Our Approach
At ConSysTec, every project is focused on meeting the goals and objectives of the customer. While some projects are similar, no two projects are exactly the same. Our approach on every single project is to start by fully understanding the needs and desires of the customer on that specific project, so that our priorities align exactly with those of the customer.
Most of the projects we undertake at ConSysTec involve applying the Systems Engineering Process for our customers. Sometimes this is for a specific deployment that a customer is preparing, and other times it is to produce a a regional ITS architecture, or standard, both of which take a role in the Systems Engineering Process for ITS. However, we take the Systems Engineering Process further, and use it to manage our project outputs. Just as we apply Systems Engineering to our customers' projects, we apply it to ourselves to better serve those same customers.
Some of the specific things we do to best serve our customers:
- Provide highly qualified, dedicated staff to lead, support, and review each project.
- Ensure a consensus, by working with a full set of involved stakeholders on each project.
- Maintaining frequent communication with our customers to ensure both that the customer is kept informed of progress, and that we are kept up to date on details affecting the project.
- Provide online "wikis" or collaboration spaces to share documents and information with our customers.
- Create project websites, that can be made available to stakeholders, and the public, if desired.
- Perform quality assurance and quality control on every deliverable, to ensure that the customer receives the best possible product.
- Utilize Project Management best practices, which ensures that the project stays on schedule and within the budget.
- Utilize Systems Engineering to minimize the risk bourne by our customers, and ensure that the outputs of the project meet the needs of our customers.
- Excellence in everything we do. We do the best possible work at all times.
- Service to our Customers. All of our work is centered around meeting the goals and objectives of our customers.
- Respect to all Individuals. We look past differences in opinion to bring a consensus to the outcome of every project.