Buffalo-Niagara Bi-National Regional ITS Architecture

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Equipment Package: Barrier System Management

Description: This equipment package provides the management of barrier systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure. Barrier systems include automatic or remotely controlled gates, barriers and other systems intended to preclude an attack or control access during and after an incident. When access to part of the transportation system is impacted by the activation of a barrier system, travelers and appropriate subsystems are notified.
Included In: Local Traffic Signal Control Systems
MTO Burlington TOC
MTO Downsview TOC
MTO Regional Emergency Operation Center
NITTEC Traffic Operations Center
NYSDOT Regional Emergency Operations Center
NYSTA Division Traffic Office
NYSTA Statewide Operations Center
General Functional Requirements 1 - The center shall remotely control barrier systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure. Barrier systems include automated or remotely controlled gates, barriers and other systems that manage entry to roadways.
2 - The center shall collect barrier system operational status.
3 - The center shall collect barrier system fault data and send to the maintenance center for repair.
4 - The center shall accept requests for barrier system activation from other centers and from center personnel to support emergency response and detours.

Last updated: 11-18-05