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Equipment Packages

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Equipment Package Equipment Package Description
Basic Information Broadcast This equipment package provides the capabilities to collect, process, store, bill, and disseminate traveler information including traveler, transit, ride matching, traffic, and parking information. The traveler information shall include maintaining a database of local area services available to travelers with up-to-the-minute information and providing an interactive connectivity between, sponsors, and providers of services. The transit information shall include the latest available information on transit routes and schedules, transit transfer options, transit fares, and real-time schedule adherence. The traffic information shall include latest available information on traffic and highway conditions, and current situation information in real-time including incidents, road construction, recommended routes, current speeds on specific routes, current parking conditions in key areas, schedules for any current or soon to start events, and current weather situations. This equipment package shall also provide users with real-time travel related information while they are traveling, and disseminate to assist the travelers in making decisions about transfers and modification of trips. These capabilities shall be provided using equipment such as a fixed facility with a communications system such as a data Subcarrier multiplexing device.
Basic Vehicle Reception This equipment package provides the capability for drivers to receive basic transportation information including formatted traffic advisories, accurate traveling information concerning available travel options and their availability, and alerts in their vehicle.
Center Secure Area Alarm Support This equipment package receives traveler or transit vehicle operator alarm messages, provides acknowledgement of alarm receipt back to the originator of the alarm, and determines an appropriate response. The alarms received can be generated by silent or audible alarm systems and may originate from public areas (e.g. transit stops, park and ride lots, transit stations, rest areas) or transit vehicles. The nature of the emergency may be determined based on the information in the alarm message as well as other inputs.
Center Secure Area Sensor Management This equipment package manages sensors that monitor secure areas in the transportation system, processes the collected data, performs threat analysis in which data is correlated with other sensor, surveillance, and advisory inputs, and then disseminates resultant threat information to emergency personnel and other agencies. The sensors may be in secure areas frequented by travelers (i.e., transit stops, transit stations, rest areas, park and ride lots, modal interchange facilities, on-board a transit vehicle, etc.) or around transportation infrastructure such as bridges, tunnels and transit railways or guideways. The types of sensors include acoustic, threat (e.g. chemical agent, toxic industrial chemical, biological, explosives, and radiological sensors), infrastructure condition and integrity, motion and object sensors.
Center Secure Area Surveillance This equipment package monitors surveillance inputs from secure areas in the transportation system. The surveillance may be of secure areas frequented by travelers (i.e., transit stops, transit stations, rest areas, park and ride lots, modal interchange facilities, on-board a transit vehicle, etc.) or around transportation infrastructure such as bridges, tunnels and transit railways or guideways. It provides both video and audio surveillance information to emergency personnel. It automatically alerts emergency personnel of potential incidents.
Collect Traffic Surveillance This equipment package collects, stores, and provides electronic access to the traffic surveillance data.
Credentials and Taxes Administration This equipment package provides administrative capabilities for commercial vehicle operations including database management and administrator-to-roadside and administrator-to-administrator interfaces. For example, this equipment package would manage the electronic credentials database for a state, perform reconciliation of mileage and fuel taxes (possibly post trip), and interface with roadsides performing credential checks. This equipment package communicates with similar packages in other CVAS locations to exchange credentials database information. Example locations would be state agency or regional offices that are involved with commercial vehicle operations. This equipment package also exchanges hazmat route restrictions information, and provides a clearinghouse for this information that then can share the information with Map Update Providers, Fleet and Freight Management subsystems and Information Service Providers.
CV Information Exchange This equipment package supports the exchange of safety and credentials data among jurisdiction. The package also supports the exchange of safety and credentials data between agencies (for example, an administrative center and the roadside check facilities) within a single jurisdiction. Data are collected from multiple authoritative sources and packaged into snapshots (top-level summary and critical status information) and profiles (detailed and historical data).
Emergency Call-Taking This equipment package supports the emergency call-taker, collecting available information about the caller and the reported emergency, and forwarding this information to other equipment packages that formulate and manage the emergency response. This equipment package receives 9-1-1, 7-digit local access, and motorist call-box calls and interfaces to other agencies to assist in the verification and assessment of the emergency and to forward the emergency information to the appropriate response agency.
Emergency Data Collection This equipment package collects and stores emergency information that is collected in the course of operations by the Emergency Management Subsystem. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.
Emergency Dispatch This equipment package supports safe and efficient dispatch of emergency vehicles. It tracks the location and status of emergency vehicles and dispatches these vehicles to incidents. Pertinent incident information is gathered from the public and other public safety agencies (see the Emergency Call-Taking equipment package) and relayed to the responding units. Incident status and the status of the responding units is tracked so that additional units can be dispatched and/or unit status can be returned to available when the incident is cleared and closed.
