Buffalo-Niagara Bi-National Regional ITS Architecture

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Equipment Package: TMC Work Zone Traffic Management

Description: This equipment package supports coordination with maintenance systems so that work zones are established that have minimum traffic impact. Traffic control strategies are implemented to further mitigate traffic impacts associated with work zones that are established.
Included In: Central Access Traffic Signal Control
Local Traffic Signal Control Systems
MTO Burlington TOC
MTO Downsview TOC
NFTA/Metro Bus and Rail Operations Control Center
NITTEC Traffic Operations Center
NYSDOT Region 5 Operations Center
NYSDOT Regional Emergency Operations Center
NYSTA Division Traffic Office
NYSTA Statewide Operations Center
General Functional Requirements 1 - The center shall receive work zone images from a maintenance center.
2 - The center shall analyze work zone images for indications of a possible incident.
3 - The center shall remotely control driver information systems (such as dynamic messages signs, highway advisory radios) to advise drivers of activity around a work zone.
4 - The center shall collect operational status for the driver information systems equipment in work zones.
5 - The center shall collect fault data for the driver information systems equipment in work zones for repair.
6 - The center shall receive proposed maintenance and construction work plans, analyze the activity as a possible incident, and provide work plan feedback to the sending center.

Last updated: 11-18-05