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Equipment Package: On-board Maintenance

Description: This equipment package provides the capability to use transit vehicle mileage data to automatically generate preventative maintenance schedules for each specific bus by utilizing vehicle tracking data and storing with a trip computer. It also provides the capability for real-time condition monitoring on board the vehicle, and transmission of this information via two-way communication to the management center.
Included In: Fort Smith Demand Response Transit Vehicles
Fort Smith Fixed Route Transit Vehicles
KIBOIS Area Transit Vehicles
Functional Requirements 1 - The transit vehicle shall collect and process vehicle mileage data available to sensors on-board.
2 - The transit vehicle shall collect and process the transit vehicle's operating conditions such as engine temperature, oil pressure, brake wear, internal lighting, environmental controls, etc.
3 - The transit vehicle shall transmit vehicle maintenance data to the center to be used for scheduling future vehicle maintenance.

Last updated: 02-09-06