Emergency Early Warning System This equipment package monitors alerting and advisory systems, information collected by ITS surveillance and sensors, and reports from other agencies and uses this information to identify potential, imminent, or in-progress major incidents or disasters. Notification is provided to other equipment packages that provide the emergency response, including public notification using ITS traveler information systems, where appropriate.
Emergency Evacuation Support This equipment package coordinates evacuation plans among allied agencies and manages evacuation and reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency that poses a risk to public safety. Where appropriate, the affected population is evacuated in shifts, using more than one evacuation route, and including several evacuation destinations to spread demand and thereby expedite the evacuation. All affected jurisdictions (e.g., states and counties) at the evacuation origin, evacuation destination, or along the evacuation route are informed of the plan. The public is provided with real-time evacuation guidance including basic information to assist potential evacuees in determining whether evacuation is necessary. Resource requirements are forecast based on the evacuation plans, and the necessary resources are located, shared between agencies if necessary, and deployed at the right locations at the appropriate times. The evacuation and reentry status are monitored
Emergency Response Management This equipment package provides the strategic emergency response capabilities and broad inter-agency interfaces that are implemented for extraordinary incidents and disasters that require response from outside the local community. It provides the functional capabilities and interfaces commonly associated with Emergency Operations Centers. This equipment package develops and stores emergency response plans and manages overall coordinated response to emergencies. It tracks the availability of resources and assists in the appropriate allocation of these resources for a particular emergency response. This equipment package provides coordination between multiple allied agencies before and during emergencies to implement emergency response plans and track progress through the incident. It provides vital communications linkages which provide real-time information to emergency response personnel in the field.
Emergency Routing This equipment package supports routing of emergency vehicles and enlists support from the Traffic Management Subsystem to facilitate travel along these routes. Routes may be determined by this equipment package based on real-time traffic information and road conditions or routes may be provided by the Traffic Management Subsystem on request.
Field Safeguard System Control This equipment package provides the control of safeguard systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure. Safeguard systems include blast shielding, exhaust systems and other automatic or remotely controlled systems intended to mitigate the impact of an incident.
Field Secure Area Sensor Monitoring This equipment package includes sensors that monitor conditions of secure areas including facilities (e.g. transit yards) and transportation infrastructure (e.g. bridges, tunnels, interchanges, and transit railways or guideways). Included are acoustic, environmental threat (e.g. chemical agent, toxic industrial chemical, biological, explosives, and radiological sensors), infrastructure condition and integrity and motion and object sensors.
Field Secure Area Surveillance This equipment package includes video and audio surveillance equipment that monitors conditions of secure areas including facilities (e.g. transit yards) and transportation infrastructure (e.g. as bridges, tunnels, interchanges, and transit railways or guideways). This package provides the surveillance information to the Emergency Management Subsystem for possible threat detection. The equipment package also provides local processing of the video or audio information, providing processed or analyzed results to the Emergency Management Subsystem. This equipment package provides the same functions as the Traveler Secure Area Surveillance equipment package.
Fleet Administration This equipment package provides vehicle tracking, dispatch, and reporting capabilities to fleet management center personnel. It gathers current road conditions and traffic information, prepares vehicle routes, and provides a fleet interface for toll collection. It also provides route plan information for network performance evaluation. As part of the tracking function, this equipment package monitors commercial vehicle location, compares it against the known route and notifies the Emergency Management Subsystem and Fleet-Freight Manager of any deviations, including HAZMAT route restriction violations.
Fleet Credentials and Taxes Management and Reporting This equipment package provides the Fleet and Freight Management Subsystem the capabilities to purchase credentials and file trip reports electronically by the fleet managers, to perform automated enrollment at the roadside facilities, and electronically manage the credentials checking by the roadside commercial vehicle inspectors. The electronic purchase shall be performed in accordance with developing standards such that a single integrated system for electronic payments might develop ensuring that deployment across multiple agency political boundaries is performed without degradation. Inherent to credential management shall be the management of the vehicles, with a prerequisite of the vehicle tracking software from the Fleet Administration equipment package.
Fleet HAZMAT Management This equipment package provides the Fleet and Freight Management Subsystem the capabilities to enhance the Fleet Administration equipment package functions by adding HAZMAT tracking. The additional requirements to perform this function include enhanced processing and enhanced fleet management software. In order to effectively track HAZMAT cargo, communication interfaces to Information Service Providers, and Emergency Management Subsystems shall be provided, including additional communication software.
Government Reporting Systems Support This equipment package selects and formats data residing in an ITS archive to facilitate local, state, and federal government data reporting requirements.
HRI Traffic Management This equipment package monitors highway-rail intersection (HRI) equipment at the roadside which manages highway traffic. Various levels of roadside equipment may be interfaced to, and supported by, this equipment package to include standard speed active warning systems and high speed systems which provide additional information on approaching trains and detect and report on obstructions in the HRI. This equipment package remotely monitors and reports the status of this roadside equipment. A two way interface supports explicitly status requests or remote control plan updates to be generated by this equipment package. Status may also be received periodically in the absence of a request or asynchronously in the event of a detected failure or other unsafe condition at the intersection.
