Hartford Area ITS Architecture Update

Stakeholder: Municipal or Regional Government

Most Hartford ITS stakeholders can be associated with one or more ITS elements and ITS Services that make up the Hartford regional transportation system. The table below contains the stakeholder description followed by the ITS Elements and ITS Services associated with the stakeholder.

Description: Regional or local city/town offices and departments.
Elements Municipal and Regional Parking Facilities
Municipal or Regional Permitting System
Municipal Traveler Information Websites
Service Packages ATIS01 - Broadcast Traveler Information - Municipal Websites
ATIS01 - Broadcast Traveler Information - City of Hartford Website
ATMS01 - Network Surveillance - Municipal Traffic Signal Systems
ATMS01 - Network Surveillance - Hartford RTOC
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - Municipal and Regional Parking Facilities
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - Municipal Mobile Parking Payment
CVO04 - CV Administrative Processes -
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - Municipal PWD (1 of 2)