements: |
- The transit vehicle shall manage data input to sensor(s) on-board a transit vehicle to determine the vehicle's availability for use in demand responsive and flexible-route transit services based on identity, type, and passenger capacity.
- The transit vehicle shall receive the status of demand responsive or flexible-route transit schedules and passenger loading from the transit vehicle operator.
- The transit vehicle shall provide the transit vehicle operator instructions about the demand responsive or flexible-route transit schedule that has been confirmed from the center.
- The transit vehicle shall provide the capability to log passenger boardings and alightings and make passenger use data available to the transit center.
Included In: |
Human Services Vehicles
TARC3 Paratransit Vehicle