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Equipment Package: Fleet HAZMAT Management

Description: This equipment package provides the Fleet and Freight Management Subsystem the capabilities to enhance the Fleet Administration equipment package functions by adding HAZMAT tracking. The additional requirements to perform this function include enhanced processing and enhanced fleet management software. In order to effectively track HAZMAT cargo, communication interfaces to Information Service Providers, and Emergency Management Subsystems shall be provided, including additional communication software.
Included In: Private Fleet Operations
Rail Operations Centers
Functional Requirements 1 - The center shall track the routing and cargo information, including the manifest data plus the chemical characteristics of a hazardous materials (HAZMAT) load being carried by its fleet of commercial vehicles.
2 - The center shall provide information concerning commercial vehicles carrying hazardous materials (HAZMAT) upon request from an emergency management center. The information includes the nature of the cargo being carried, identity of the vehicle and unloading instructions.

Last updated: 02-09-06