Equipment Package: On-board Trip Monitoring

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Description: This equipment package provides the capabilities to support fleet management with automatic vehicle location and automated mileage and fuel reporting and auditing. In addition, this equipment is used to monitor the planned route and notify the Fleet and Freight Management Subsystem of any deviations.
Included In: Freight Planes
Freight Rail Vehicles
Freight Truck Vehicle
Functional Requirements 1 - The commercial vehicle shall compute the location of the commercial vehicle and its freight equipment based on inputs from commercial vehicle measures (e.g. identity, distance traveled, etc.) and a vehicle location determination function.
2 - The commercial vehicle shall provide details of the route input from the commercial vehicle fleet management center.
3 - The commercial vehicle shall provide warnings to the driver and the commercial vehicle fleet management center when the vehicle's location has deviated from its planned route.
4 - The commercial vehicle shall maintain the driver's daily log, vehicle location, mileage, and trip activity (includes screening, inspection and border clearance event data as well as fare payments) and distribute it to the driver and to the commercial vehicle fleet management center upon request.
5 - The commercial vehicle shall provide on-board vehicle data to the commercial vehicle fleet management center upon request - includes location, credentials, driver license citations, fuel purchase data, identity details, inspection data, log data, service records, safety systems diagnostics, and freight equipment data.
6 - The commercial vehicle shall maintain the interface between the vehicle, its driver, and the commercial vehicle fleet management center for dispatch, routing, and special instructions as well as payment, and enrollment information.

Last updated: 10-22-09