ITS Element: DATA Transit Dispatch Facility

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Description: The DATA has their own operations center that dispatches their transit fleet vehicles. The Center plans to use AVL technology to dispatch, track, and manage their transit fleet.
Status: Existing
Stakeholder: Delaware Area Transit Agency (DATA)
Mapping: Transit Management


Columbus Traffic Management Center
COTA Fixed Route Transit Management System
COTA Paratransit Management System
County EMA Emergency Operations Centers (EOC)
DATA On Demand Transit Vehicles
DATA Transit Fixed Route Vehicles
DATA Website
Financial Institutions
Local Maintenance and Construction Management
Local Traffic Management Centers
ODOT District Offices
ODOT Maintenance Garages

Market Packages:

APTS01 - Transit Vehicle Tracking - DATA
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - DATA
APTS03 - Demand Response Transit Operations - DATA
APTS04 - Transit Fare Collection Management - DATA
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - COTA
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Local Counties and Municipalities
EM06 - Wide-Area Alert - County EOCs (1 of 2)
EM07 - Early Warning System - County EOCs
EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery - County EOCs (2 of 2)
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - County EOCs
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - Local Counties and Municipalities (2 of 2)
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - ODOT
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - ODOT
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Local Counties and Municipalities
Equipment Packages: Transit Center Fare Management
Transit Center Fixed-Route Operations
Transit Center Information Services
Transit Center Multi-Modal Coordination
Transit Center Paratransit Operations
Transit Center Security
Transit Center Vehicle Tracking
Transit Evacuation Support
Transit Vehicle Operator Assignment

Last updated: 10-22-09