Incident Command The equipment package provides tactical decision support, resource coordination, and communications integration for Incident Commands that are established by first responders to support local management of an incident. The equipment package supports communications with public safety, emergency management, transportation, and other allied response agency centers, tracks and maintains resource information, action plans, and the incident command organization itself. Information is shared with agency centers including resource deployment status, hazardous material information, traffic, road, and weather conditions, evacuation advice, and other information that enables emergency or maintenance personnel in the field to implement an effective, safe incident response.
Infrastructure Provided Route Selection This equipment package shall have as prerequisite the capabilities of the Interactive Infrastructure Information equipment package. In addition, this equipment package provides the capability to provide specific directions to travelers by receiving origin and destination requests from travelers, generating route plans, returning the calculated plans to the users, and then potentially logging the route plans with Traffic Management Subsystem. Route plans can include bicycle routes, walkways, skyways, and multi-use trails. This additional capability shall be provided using equipment such as a workstation type processor and software for route planning and traffic measurements along with additional communications capabilities including dialup lines, PCS telephones, and wireless data transceivers.
ISP Data Collection This equipment package collects and stores traveler information that is collected in the course of operation of the ISP subsystem. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.
ISP Emergency Traveler Information This equipment package collects and provides emergency information to the public, including wide-area alerts and evacuation information. Building on functionality included in other ISP equipment packages, this equipment package provides emergency alerts, information on evacuation zones and evacuation requirements, evacuation destinations and shelter information, available transportation modes, and traffic and road conditions at the origin, destination, and along the evacuation routes. In addition to general evacuation information, personalized information including tailored evacuation routes, service information, and estimated travel times is also provided based on traveler specified origin, destination, and route parameters. Updated information is provided throughout the evacuation and subsequent reentry as status changes and plans are adapted.
ITS Data Repository This equipment package collects data and data catalogs from one or more data sources and stores the data in a focused repository that is suited to a particular set of ITS data users. This equipment package includes capabilities for performing quality checks on the incoming data, error notification, and archive to archive coordination. This equipment package supports a broad range of implementations, ranging from simple data marts that collect a focused set of data and serve a particular user community to large-scale data warehouses that collect, integrate, and summarize transportation data from multiple sources and serve a broad array of users within a region.
Mayday Support This equipment package receives Mayday messages and security alarms, determines an appropriate response, and either uses internal resources or contacts a local agency to provide that response. The nature of the emergency is determined based on the information in the mayday or alarm message as well as other inputs. This package effectively serves as an interface between automated mobile mayday systems and alarm systems and the local public safety answering point for messages which require a public safety response. This equipment package represents the general security services provided by telematics service providers as well as more specific services that focus on commercial vehicle safety and security.
MCM Data Collection This equipment package collects and stores maintenance and construction information that is collected in the course of operations by the Maintenance and Construction Management Subsystem. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.
MCM Environmental Information Collection This equipment package collects current road and weather conditions using data collected from environmental sensors deployed on and about the roadway. In addition to fixed sensor stations at the roadside, this equipment package also collects environmental information from sensor systems located on Maintenance and Construction Vehicles, and sensor data that is made available by other systems..
MCM Environmental Information Processing This equipment package processes current and forecast weather data, road condition information, local environmental data, and uses internal models to develop specialized detailed forecasts of local weather and surface conditions. The processed environmental information products are presented to the user.
MCM Incident Management This equipment package supports coordinated response to highway incidents. Incident notifications are shared, incident response resources are managed, and the overall incident situation and incident response is coordinated among allied response organizations.
MCM Maintenance Decision Support This equipment package recommends maintenance courses of action based on current and forecast environmental and road conditions and additional application specific information. Decisions are supported through understandable presentation of filtered and fused environmental and road condition information for specific time horizons as well as specific maintenance recommendations that are generated by the system based on this integrated information. The recommended courses of action are supported by information on the anticipated consequences of action or inaction, when available.
MCM Roadway Maintenance and Construction This equipment package provides overall management and support for routine maintenance on a roadway system or right-of-way. Services managed are landscape maintenance, hazard removal (roadway debris, dead animals), routine maintenance activities (roadway cleaning, grass cutting), and repair and maintenance of both ITS and non-ITS equipment on the roadway (e.g., signs, traffic controllers, traffic detectors, dynamic message signs, traffic signals, etc.). Environmental conditions information is also received from various weather sources to aid in scheduling routine maintenance activities.
MCM Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Management This equipment package monitors vehicle and equipment condition, tracks maintenance history, and schedules routine and corrective maintenance.
