The following equipment packages are associated with the "Capital District ATIS Center" element. Select the "Details" icon to see the detailed process specifications that support each equipment package, or consult the National ITS Architecture web site for more information.
Interactive Infrastructure Information
This Equipment package shall have as prerequisite the capabilities of the Basic Information Broadcast Equipment package. This Equipment package augments the Basic Information Broadcast Equipment package by providing the capabilities for interactive traveler information.
This Equipment package provides capabilities in addition to those provided by the TMC Basic Signal Control Equipment package for analyzing, controlling, and optimizing area-wide traffic flow. These capabilities provide for wide area optimization integrating control of a network signal system with control of freeway, considering current demand as well as expected demand with a goal of providing the capability for real-time traffic adaptive control while balancing inter-jurisdictional control issues to achieve regional solutions. These capabilities are best provided using a Traffic Management Center (TMC) to monitor and manage freeway ramp meters and intersection traffic signals and software to process traffic information and implement traffic management measures (e.g., ramp metering, signalization, and traffic coordination between both local and regional jurisdiction). The TMC shall be able to communicate with other TMCs in order to receive and transmit traffic information on other jurisdictions within the region.