Element Expanded Functional Requirements: Louisville Metro Connected Vehicle RSE |
Functional Area: Roadway Intersection Safety Warning |
- The field element shall utilize traffic sensors to monitor vehicles approaching and occupying an intersection.
- The field element shall monitor the operational state, signal timing, and current phase of the traffic signal.
- The field element shall monitor road conditions on approaches to, and within, the intersection.
- The field element shall communicate with approaching vehicles to determine vehicle position, velocity, acceleration, direction, and intended turning movement.
- The field element shall detect potentially hazardous conditions including impending red-light or stop sign violations and potential conflicts between approaching vehicles.
- The field element shall provide intersection status and warnings to approaching vehicles using field-vehicle communications.
- The field element shall update signs or signals to warn the driver of potentially hazardous situations.
Functional Area: Roadway Safety Warning System |
- The field element shall collect safety data from passing vehicles including location, vehicle motion (speed, heading, acceleration), vehicle control (brakes, steering, throttle, exterior lights), and additional vehicle status (anti-lock brake activation, stability control activation).
- The field element shall collect data from sensors and surveillance equipment to monitor environmental conditions, stopped or wrong way vehicles, roadway debris, or other potentially hazardous conditions.
- The field element shall process the collected data to identify potential hazards.
- The field element shall provide warnings to passing vehicles using field-vehicle communications.
- The field element shall support remote monitoring and control by an authenticated center.