Final New Mexico Statewide ITS Architecture

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ITS Element: NMDOT District Maintenance Office

Description: This element represents the office in charge of maintenance and construction operations for each NMDOT district.
Status: Existing
Stakeholder: NMDOT - New Mexico Department of Transportation
Mapping: Maintenance and Construction Management
Other MCM


ADOT Maintenance Sections
BIA Roads
BIA/Tribal Public Safety Dispatch
CDOT Maintenance Sections
City of Roswell Public Safety Dispatch
City of Roswell Public Works Dispatch
County Public Works Dispatch
Mexico Regional Maintenance Section
Mid-Region RTD Operations Center
Military Installation Operations Offices
Municipal Public Safety Dispatch
Municipal Public Works Dispatch
National Parks and Monuments Sites
National Weather Service
New Mexico National Guard Command System
New Mexico Regional HAZMAT Teams
New Mexico State Radio Communications Bureau (RCB)
New Mexico Statewide Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
New Mexico Travel and Tourism Website
NM DPS District Dispatch Center
NM DPS Mobile Command Center
NM Motor Transport Division (MTD) District Offices
NMDOT Advanced Traveler Information System
NMDOT District 1 TOC
NMDOT District 2 TOC
NMDOT District 3 TOC
NMDOT District 4 TOC
NMDOT District 5 TOC
NMDOT District 6 TOC
NMDOT District Maintenance and Construction Vehicles
NMDOT District Maintenance Units Dispatch
NMDOT District Public Information System
NMDOT Field Sensors
NMDOT Highway Maintenance Management System (HMMS)
NMDOT Park and Ride Dispatch
NMDOT Patrol Yard
NMDOT Statewide Public Information Office
NMDOT Statewide TMC
NMDOT Traveler Information Website
NMDOT Work Zone Equipment
North Central RTD Operations
OkDOT Maintenance Sections
Other NMDOT District Maintenance Dispatch
Private Weather Information Provider
Rail Runner Operations
Regional Emergency Communications Center
Regional Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
South Central RTD Operations
Southwest RTD Operations
Tribal Public Safety Dispatch-Statewide
Tribal Road Maintenance
TxDOT District Maintenance Sections
US Border Patrol Stations
US Bureau of Land Management Offices
US Forest Service Offices

Market Packages:

AD1 - ITS Data Mart - HMMS
AD1 - ITS Data Mart - NMDOT TIMS (Formerly NMDOT Consolidated Highway Database)
AD1 - ITS Data Mart - NMDOT SITE Manager
APTS2 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - Rail Runner
APTS2 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - NMDOT Park and Ride
APTS2 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - North Central RTD
APTS3 - Demand Response Transit Operations - South Central RTD
APTS3 - Demand Response Transit Operations - North Central RTD
APTS3 - Demand Response Transit Operations - MidRTD
APTS3 - Demand Response Transit Operations - Southwest RTD
ATIS1 - Broadcast Traveler Information - NMDOT Public Information System (Inputs)
ATIS2 - Interactive Traveler Information - New Mexico Travel and Tourism (Inputs) (1 of 3)
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - NMDOT Statewide TMC (TM to MCM)
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - NMDOT District 4 TOC (TM to MCM)
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - NMDOT District 5 TOC (TM to MCM)
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - NMDOT District 6 TOC (TM to MCM)
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - NMDOT District Maintenance (EM to MCM)
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - NMDOT District 2 TOC (MCM to EM)
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - NMDOT District 3 TOC (TM to MCM)
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - NMDOT District 1 TOC (TM to MCM)
ATMS21 - Roadway Closure Management - NMDOT (2 of 2)
EM06 - Wide-Area Alert - Amber Alert (3 of 3)
EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery - Regional EOC (2 of 3)
EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery - State EOC (2 of 3)
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - Statewide EOC
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - Regional EOC (2 of 2)
MC01 - Maintenance and Construction Vehicle and Equipment Tracking - NMDOT and City of Roswell
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - NMDOT (1 of 8)
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - NMDOT
MC07 - Roadway Maintenance and Construction - NMDOT (2 of 2)
MC07 - Roadway Maintenance and Construction - NMDOT (1 of 2)
MC08 - Work Zone Management - NMDOT
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Activity Coordination - NMDOT (1 of 3)
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Activity Coordination - NMDOT (3 of 3)
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Activity Coordination - NMDOT (2 of 3)
Equipment Packages: MCM Data Collection
MCM Incident Management
MCM Maintenance Decision Support
MCM Roadway Maintenance and Construction
MCM Vehicle Tracking
MCM Winter Maintenance Management
MCM Work Activity Coordination
MCM Work Zone Management

Last updated: 03-27-07