Hartford Area ITS Architecture Update

Service Packages For: Municipal or Regional Public Safety - MC10-5

Scroll down to view list of elements, responsible agencies (stakeholders), candidate functional areas and requirements, and flows on this diagram.

List of Elements on this Diagram
Click on Element Name to go to Element Detail Page.
Element Name Stakeholder
Municipal PWD Municipal Public Works Department
GHTD Transit Dispatch Greater Hartford Transit District
Other Public Transportation Providers Transit Dispatch Other Public Transportation Providers
Independent School District Dispatch Independent School Districts
CSP Troop H Dispatch CT DESPP
Municipal or Regional Public Safety Dispatch Municipal or Regional Public Safety
City of Hartford Public Works City of Hartford Public Works
CTDOT Maintenance District 1 CTDOT

List of Stakeholder Elements and Roles on this Diagram
Click on Element Name to go to Page with Element Details.
Click on Functional Area/Role to go to Page with Candidate Functional Requirements.
Stakeholder Element Name Functional Area/Role Functional Area Description
City of Hartford Public Works City of Hartford Public Works MCM Work Activity Coordination This equipment package disseminates work activity schedules and current asset restrictions to other agencies. Work schedules are coordinated with operating agencies, factoring in the needs and activities of other agencies and adjacent jurisdictions. Work schedules are also distributed to Information Service Providers for dissemination to the traveling public.
CTDOT CTDOT Maintenance District 1 MCM Work Activity Coordination This equipment package disseminates work activity schedules and current asset restrictions to other agencies. Work schedules are coordinated with operating agencies, factoring in the needs and activities of other agencies and adjacent jurisdictions. Work schedules are also distributed to Information Service Providers for dissemination to the traveling public.
Municipal Public Works Department Municipal PWD MCM Work Activity Coordination This equipment package disseminates work activity schedules and current asset restrictions to other agencies. Work schedules are coordinated with operating agencies, factoring in the needs and activities of other agencies and adjacent jurisdictions. Work schedules are also distributed to Information Service Providers for dissemination to the traveling public.
Other Public Transportation Providers Other Public Transportation Providers Transit Dispatch Transit Center Multi-Modal Coordination The equipment package supports transit service coordination between transit properties and coordinates with other surface and air transportation modes. As part of service coordination, this equipment package shares schedule and trip information, as well as transit transfer cluster (a collection of stop points, stations, or terminals where transfers can be made conveniently) and transfer point information between Multimodal Transportation Service Providers, Transit Agencies, and ISPs. An interface to Traffic Management also supports demand management strategies.

List of Flows on this Diagram
Click on Architecture Flow to go to Page with Applicable ITS Standards.
Source Element Architecture Flow Destination Element
Municipal PWD maint and constr work plans CSP Troop H Dispatch
Municipal PWD maint and constr work plans Independent School District Dispatch
Municipal PWD maint and constr work plans Municipal or Regional Public Safety Dispatch
CTDOT Maintenance District 1 work plan coordination Municipal PWD
City of Hartford Public Works work plan coordination Municipal PWD
Municipal PWD work plan coordination CTDOT Maintenance District 1
Municipal PWD work plan coordination City of Hartford Public Works
Municipal PWD maint and constr work plans Other Public Transportation Providers Transit Dispatch
Municipal PWD maint and constr work plans GHTD Transit Dispatch