MCM Vehicle Tracking This equipment package tracks the location of maintenance and construction vehicles and other equipment. Vehicle location and associated information is presented to the operator.
MCM Winter Maintenance Management This equipment package manages winter road maintenance, tracking and controlling snow plow operations, roadway treatment (e.g., salt spraying and other material applications) based on weather information.
MCM Work Activity Coordination This equipment package disseminates work activity schedules to other agencies. Work schedules are coordinated, factoring in the needs and activities of other agencies and adjacent jurisdictions.
MCM Work Zone Management This equipment package remotely monitors and supports work zone activities, controlling traffic through portable dynamic message signs (DMS) and informing other groups of activity (e.g., ISP, TM, other maintenance and construction centers) for better coordination management. Work zone speeds and delays are provided to the motorist prior to the work zones.
MCM Work Zone Safety Management This equipment package remotely monitors work zone safety systems that detect vehicle intrusions in work zones and warns crew workers and drivers of imminent encroachment. Crew movements are also monitored so that the crew can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone.
MCV Infrastructure Monitoring This on-board equipment package monitors the condition of pavement, bridges, tunnels, associated hardware, and other transportation-related infrastructure (e.g., culverts). It includes vehicle-based sensors that directly monitor the infrastructure, communications that allow roadway-based infrastructure monitoring sensors to be controlled and read, and data communications that allows collected infrastructure condition information to be reported back to a center.
MCV Roadway Maintenance and Construction This equipment package includes the on-board systems that support routine non-winter maintenance on a roadway system or right-of-way. Routine maintenance includes landscape maintenance, hazard removal (roadway debris, dead animals), routine maintenance activities (roadway cleaning, grass cutting), and repair and maintenance of both ITS and non-ITS equipment on the roadway (e.g., signs, traffic controllers, traffic detectors, dynamic message signs, traffic signals, etc.).
MCV Vehicle Location Tracking This equipment package tracks vehicle location and reports this location to a dispatch center.
MCV Vehicle Safety Monitoring This equipment package detects vehicle intrusions in the vicinity of the vehicle and warns crew workers and drivers of imminent encroachment. Crew movements are also monitored so that the crew can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone. This equipment package can be used for stationary work zones or in mobile applications where a safe zone is maintained around the moving vehicle.
MCV Vehicle System Monitoring and Diagnostics This equipment package includes on-board sensors capable of monitoring the condition of each of the vehicle systems and diagnostics that can be used to support vehicle maintenance.
MCV Winter Maintenance This equipment package supports snow plow operations and other roadway treatments (e.g., salt spraying and other material applications).
MCV Work Zone Support This equipment package provides communications and support for local management of a work zone.
On-board Cargo Monitoring This equipment package provides the Commercial Vehicle Subsystem the capability to monitor both interstate and intrastate cargo safety and security such that enforcement and HAZMAT response teams can be provided with timely and accurate information. In addition, this package provides security alerts in the case of tampering or other cargo security breaches. This includes only the equipment on board the cargo container such as a communication device, possibly the addition of a cell-based radio, and equipment for the processing and storage of cargo material. This can also include optional sensors for temperature, pressure, load leveling, or acceleration depending upon the items monitored. It is already expected that the cargo location devices such as GPS equipment and an integration processor already exist. These items are presented as part of the On-board Trip Monitoring equipment package.
On-board CV Electronic Data This equipment package provides the Commercial Vehicle Subsystem the capability for two-way data exchange between the vehicle and the roadside facility with the transmission of information such as status of driver, vehicle, and carrier IDs and cargo information. The driver, vehicle and carrier are identified via the tag so that actual weight from roadside mainline weigh-in-motion may be checked. This includes only the equipment on the commercial vehicle including a processor/tag for identification, especially a HAZMAT identification. The actual reading and processing required for the credential checking and weigh-in-motion will be performed by the roadside.
On-board EV En Route Support This equipment package provides capabilities that support safe and expedient arrival to and departure from the incident scene. This package provides dispatch and routing information, tracks the vehicle, and preempt signals via short range communication directly with traffic control equipment at the roadside.
On-board EV Incident Management Communication This equipment package provides a direct interface between the emergency vehicle and incident management personnel.
On-board Fixed Route Schedule Management This equipment package provides both fixed and flexible route transit services with the capability to automate planning and scheduling, by collecting data for schedule generation. Capability shall also be provided to automatically determine optimum scenarios for schedule adjustment. This equipment package also supports the capability for two-way voice communication between the transit vehicle operator and a facility, two-way data communication between the transit vehicles and a facility, on-board safety sensor data to be transmitted from the transit vehicles to a facility, and data transmission from individual facilities to a central facility for processing/analysis if desired.
On-board Maintenance This equipment package provides the capability to use transit vehicle mileage data to automatically generate preventative maintenance schedules for each specific bus by utilizing vehicle tracking data and storing with a trip computer. It also provides the capability for real-time condition monitoring on board the vehicle, and transmission of this information via two-way communication to the management center.
