Architecture Flow: roadway equipment coordination

The direct flow of information between field equipment. This includes transfer of information between sensors and driver information systems (e.g., DMS, HAR) or control devices (e.g., traffic signals, ramp meters), direct coordination between adjacent control devices, interfaces between detection and warning or alarm systems, and any other direct communications between field equipment. This includes information exchanged between a Signal System Master (SSM) and the Signal System Local (SSL) equipment.

Communications Standards:
NTCIP C2C AASHTO-17 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Application Profile NTCIP 2303
NTCIP C2C AASHTO-20 Application Profile for DATEX-ASN (AP-DATEX) NTCIP 2304
NTCIP C2C AASHTO-21 Octet Encoding Rules (OER) Base Protocol NTCIP 1102
NTCIP C2C AASHTO-28 Ethernet Subnetwork Profile NTCIP 2104
NTCIP C2C AASHTO-39 Center-to-Center Naming Convention Specification NTCIP 1104
NTCIP C2C AASHTO-XML Application Profile for XML Message Encoding and Transport in ITS Center-to-Center Communications (C2C XML) NTCIP 2306
NTCIP C2C S-88 Internet (TCP/IP and UDP/IP) Transport Profile NTCIP 2202
Message Standards:
AASHTO-42 AASHTO-42 Field Management Stations (FMS) - Part 1: Object Definitions for Signal System Masters NTCIP 1210
NEMA TS3.5 NEMA TS3.5 Object Definitions for Actuated Traffic Signal Controller (ASC) Units NTCIP 1202
Data Standards:
No Data Standards

Last updated: 07-01-08