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Architecture Flow: vehicle probe data

Vehicle probe data indicating identity, route segment identity, link time and location.

Communications Standards:
DSRC 5GHz IEEE 1609.1 Resource Manager for DSRC 5.9 GHz IEEE 1609.1
DSRC 5GHz IEEE 1609.2 Application Services (Layers 6,7) for DSRC 5.9 GHz IEEE 1609.2
DSRC 5GHz IEEE 1609.3 Communications Services (Layers 4,5) for DSRC 5.9 GHz (Future Standard) IEEE 1609.3
DSRC 5GHz IEEE 1609.4 Medium Access Control (MAC) Extension & the MAC Extension Management Entity for DSRC 5.9 GHz IEEE 1609.4
DSRC 5GHz IEEE 802.11 Standard Specification for Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Roadside and Vehicle Systems - 5 GHz Band Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications IEEE 802.11
DSRC 5GHz IEEE 802.2 Logical Link (Layer 2) for DSRC 5.9 GHz IEEE 802.2
DSRC 5GHz ISO 21210 Networking Services (Layer 3) for DSRC 5.9 GHz ISO 21210
DSRC 915MHz ASTM1 Standard Specification for Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) Physical Layer using Microwave in the 902-928 MHz Band ASTM E2158-01
DSRC 915MHz ASTM2 Standard Provisional Specification for Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) Data Link Layer ASTM PS 105-99
NTCIP C2F AASHTO-17 Application Profile for File Transfer Protocol (FTP) NTCIP 2303
NTCIP C2F AASHTO-18 Application Profile for Trivial File Transfer Protocol NTCIP 2302
NTCIP C2F AASHTO-21 Base Standard: Octet Encoding Rules (OER) NTCIP 1102
NTCIP C2F AASHTO-28 Subnet Profile for Ethernet NTCIP 2104
NTCIP C2F AASHTO-30 Subnet Profile for Point-to-Point Protocol using RS 232 NTCIP 2103
NTCIP C2F AASHTO-31 Transportation Transport Profile NTCIP 2201
NTCIP C2F AASHTO-38 Simple Transportation Management Protocol (STMP) NTCIP 1103
NTCIP C2F AASHTO-47 Subnet Profile for PMPP Over FSK modems NTCIP 2102
NTCIP C2F NEMA TS3.2 Simple Transportation Management Framework (STMF) NTCIP 1101
NTCIP C2F NEMA-TS3.p Point to Multi-Point Protocol Using RS-232 Subnetwork Profile NTCIP 2101
NTCIP C2F S-85 Application Profile for Simple Transportation Management Framework (STMF) NTCIP 2301
NTCIP C2F S-88 Internet (TCP/IP and UDP/IP) Transport Profile NTCIP 2202
Message Standards:
NEMA TS3.4 NEMA TS3.4 Global Object Definitions NTCIP 1201
P1455 P1455 Standard for Message Sets for Vehicle/Roadside Communications IEEE Std 1455-1999
S-80 S-80 Data Collection & Monitoring Devices NTCIP 1206
Data Standards:
No Data Standards

Last updated: 02-11-05