On-board Paratransit Operations This equipment package forwards paratransit and flexible-route dispatch requests to the operator and forwards acknowledgements to the center. It coordinates with, and assists the operator in managing multi-stop runs associated with demand responsive, flexibly routed transit services.
On-board Transit Fare and Load Management This equipment package provides the capability to collect data required to determine accurate ridership levels and implement variable and flexible fare structures. Support shall be provided for the traveler for use of a fare medium for all applicable surface transportation services, to pay without stopping, have payment media automatically identified as void and/or invalid and eligibility verified, and allow for third party payment. In addition, capability to provide expansion into other uses for payment medium such as retail and telephone and for off-line billing for fares paid by agencies shall be supported. This equipment package also supports the capability for two-way voice communication between the transit vehicle operator and a facility, two-way data communication between the transit vehicles and a facility, sensor data to be transmitted from the transit vehicles to a facility, and data transmission from individual facilities to a central facility for processing/analysis if desired. These capabilities require integration with an existing On-board Trip Monitoring equipment package.
On-board Transit Security This equipment package provides security and safety functions on-board the transit vehicle. This includes surveillance and sensors to monitor the on-board environment, silent alarms that can be activated by transit user or vehicle operator, operator authentication, and a remote vehicle disable function. The surveillance equipment includes video (e.g. CCTV cameras), audio systems and/or event recorder systems. The sensor equipment includes threat sensors (e.g. chemical agent, toxic industrial chemical, biological, explosives, and radiological sensors) and object detection sensors(e.g. metal detectors).
On-board Transit Signal Priority This equipment package provides the capability for transit vehicles to request signal priority through short range communication directly with traffic control equipment at the roadside.
On-board Transit Trip Monitoring This equipment package provides the capabilities to support fleet management with automatic vehicle location and automated mileage and fuel reporting and auditing. This package may also record other special events resulting from communication with roadside equipment. This includes only the equipment on board the vehicle to support this function including the vehicle location devices such as GPS equipment, communication interfaces, a processor to record trip length, and the sensors/actuators/interfaces necessary to record mileage and fuel usage.
On-Line Analysis and Mining This equipment package provides advanced data analysis, summarization, and mining features that facilitate discovery of information, patterns, and correlations in large data sets. Multidimensional analysis, selective summarization and expansion of data details, and many other advanced analysis services may be offered by various implementations of this equipment package.
Personal Basic Information Reception This equipment package shall provide the capability for travelers to interface with the ISP Subsystem Basic Information Broadcast equipment package and receive formatted traffic advisories including accurate traveling information concerning available travel options and their availability, and congestion information from their Personal Information Access Subsystem to include their homes, place of work, major trip generation sites, personal portable devices, and over multiple types of electronic media such as facsimile machines, portable AM/FM radios, and a pager processor.
Personal Interactive Information Reception This equipment package shall provide the capability for travelers to interface with the ISP Subsystem Infrastructure equipment packages including the Interactive Infrastructure Information equipment package, and the Infrastructure Provided Route Selection, Yellow Pages and Reservation, and Dynamic Ridesharing equipment packages. These capabilities shall be provided using the Personal Information Access Subsystem equipment such as cellular telephone, interactive TV, Personal Computer, and pager with alpha display using communication medium and equipment such as two-way radio, CATV, and wireless data transceivers.
Rail Operations Coordination This equipment package provides strategic coordination between rail operations and traffic management centers. It receives train schedules, maintenance schedules, and any other forecast events which will result in highway-rail intersection (HRI) closures from Rail Operations. The provided information is used to develop forecast HRI closure times and durations which may be applied in advanced traffic control strategies or delivered as enhanced traveler information. This equipment package includes the processing and algorithms necessary to derive HRI closure times and the communications capabilities necessary to communicate with rail operations and interface to the traffic control and information distribution capabilities included in other Traffic Management Subsystem equipment packages.
Remote Basic Information Reception This equipment package shall provide the capability for travelers to interface with the ISP Subsystem Basic Information Broadcast equipment package and receive formatted traffic advisories including accurate traveling information concerning available travel options and their availability, and congestion information at the Remote Traveler Support Subsystem.
Remote Interactive Information Reception This equipment package shall provide the capability for travelers to interface with the ISP Subsystem Infrastructure equipment packages including the Interactive Infrastructure Information equipment package, the Infrastructure Provided Route Selection, Yellow Pages and Reservation, and Dynamic Ridesharing equipment packages. These capabilities shall be provided using the Remote Traveler Support Subsystem equipment such as kiosks and other interactive displays.
