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NTCIP 1301: Message Set for Weather Reports

Architecture Geographic Scope
Source Element Destination Element Flow
Capital District ATIS Center City of Albany/City of Schenectady/Local TMC road network conditions
NYSDOT/ NYSP Capital Region TMC road network conditions
NYSTA Thruway Statewide Operations Center (TSOC) road network conditions
Capital State Police PSAP City of Albany/City of Schenectady/Local TMC road network conditions
CDTA Transit Dispatch CDTC Real-Time Travel Demand Model System road network conditions
City of Albany/City of Schenectady/Local TMC road network conditions
NYSDOT/ NYSP Capital Region TMC road network conditions
NYSTA Thruway Statewide Operations Center (TSOC) road network conditions
Local Public Safety Dispatch City of Albany/City of Schenectady/Local TMC road network conditions
Local Transit Operations Centers City of Albany/City of Schenectady/Local TMC road network conditions
NYSDOT/ NYSP Capital Region TMC road network conditions
NYSTA Thruway Statewide Operations Center (TSOC) road network conditions
Newspapers, Radio, Television Stations City of Albany/City of Schenectady/Local TMC road network conditions
NYSDOT/ NYSP Capital Region TMC road network conditions
NYSTA Thruway Statewide Operations Center (TSOC) road network conditions
NYS Police Dispatch- COMSEC City of Albany/City of Schenectady/Local TMC road network conditions
NYSDOT/ NYSP Capital Region TMC road network conditions
NYSDOT Capital Region TMC Traveler Information System City of Albany/City of Schenectady/Local TMC road network conditions
NYSDOT/ NYSP Capital Region TMC road network conditions
NYSTA Thruway Statewide Operations Center (TSOC) road network conditions
NYSTA Thruway Statewide Operations Center (TSOC) City of Albany/City of Schenectady/Local TMC road network conditions
Tow Dispatch NYSTA Thruway Statewide Operations Center (TSOC) road network conditions
Last Update: 09-15-2003