Buffalo-Niagara Bi-National Regional ITS Architecture

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ITS Element: NYSDOT Main Office Highway Data Services

Description: This system collects traffic data from a statewide system of dedicated traffic count stations and also from the NYSDOT regional offices. This system collects vehicle classification, weight, and other traffic measures. It also includes the roadway characteristics and condition ratings for the highways. Data services also collects "Photolog" information, which is a series of photos of the state highway system.
Status: Existing
Stakeholder: NYSDOT
Mapping: Archived Data Management Subsystem
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Archived Data User Systems
Government Reporting Systems
MPO Data Collection and Reporting System
NITTEC TOC Archive Management System
NITTEC Traffic Count Stations
NITTEC Traffic Operations Center
NYS DMV Accident Reporting System
NYSDOT Region 5 Division Office
NYSDOT Traffic Count Stations
NYSTA Infrastructure Inventory and Inspection System
NYSTA Statewide Operations Center Archive Management System
NYSTA Traffic Data Storage and Retrieval System
RMN Collision Database
RMN Traffic Volume Database

Market Packages:

AD1 - ITS Data Mart
AD3 - ITS Virtual Data Warehouse
Equipment Packages: Government Reporting Systems Support
ITS Data Repository
Virtual Data Warehouse Services

Last updated: 11-18-05