Remote Transit Fare Management This equipment package provides the capability for the traveler to use a common fare medium for all applicable surface transportation services, to pay without stopping, have payment media automatically identified as void and/or invalid and eligibility verified. This may be implemented as a payment instrument reader at a kiosk. In addition, capability to provide expansion into other uses for payment medium such as retail and telephone and for off-line billing for fares paid by agencies shall be supported.
Remote Transit Information Services The equipment package furnishes transit users with real-time travel-related information at transit stops, multi-modal transfer points, and other public transportation areas. It provides transit users with the latest available information on transit routes, schedules, transfer options, bicycle accessibility, fares, real-time schedule adherence, current incidents, weather conditions, and special events. In addition to tailored information for individual transit users, this equipment package supports general annunciation and/or display of imminent arrival information and other information of general interest to transit users.
Roadside WIM This equipment package allows for roadside high speed weigh in motion. This package can be fixed to a location or mobile. It can include an interface to the credential check package and augment electronic credentials check with electronic weight check or it can be a stand alone package with display.
Roadway Basic Surveillance This equipment package monitors traffic conditions using fixed equipment such as loop detectors and CCTV cameras.
Roadway Environmental Monitoring This equipment package measures environmental conditions and communicates the collected information back to a center where it can be monitored and analyzed. A broad array of general weather and road surface information may be collected. Weather conditions that may be measured include temperature, wind, humidity, precipitation, and visibility. Surface and sub-surface sensors can measure road surface temperature, moisture, icing, salinity, and other measures.
Roadway Equipment Coordination This equipment package coordinates field equipment that is distributed along the roadway by supporting direct communications between field equipment. This includes coordination between remote sensors and field devices (e.g., Dynamic Message Signs) and coordination between the field devices themselves (e.g., coordination between traffic controllers that are controlling adjacent intersections.).
Roadway Incident Detection This equipment package provides incident detection capability to reside at the roadside. For example, advanced CCTV's with built-in incident detection algorithms would allow the actual detection function to be roadside rather than transmitting images to a center for visual or automated detection.
Roadway Signal Controls This equipment package provides the capabilities to control traffic signals at major intersections and on main highways for urban areas. This equipment package is generally constrained to a single jurisdiction.
Roadway Signal Priority This equipment package shall provide the capability to receive vehicle signal priority requests and control traffic signals accordingly.
Roadway Traffic Information Dissemination This equipment package provides the roadside elements of traffic information dissemination including DMS, HAR, and talking pedestrian signs.
Roadway Work Zone Safety This equipment package detects vehicle intrusions in work zones and warns crew workers and drivers of imminent encroachment. Crew movements are also monitored so that the crew can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone.
Roadway Work Zone Traffic Control This equipment package directs activity in work zones, controlling traffic through portable dynamic message signs (DMS) and informing other groups of activity (e.g., ISP, TM, other maintenance and construction centers) for better coordination management. Work zone speeds and delays are provided to the motorist prior to the work zones
Standard Rail Crossing This equipment package manages highway traffic at highway-rail intersections (HRIs) where operational requirements do not dictate advanced features (e.g., where rail operational speeds are less than 80 miles per hour). Either passive (e.g., the crossbuck sign) or active warning systems (e.g., flashing lights and gates) are supported depending on the specific requirements for each intersection. These traditional HRI warning systems may also be augmented with other standard traffic management devices. The warning systems are activated on notification by interfaced wayside equipment of an approaching train. The equipment at the HRI may also be interconnected with adjacent signalized intersections so that local control can be adapted to highway-rail intersection activities. Health monitoring of the HRI equipment and interfaces is performed; detected abnormalities are reported through interfaces to the wayside interface equipment and the traffic management subsystem.
TMC Environmental Monitoring This equipment package assimilates current and forecast road conditions and surface weather information using a combination of weather service provider information and an array of environmental sensors deployed on and about the roadway. The collected environmental information is monitored and presented to the operator. This information can be used to more effectively deploy road maintenance resources, issue general traveler advisories, and support location specific warnings to drivers. Other equipment packages process the collected information and provide decision support.
TMC Evacuation Support This equipment package supports development, coordination, and execution of special traffic management strategies during evacuation and subsequent reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or major emergency. A traffic management strategy is developed based on anticipated demand, the capacity of the road network including access to and from the evacuation routes, and existing and forecast conditions. The strategy supports efficient evacuation and also protects and optimizes movement of response vehicles and other resources that are responding to the emergency.
TMC Freeway Management Control system for efficient freeway management including integration of surveillance information with freeway road geometry, vehicle control such as ramp metering, CMS, HAR. Interface to coordinated traffic subsystems for information dissemination to the public.
TMC Incident Detection This equipment package provides the capability to traffic managers to detect and verify incidents. This capability includes analyzing and reducing the collected data from traffic surveillance equipment, monitoring external alerting and advisory and incident reporting systems, collecting special event information, and monitoring for incidents and hazardous conditions through available sensor and surveillance systems.
