Buffalo-Niagara Bi-National Regional ITS Architecture

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Equipment Package: Traffic Maintenance

Description: This equipment package provides monitoring and remote diagnostics of field equipment to detect field equipment failures, issues problem reports, and tracks the repair or replacement of the failed equipment.
Included In: Central Access Traffic Signal Control
City of Buffalo Coordinated Traffic Signal System
Local Traffic Signal Control Systems
MTO Burlington TOC
MTO Downsview TOC
NFTA/Metro Bus and Rail Operations Control Center
NITTEC Traffic Operations Center
NYSTA Division Traffic Office
NYSTA Statewide Operations Center
General Functional Requirements 1 - The center shall collect and store sensor (traffic, pedestrian, multimodal crossing) operational status.
2 - The center shall collect and store CCTV surveillance system (traffic, pedestrian) operational status.
3 - The center shall collect and store sensor (traffic, pedestrian, multimodal crossing) fault data and send to the maintenance center for repair.
4 - The center shall collect and store CCTV surveillance system (traffic, pedestrian) fault data send to the maintenance center for repair.
5 - The center shall collect environmental sensor operational status.
6 - The center shall collect environmental sensor equipment fault data and send to the maintenance center for repair.
7 - The center shall exchange data with maintenance centers concerning the reporting of faulty equipment and the schedule/status of their repair. Information exchanged includes details of new equipment faults, and clearances when the faults are cleared.
8 - The center shall support an interface with a map update provider, or other appropriate data sources, through which updates of digitized map data can be obtained and used as a background for traffic maintenance data.

Last updated: 11-18-05