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IEEE P1512-2000: Standard for Common Incident Management Message Sets (IMMS) for use by EMCs

Architecture Geographic Scope
Source Element Destination Element Flow
Capital State Police PSAP NYS Police Information Network incident report
CDTA Transit Dispatch Local Public Safety Dispatch transit emergency coordination data
City of Albany/City of Schenectady/Local TMC Local Dept of Public Works incident information
Local Dept of Public Works maint and constr resource response
Local Public Safety Dispatch incident information
Local Public Safety Dispatch maint and constr resource request
Local Public Safety Dispatch resource request
NYSDOT/ NYSP Capital Region TMC incident information
NYSDOT/ NYSP Capital Region TMC maint and constr resource request
NYSDOT/ NYSP Capital Region TMC maint and constr resource response
NYSTA Thruway Statewide Operations Center (TSOC) incident information
NYSTA Thruway Statewide Operations Center (TSOC) maint and constr resource request
NYSTA Thruway Statewide Operations Center (TSOC) maint and constr resource response
Local Dept of Public Works City of Albany/City of Schenectady/Local TMC incident information
City of Albany/City of Schenectady/Local TMC maint and constr resource request
Local Public Safety Dispatch CDTA Transit Dispatch transit emergency data
City of Albany/City of Schenectady/Local TMC incident information
City of Albany/City of Schenectady/Local TMC incident information request
City of Albany/City of Schenectady/Local TMC maint and constr resource response
City of Albany/City of Schenectady/Local TMC resource deployment status
NYS Police Dispatch- COMSEC incident report
NYS Police Dispatch- COMSEC incident response coordination
NYS Police Information Network incident report
NYS Police Troop T Dispatch incident report
NYS Police Troop T Dispatch incident response coordination
NYSTA Thruway Statewide Operations Center (TSOC) incident report
NYSTA Thruway Statewide Operations Center (TSOC) incident response coordination
School Bus Dispatch-Public transit emergency data
NYS DMV Accident Reporting System Capital State Police PSAP emergency archive data
Local Public Safety Dispatch emergency archive data
NYS Police Dispatch- COMSEC emergency archive data
NYS Police Troop T Dispatch emergency archive data
NYS Police Dispatch- COMSEC Local Public Safety Dispatch incident report
Local Public Safety Dispatch incident response coordination
NYS Police Information Network incident report
NYSTA Thruway Statewide Operations Center (TSOC) incident report
NYSTA Thruway Statewide Operations Center (TSOC) incident response coordination
NYS Police Information Network Capital State Police PSAP incident report
Local Public Safety Dispatch incident report
NYS Police Dispatch- COMSEC incident report
NYS Police Troop T Dispatch incident report
NYS Police Troop T Dispatch Local Public Safety Dispatch incident report
Local Public Safety Dispatch incident response coordination
NYS Police Information Network incident report
NYSDOT Regional Operations and Maintenance NYSDOT/ NYSP Capital Region TMC incident information
NYSDOT/ NYSP Capital Region TMC maint and constr resource request
NYSDOT/ NYSP Capital Region TMC City of Albany/City of Schenectady/Local TMC incident information
City of Albany/City of Schenectady/Local TMC maint and constr resource request
City of Albany/City of Schenectady/Local TMC maint and constr resource response
NYSDOT Regional Operations and Maintenance incident information
NYSDOT Regional Operations and Maintenance maint and constr resource response
NYSTA Thruway Statewide Operations Center (TSOC) incident information
NYSTA Thruway Statewide Operations Center (TSOC) maint and constr resource request
NYSTA Thruway Statewide Operations Center (TSOC) maint and constr resource response
NYSTA Operations and Maintenance Dispatch NYSTA Thruway Statewide Operations Center (TSOC) incident information
NYSTA Thruway Statewide Operations Center (TSOC) maint and constr resource request
NYSTA Thruway Statewide Operations Center (TSOC) City of Albany/City of Schenectady/Local TMC incident information
City of Albany/City of Schenectady/Local TMC maint and constr resource request
City of Albany/City of Schenectady/Local TMC maint and constr resource response
Local Public Safety Dispatch incident report
Local Public Safety Dispatch incident response coordination
NYS Police Dispatch- COMSEC incident report
NYS Police Dispatch- COMSEC incident response coordination
NYSDOT/ NYSP Capital Region TMC incident information
NYSDOT/ NYSP Capital Region TMC maint and constr resource request
NYSDOT/ NYSP Capital Region TMC maint and constr resource response
NYSTA Operations and Maintenance Dispatch incident information
NYSTA Operations and Maintenance Dispatch maint and constr resource response
School Bus Dispatch-Public Local Public Safety Dispatch transit emergency coordination data
Last Update: 09-15-2003