TMC Incident Dispatch Coordination/Communication This equipment package provides the capability for an incident response formulation function minimizing the incident potential, incident impacts, and/or resources required for incident management including proposing and facilitating the dispatch of emergency response and service vehicles as well as coordinating response with all appropriate cooperating agencies.
TMC Regional Traffic Control This equipment package provides capabilities in addition to those provided by the TMC Basic Signal Control equipment package for analyzing, controlling, and optimizing area-wide traffic flow. These capabilities provide for wide area optimization integrating control of a network signal system with control of freeway, considering current demand as well as expected demand with a goal of providing the capability for real-time traffic adaptive control while balancing inter-jurisdictional control issues to achieve regional solutions. These capabilities are best provided using a Traffic Management Center (TMC) to monitor and manage freeway ramp meters and intersection traffic signals and software to process traffic information and implement traffic management measures (e.g., ramp metering, signalization, and traffic coordination between both local and regional jurisdiction). The TMC shall be able to communicate with other TMCs in order to receive and transmit traffic information on other jurisdictions within the region.
TMC Signal Control This equipment package provides the capability for traffic managers to monitor and manage the traffic flow at signalized intersections. This capability includes analyzing and reducing the collected data from traffic surveillance equipment and developing and implementing control plans for signalized intersections. Control plans may be developed and implemented that coordinate signals at many intersections under the domain of a single traffic management subsystem. In advanced implementations, this package collects route planning information and integrates and uses this information in predicting future traffic conditions and optimizing the traffic control strategy for these conditions. These capabilities are achieved through real-time communication of logged routes from an Information Service Provider. The planned control strategies can be passed back to the Information Service Provider so that the intended strategies can be reflected in future route planning.
TMC Traffic Information Dissemination This equipment package provides the capability to disseminate traffic and road conditions information to travelers. Information is provided to drivers using DMS, HAR, and in-vehicle signing equipment. Information is provided to other travelers by making current road network conditions information available to information service providers and the media.
TMC Work Zone Traffic Management This equipment package supports coordination with maintenance systems so that work zones are established that have minimum traffic impact. Traffic control strategies are implemented to further mitigate traffic impacts associated with work zones that are established.
Traffic and Roadside Data Archival This equipment package collects and archives traffic, roadway, and environmental information for use in off-line planning, research, and analysis. The equipment package controls and collects information directly from equipment at the roadside, reflecting the deployment of traffic detectors that are used primarily for traffic monitoring and planning purposes rather than for traffic management.
Traffic Data Collection This equipment package collects and stores traffic information that is collected in the course of traffic operations performed by the Traffic Management Subsystem. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.
Traffic Maintenance This equipment package provides monitoring and remote diagnostics of field equipment to detect field equipment failures, issues problem reports, and tracks the repair or replacement of the failed equipment.
Transit Center Fare and Load Management This equipment package provides the capability to accept collected data required to determine accurate ridership levels and implement variable and flexible fare structures. Support shall be provided for the traveler for use of a fare medium for all applicable surface transportation services, to pay without stopping, have payment media automatically identified as void and/or invalid and eligibility verified, and allow for third party payment. In addition, capability to provide expansion into other uses for payment medium such as retail and telephone and for off-line billing for fares paid by agencies shall be supported. This equipment package also supports the capability for two-way voice communication between the transit vehicle operator and a facility, two-way data communication between the transit vehicles and a facility, sensor data to be transmitted from the transit vehicles to a facility, and data transmission from individual facilities to a central facility for processing/analysis if desired. These equipment package builds on basic capabilities provided by the Transit Center Tracking and Dispatch equipment package.
Transit Center Fixed-Route Operations This equipment package enhances the planning and scheduling associated with fixed and flexible route transit services. The package allows fixed-route and flexible-route transit services to develop, print and disseminate schedules and automatically updates customer service operator systems with the most current schedule information. Current vehicle schedule adherence and optimum scenarios for schedule adjustment shall also be provided.
Transit Center Information Services This equipment package collects the latest available information for a transit service and makes it available to transit customers and to Information Service Providers for further distribution. Customers are provided information at transit stops and other public transportation areas before they embark and on-board the transit vehicle once they are enroute. Information provided can include the latest available information on transit routes, schedules, transfer options, fares, real-time schedule adherence, current incidents, weather conditions, and special events. In addition to general service information, tailored information (e.g, itineraries) are provided to individual transit users.
Transit Center Multi-Modal Coordination This equipment package provides the transit management subsystem the capability to determine the need for transit priority on routes and at certain intersections and request transit vehicle priority at these locations. It also supports schedule coordination between transit properties and coordinates with other surface and air transportation modes. As part of schedule coordination, this equipment package shares transit transfer cluster (a collection of stops, stations, or terminals where transfers can be made conveniently) and transfer point information between Multimodal Transportation Service Providers, Transit Agencies, and ISPs.
