ITS Element: Santa Fe County Field Equipment

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Description: The field equipment owned and operated by the County Road and Bridge agency for maintenance and other activities. Includes portable dynamic message signs.
Status: Existing
Stakeholder: Santa Fe County Public Works
Mapping: Roadway Subsystem


Rail Operators Wayside Equipment
Santa Fe County Maintenance Dispatch
Santa Fe County Traffic Operations Center
Santa Fe County Traffic Operations Center
Market Packages: ATMS01 - Network Surveillance - County of Santa Fe
ATMS03 - Surface Street Control - Santa Fe County
ATMS13 - Standard Railroad Grade Crossing - Municipalities
MC03 - Road Weather Data Collection - Santa Fe County
MC08 - Work Zone Management - Santa Fe County
Functional Requirements:

Roadway Basic Surveillance

  • The field element shall collect, process, digitize, and send traffic sensor data (speed, volume, and occupancy) to the center for further analysis and storage, under center control.
  • The field element shall collect, process, and send traffic images to the center for further analysis and distribution.
  • The field element shall return sensor and CCTV system operational status to the controlling center.
  • The field element shall return sensor and CCTV system fault data to the controlling center for repair.
  • The field element shall return sensor operational status to the controlling center.
  • The field element shall return sensor fault data to the controlling center for repair.
  • The field element shall return CCTV system fault data to the controlling center for repair.

Roadway Environmental Monitoring

  • The field element shall include surface and sub-surface environmental sensors that measure road surface temperature, moisture, icing, salinity, and other measures.
  • The field element shall include environmental sensors that measure weather conditions including temperature, wind, humidity, precipitation, and visibility.
  • The field element's environmental sensors shall be remotely controlled by a traffic management center.
  • The field element shall provide environmental sensor equipment operational status to the controlling center or maintenance vehicle.
  • The field element shall provide environmental sensor equipment fault indication to the controlling center or maintenance vehicle.
  • The field element shall remotely aggregate environmental sensor data with environmental data collected from maintenance and construction vehicles.
  • The field element shall provide weather and road surface condition data to centers.

Roadway Signal Controls

  • The field element shall return traffic signal controller fault data to the maintenance center for repair.
  • The field element shall control traffic signals at intersections and on main highways for urban and rural areas, under center control.
  • The field element shall collect pedestrian images and pedestrian sensor data, and respond to pedestrian crossing requests via display, audio signal, or other manner.
  • The field element shall provide the capability to notify the traffic management center that a pedestrian has requested right-of-way and when the request was or will be granted (request for right-of-way).
  • The field element shall monitor operation of traffic signal controllers and report to the center any instances in which the indicator response does not match that expected from the indicator control information.
  • The field element shall monitor operation of traffic signal controllers and report to the center any instances in which the indicator response does not match that expected from known indicator preemptions.
  • The field element shall return traffic signal controller operational status to the controlling center.

Standard Rail Crossing

  • The field element shall collect and process, traffic sensor data in the vicinity of a highway-rail intersection (HRI).
  • The field element shall monitor the status of the highway-rail intersection (HRI) equipment, including both the current state and mode of operation and the current equipment condition, to be forwarded on to the traffic management center.
  • The field element shall monitor the status of the highway-rail intersection (HRI) equipment, including both the current state and mode of operation and the current equipment condition, to be forwarded on to the rail wayside equipment.
  • The field element shall receive track status from the rail wayside equipment that can be passed on to the traffic management center. This may include the current status of the tracks and whether a train is approaching.
  • The field element shall collect pedestrian images and pedestrian sensor data, and respond to pedestrian crossing requests via display, audio signal, or other manner.
  • The field element shall control the dynamic message signs (DMS) in the vicinity of a highway-rail intersection (HRI) to advise drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians of approaching trains.
  • The field element shall close the highway-rail intersection (HRI) when a train is approaching using gates, lights/signs, barriers, and traffic control signals.
  • The field element shall support the integrated control of adjacent traffic signals to clear an area in advance of an approaching train and to manage traffic around the intersection.
  • The field element shall forward rail traffic advisories received from the Wayside Equipment to the traffic management center.

Roadway Work Zone Traffic Control

  • Under traffic and maintenance center control, the field element shall include driver information systems (such as dynamic messages signs and highway advisory radios) that advise drivers of activity around the work zone through which they are currently passing.
  • Under the control of field personnel within maintenance vehicles, the field element shall include driver information systems (such as dynamic messages signs and highway advisory radios) that advise drivers of activity around a work zone through which they are currently passing.
  • The field element shall provide operational status for the surveillance (e.g. CCTV), driver information systems, and gates/barriers in work zones to the maintenance center.
  • The field element shall provide fault data for the surveillance (e.g. CCTV), driver information systems, and gates/barriers in work zones to the maintenance center for repair.

Last updated: 12-29-11