Transit Center Paratransit Operations This equipment package provides the capability to automate planning and scheduling, allowing paratransit and flexible-route transit services to develop, print and disseminate schedules, and automatically update customer service operator systems with the most current schedule. In addition, this equipment package provides the capability to assign vehicle operators to routes in a fair manner while minimizing labor and overtime services, including operator preferences and qualifications, and automatically tracking and validating the number of work hours performed by each individual operator. These capabilities shall be provided through the utilization of dispatch and fleet management software running on a workstation type processor.
Transit Center Security This equipment package provides the capability to monitor transit vehicle operator or transit user activated alarms received from on-board a transit vehicle. This package also includes the capability to support transit vehicle operator authentication and the capability to remotely disable a transit vehicle. This package also includes the capability to alert operators and police to potential incidents identified by these security features.
Transit Center Tracking and Dispatch This equipment package provides the capabilities for monitoring transit vehicle locations and determining vehicle schedule adherence. The equipment package shall also furnish users with real-time travel related information, continuously updated with real-time information from each transit system within the local area of jurisdiction, inclusive of all transportation modes, from all providers of transportation services, and provide users with the latest available information on transit routes, schedules, transfer options, fares, real-time schedule adherence, current incidents conditions, weather conditions, and special events. This equipment package also supports the capability for two-way voice communication between the transit vehicle operator and a facility, two-way data communication between the transit vehicles and a facility.
Transit Data Collection This equipment package collects and stores transit information that is collected in the course of transit operations performed by the Transit Management Subsystem. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.
Transit Evacuation Support This equipment package manages transit resources to support evacuation and subsequent reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency. It supports coordination of regional evacuation plans, identifying the transit role in a regional evacuation and identifying transit resources that would be used. During an evacuation, this equipment package coordinates the use of transit and school bus fleets, supporting evacuation of those with special needs and the general population. Transit service and fare schedules are adjusted and updated service and fare information is made available through traveler information systems. This equipment package coordinates the functions in other Transit equipment packages to support these requirements.
Transit Garage Maintenance This equipment package provides advanced maintenance functions for the transit property. It collects operational and maintenance data from transit vehicles, manages vehicle service histories, and monitors operators and vehicles. It collects vehicle mileage data and uses it to automatically generate preventative maintenance schedules for each vehicle by utilizing vehicle tracking data from a prerequisite vehicle tracking equipment package. In addition, it provides information to proper service personnel to support maintenance activities and records and verifies that maintenance work was performed. This equipment package receives special events and real-time incident data from the traffic management subsystem and assigns operators to vehicles and transit routes. Garage maintenance also receives information about incidents involving transit vehicles from the TMC in order to dispatch tow trucks and other repair vehicles.
Transit Garage Operations This equipment package automates and supports the assignment of transit vehicles and operators to enhance the daily operation of a transit service. It provides the capability to assign operators to routes or service areas in a fair manner while minimizing labor and overtime services, considering operator preferences and qualifications, and automatically tracking and validating the number of work hours performed by each individual operator.
Traveler Secure Area Sensor Monitoring This equipment package includes sensors that monitor conditions of secure areas that are frequented by travelers (i.e., transit stops, transit stations, rest areas, park and ride lots, modal interchange facilities, etc). Included are acoustic, environmental threat (e.g. chemical agent, toxic industrial chemical, biological, explosives, and radiological sensors), and motion and object sensors.
Traveler Secure Area Surveillance This equipment package manages surveillance equipment that monitors secure areas in the transportation system that are frequented by travelers (i.e., transit stops, transit stations, rest areas, park and ride lots, modal interchange facilities, etc). This package collects the images and audio inputs at the secure area and provides the surveillance information to the Emergency Management Subsystem. The equipment package also provides local processing of the video or audio information, providing processed or analyzed results to the Emergency Management Subsystem. This equipment package provides the same functions as the Field Secure Area Surveillance equipment package.
Traveler Telephone Information This equipment package services voice-based traveler requests for information that supports traveler telephone information systems like 511. The equipment package takes requests for traveler information, which could be voice-formatted traveler requests, dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF)-based requests, or a simple traveler information request, and returns the requested traveler information in the proper format. In addition to servicing requests for traveler information, this equipment package also collects and forwards alerts and advisories to traveler telephone information systems.
Vehicle Location Determination This equipment package determines current location information and provides this information to other equipment packages that use the location information to provide various ITS services.
Vehicle Mayday I/F This equipment package shall provide the capability for an in-vehicle manually initiated distress signal with cancel a prior issued manual request for help feature. This capability shall include automatically identifying that a collision had occurred using equipment such as collision detection sensors with interface to mayday type equipment that would automatically detect vehicle problems and for some cases, automatically send appropriate distress signals to the Emergency Management Subsystem.

Last updated: 02-09-06